~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Hunter said:
Speed: I can't beleive we have an ouiga board as evidence.
Eric: C'mon! Let's ask it a question!
Speed: *silence* Your kidding right?
Eric: No... *puts hand on*
Speed: *sigh* Fine. *puts hands on* Ouija board, will i become Leiutenant?
Eric: It's moving! "G...O...D...F...O...R...B....I...D."
Speed: *knocks board away* When i want editorial i'll ask for it you stupid board! *walks out*
Eric: ...Way to spoil the fun.

Calleigh: You say you're innocent,yet 5 people swore you shot the 2 guards.
Susupect: Miss, i can produce 500 people who didn't see me shoot anybody.

*shrugs* Not too great. I've had better days.
NO! That was great! I love the first one...God Forbid Speed every become lanrge and in charge...*sigh* I miss Speed...
Great one Hunter!
Eric Lying in the hospital bed hearing a voice.

Eric: "Who's there?

Speed: It's me Eric!

Eric: "Speed"

Speed: "Yeah", I came to let you know that you will survive
this pain and that I'm right here with you everyday.

Eric: "You sound so far away"

Speed: "Never eric", I'm always with you. I'm the breeze you
feel beside you each and every day.

Eric: "Thank God for sending you, Speed".
Eric and Ryan outside playing football
Eric: Go long ryan!!
Ryan: I'm open!!
H: would guys knock it off and get in here before I.A.B. gets here and we all get in trouble
Horatio: Ok, i'm getting sick and tired of this.
Speed: What are you gonna do?
Horatio: We're gonna close for a bit that what.
Speed: Wow that witness gave me a headache
Eric: What are you gonna do about it?
Speed: I just might have to go give him a headache of his own. *pulls out gun*
Eric: No! I wouldn't want to see my favorite person in prison for giving someone a headache

ok that sounded better in my head, but it is somewhat interesting to read.
:lol: LOL! Pretty good actually!

*looking at a bong found under couch*
Eric: Ya' know, i smoked pot a couple times when i was young too.
Cal: What did you say?
Eric: Ummm...
Cal: You smoked pot?
Eric: Prove it!
Cal: You just said it a couple seconds ago!
Eric: Prove that i said it a couple seconds ago! You don't have any witnesses!
Horatio steps up and knocks on a door.
H: (to himself) I have to tell Yelina how I feel…. That’s why I came to Brazil
Door opens, Horatio turns with a big smile…. Replaced by a dropped jaw.
Random Man: Uhhh…. I live here…
H: but then where is Yelina!
Random Man: uhhhh… who?
Horatio drops to his knees and raises his arms shouting to the sky.
H: Curse you Brazilian addresses! CURSE YOU!
Random Man slowly steps back into house, shuts door, locks it. Can be seen running away in background, while Horatio is still yelling at the sky.
Calleigh: "Horatio", oh my Horatio, wherefore art thou?

Horatio: "My Calleigh", I'm in the breakroom eating
Chef Boyardee Spaghetti.
Hunter said:
*looking at a bong found under couch*
Eric: Ya' know, i smoked pot a couple times when i was young too.
Cal: What did you say?
Eric: Ummm...
Cal: You smoked pot?
Eric: Prove it!
Cal: You just said it a couple seconds ago!
Eric: Prove that i said it a couple seconds ago! You don't have any witnesses!

In addition, hope you don't mind:

Ryan: *walks out of kitchen with tape recorder* I wouldn't be so sure about that...
Eric: *holding skull & quoting Shakesphere*
Cal: What are you doing... and why that skull wearing sunglasses?
Ryan: Hey, have either of guys seen H lately.

Can't think the excat line in the play but you get the idea ;)
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