~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Eric: I'll bring the booze
:lol: :lol: :lol: Good....one....*holds ribcage*

Horatio: Clavo, i will kill you.
Clavo: Over my dead body.
Horatio: ....that's exactly the point.

H: *banging on locker* Help! Heellpp!
Team: *runs over*
Cal: *opens door, H steps out straightning tie* What the heck were you doing in your locker H?
H: Ahem. Oh. Well. Um. I couldn't open the locker from the inside this time....i was changing out of my superhero apparel.
Speed: Is THAT why you never answer the cell sometimes??
Eric: Whats the outfit like?
H: A completely white tux. Guys....i'm an angel.

"H": Calleigh, you're needed in bullistics.

Cal: "okay, on my way.

Tripp: "H", she's not needed there.

"H": I know! I just love to watch her wiggle her cakes.
"wiggle her cakes"??

Stetler: Screw you.
Horatio: Get bent.

Horatio: Up up and away! *jumps in air, falls back down* Ahh! Kryptonite! Kryptonite!

*Eric and Speed scuba diving*
Eric: Ooo there's a frog! C'mon let's catch it!
Speed: I'm not going near it.
Eric: Why not?
Speed: They drink water all day just in case someone picks them up. *crosses arms*
Eric: *silence* Way to spoil the fun.

Horatio: Shit.

Speed: Ya' know, i've never really liked racing games.
Oh well suh. I know its her ass yor talking about, it's just that how 'Horatio likes seeing her ass wiggle' disturbed. :lol:

Horatio: Hello Rick, may i ask you a question.
Stetler: Shoot.
Horatio: *raises eyebrows*
Stetler: Shit. *runs*
Horatio: *smiles* Knew you were going to say that. *pulls out gun*
Eric: "Ryan", come see this

Ryan:(dumb look on his face) "Oh my God", is that Tripp
dressed in drag

Eric: Yeah!

"H": (walking towards E and R) (tips his glasses down)
"Ryan", you didn't tell me your mother was visiting.
Eric: *toothpaste foaming out of mouth* Cal, look i have rabies.
Cal: Spit out the toothpaste and get back to work Eric.
Eric: *pause* Maybe Speed will fall for it if i bite him first... *walks away*

Horatio: I will never be old. I think old age is 15 years more than my current one.

That's all i got right now.
:lol: That's a good one Hunter :lol: :lol:

"H": "what have we got Alex?

Alex: I'm not sure Horatio, looks like a sticky substance and smells like peppermint.

Cal: (shows up on scene) "Oh my", the victim is covered
in peppermint massage oil.

Alex: "Calleigh" how do you know this?

Cal: (blushing) because, I remember the smell and I saw Stetler rub it on Tripp while he was dressed in his drag.
Tripp got pissed and told him to back off.

"H": I always knew there was something funny about those
I.A.B. guys. :cool:
Horatio: Hey who is that? Oh no Stetler!!! And...
Delko: Looks like that Ecklie guy from Vegas spread his pink thong obsession to Stetler! And now they're dancing together.
Calleigh: Gross
Stetler: "Horatio", I'd like you to meet Ecklie from Vegas.
He is here to help me on a case.

"H": (head down, trying not to laugh) And what case would
that be "Stetler"?

Stetler: Something funny "Horatio"?

Eric: (protects "H') "Stetler', is that the case of death
by the pink thong?

Stetler: You're pushing it Eric, I told you all I'm
improving my moves.

"H": (outburst of laughter) For what? The dance of the Pink
*laughs ass off* Good one! *wheezing laughter*

Eric: Dare to tazer youreslf.

Calleigh: *opens door* Hey Speed do you-
Speed: (with actions) Nausea heartburn indigestion upset stomach diarrhea! Hey Pepto Bismal!
Calleigh: *blink blink*

Horatio: Stetler, read my lips. Shut. Up.

Natalia: Can you describe this person?
Suspect: Sure, he was about medium height and had a beard.
Natalia: Was this a male or female?
Ryan: Eric, come quick Calleigh needs our help in the
bullistics lab.

Eric: "okay", I'm right behind you.

Ryan: Calleigh, what's the problem?

Calleigh: I can't release the pistol from Horatio's pants.

Eric and Ryan: (look at each other) uhhh!

Alex: (walks into lab) "Calleigh", how many times have I
told you you have to release the holster snap before
removing the pistol.
Speed: I can't beleive we have an ouiga board as evidence.
Eric: C'mon! Let's ask it a question!
Speed: *silence* Your kidding right?
Eric: No... *puts hand on*
Speed: *sigh* Fine. *puts hands on* Ouija board, will i become Leiutenant?
Eric: It's moving! "G...O...D...F...O...R...B....I...D."
Speed: *knocks board away* When i want editorial i'll ask for it you stupid board! *walks out*
Eric: ...Way to spoil the fun.

Calleigh: You say you're innocent,yet 5 people swore you shot the 2 guards.
Susupect: Miss, i can produce 500 people who didn't see me shoot anybody.

*shrugs* Not too great. I've had better days.
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