~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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H: Hey, Eric the murder weapon is in that canal. Go get it!!
Eric: But I can't swim.
H: Very funny.
Eric:And It's full of alligators and sharks!
H: That's okay, I already fed Stetler to them. They shouldn't be hungry!
Eric: Then you won't mind going in. *pushes Horatio*
H: When I get out of here, you're fired!
ERic: *runs away, giggling madly*
Horatio: *flips out cell* Hello?
[2 minutes later]
Calleigh: What's wrong H?
Horatio: Mothers keep on calling me!
Speed: What? To ask you out? *snicker*
Horatio: Some. But they keep on calling me to baby-sit their kids!
Calleigh: You give out your number to easily to the families of the victims...
Hunter said:
Horatio: *flips out cell* Hello?
[2 minutes later]
Calleigh: What's wrong H?
Horatio: Mothers keep on calling me!
Speed: What? To ask you out? *snicker*
Horatio: Some. But they keep on calling me to baby-sit their kids!
Calleigh: You give out your number to easily to the families of the victims...

I keep waiting for that to happen on the show! :lol:
Here's a different version.

[flips out cell]
Horatio: Hello?
[2 minutes later]
Calleigh: What’s wrong H?
Horatio: Woman keep on calling me!
Calleigh: …To ask you out?
Horatio: No! Well. Some. But, woman keep on calling me to see if I can baby-sit their kids!
Calleigh: Huh. I figured they would be asking you out.
*awkward silence*
Calleigh: Not that I…would be… *clears throat* asking you out….

Even though i'm a H/Y person. :)

Team: *stares*
Horatio : Whatareyoulookingat?Ihadtoomuchcaffeine.

Suspect: How would you like it if I made your life a living hell?
Horatio: Well, miss, I'm not quite ready for a relationship right now, but maybe I'll give you a call sometime.

TV reporter: Lt Caine now that you've gotton rid Clavo Cruz, what are you gonna do next?
Horatio: I'm going to Disney World!!!

edited by mod as text was stretching the screen
*at a crime scene*
Frank: So it looks like the in-laws were the last people to see the vic alive.
Horatio: Well, Frank, you know what they say about in-laws… *puts on shades*
*silence. Frank taps his foot impatiently*
Frank: …Well?
Horatio: Huh? Oh, no, I was asking you. I have no idea what they say about in-laws.
*cue The Who music*

Horatio: So, I hear you have the sniper surrounded by the SWAT team. Tell me the name of the officers.
Eric: Yes, I have Who on the rooftop, What's on the fire escape...
Horatio: That's what I am asking. Who's on the fire escape?
Eric: No, Who's on the roof, What's on the fire escape…..
Horatio: I don't know.
Eric: He's in the alley.
Horatio: Who's in the alley?
Eric: No. Who's on the roof.
Horatio: I don't know.
Both: Alley.
Horatio: Tell me the name of the officer behind the squad car.
Eric: Tomorrow.
Horatio: Not today?
Eric: No, he's the driver of the SWAT truck.
H: *walks off* I’ll come back when you start making sense…
Thanks. :)

[Horatio and Ryan are in the Hummer]
Ryan: What music do you listen to, H?
Horatio: Anything with a beat.
*Ryan stares*
Horatio: *drums hand on wheel* You know, ba-ba bata.
*Ryan turns the CD player on*
Horatio: *singing along* His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy..

:lol: H singing along with Eminem. *scoffs* THAT'LL be the day...
:lol: The sad thing is I can picture him clearly sitting in the driver seat, taping the steering wheel to the beat.

*Horatio walks into the break room.*
Horatio: Good morning Calleigh.
Calleigh: :eek:... Horatio? What did you do to your hair?
Horatio: Oh, this? Well I decided to go for a new look: Beach Blonde!
Calleigh:... *thud*

Oh no! Never get rid of the red H! Ever!
Frank: What did you see? (Quietly) meow.
Witness: Did you meow at me?
Frank: That's ridiclous. meow.
Witness: You just did it again!
Frank: You're crazy! meow.
Leftyguitar said:
Frank: What did you see? (Quietly) meow.
Witness: Did you meow at me?
Frank: That's ridiclous. meow.
Witness: You just did it again!
Frank: You're crazy! meow.

:lol: :lol: That's a good one!
OOH I totally forgot about that!

H: I've good news and bad news.
Team: Whats the bad news?
H: We have a triple homicide.
Team: Whats the good news?
H: I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.
ilh214 said:
OOH I totally forgot about that!

H: I've good news and bad news.
Team: Whats the bad news? :lol: :lol: :lol:
H: We have a triple homicide.
Team: Whats the good news?
H: I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.

:lol: :lol: everytime somebody says I have good news that's the first thing I think of... and I don't even own a car. I watch too many comercials. :rolleyes:
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