Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I love this thread... little idea:

<<Hawkes, Adam and Hammerback come running down the halls, followed by Stella.>>
MAC: "What's going on?"
STELLA: "Free live educational show in the locker room."
MAC: "What show?"
<<Stella takes Mac by the arm and leads him to the locker room. They enter, Hawkes and Adam shhs the noisy new-comers.>>
MAC: "What's going on?"
STELLA/ADAM/HAWKES: (whisper) "you'll see"
<<They start to watch Danny and Flack take a bath together>>
HAMMERBACK:(national geographic voice, complete with accent) what you see before you are fine specimens of a beautiful Italian Drama Queen and an incredible Irish hunk sharing a water-hole, helping to clean each other. This is a ritual carried out before mating. Actually reminds me of the time I was with a gorgous, little sex kitten...
HAWKES: shh... later with your stories.
ADAM: I love it when they get this way around the hot summer...
STELLA: now this is educational... is this biology or sex-ed?
Everyone snickered but Mac who was gawking at the two FINE specimens :devil:.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: That one is so funny! Really had me laughing hard, CrushinOnMesser!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

wow.. these quotes are really funny..

My classmates are all wondering why I am laughing so hard :D
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I just have the urge to hear Adam say "Well, see, what had happened was..." :p
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

CrushinOnMesser said:
I love this thread... little idea:

<<Hawkes, Adam and Hammerback come running down the halls, followed by Stella.>>
MAC: "What's going on?"
STELLA: "Free live educational show in the locker room."
MAC: "What show?"
<<Stella takes Mac by the arm and leads him to the locker room. They enter, Hawkes and Adam shhs the noisy new-comers.>>
MAC: "What's going on?"
STELLA/ADAM/HAWKES: (whisper) "you'll see"
<<They start to watch Danny and Flack take a bath together>>
HAMMERBACK:(national geographic voice, complete with accent) what you see before you are fine specimens of a beautiful Italian Drama Queen and an incredible Irish hunk sharing a water-hole, helping to clean each other. This is a ritual carried out before mating. Actually reminds me of the time I was with a gorgous, little sex kitten...
HAWKES: shh... later with your stories.
ADAM: I love it when they get this way around the hot summer...
STELLA: now this is educational... is this biology or sex-ed?
Everyone snickered but Mac who was gawking at the two FINE specimens :devil:.

Definitely put this in the "want to" see category! :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Thanks Marns! Here's a new one...

<<Leaving the bar.>>
DANNY:(drunk bursting out of the bar doors)when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie (hiccup) that's amore...
<<Flack and Aiden giggle :lol: helping Danny walk.>>
FLACK: never knew he could sing... "That's Amore"?
AIDEN: its the Italian in him.
DANNY: When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine (hiccup) that's amore...
FLACK: i'm sure it is Danny...
AIDEN: sure it is...
<<Put Danny's arms around their shoulders.>>
DANNY: c'mon everybody... Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
FLACK and AIDEN: ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
DANNY:and you'll sing "Vita bella"
<<Danny breaks away from their grip.>>
DANNY: Hearts will play (pats his chest) tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay like a gay...
<<just then Danny turns around and hits a street lamp and falls on the pavement. Flack and Aiden rush and looks down on him.>>
DANNY: (lifts his head still singing)...tarantella.
FLACK: can't we just leave him hear?
AIDEN: we can't... lets at least leave him little Italy :devil:.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

This is kinda lame but here it goes:
<Flack is helping danny with some beauty tips in the lab> (flack has a bitchy voice)
Flack: Now make sure you leave it on for 15 minutes and don't move a muscle on your face
Danny: I'll try to remember that, Donnie
<Mac walks in>
Mac: What the hell?
Flack: Isn't life full of surprises? I can see you could do with a beauty session too?
Mac: Sure why not?
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

<<Everyone's 5 years old and are playing in the sand box. The boys in one corner the girls on the other.>>
FLACK: Danny... I dare you to kiss Aiden.
DANNY: grosss... she has cooties!!
FLACK and HAWKES: CHICKEN!!! bucc bucc...
DANNY: (throws sand) i'm not a chicken.
FLACK: yes you are..
DANNY: no i'm not...
HAWKES: there's no such thing as cooties.
DANNY and FLACK: yes there are!!
MAC: there are no cooties...
DANNY: you're just saying that cause Stella's your girlfriend...
FLACK: Mac has a girlfriend. Mac has a girlfriend...
MAC: Stella's not my girlfriend...
DANNY and FLACK: Mac's got a girlfriend...
MAC: no i don't (throws sand at them)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Oh my gosh! :lol: That is DEFINATLY what a 5 yearold would do.. :lol: So funny!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny walks into the morgue, chewing on something. He walks up to Peyton.

Danny: Want some?

Peyton: What.. is that?

Danny : my very own homemade recipe for energy bar. It has onions, maple syrup, egg, sugar, salt, garlic, my soiled socks and vinegar! *grins stupidly* Try it!

Peyton turns green and dies! :mad: :lol: Die woman, DiE!!!!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

<<Everyone's 5 years old and are playing in the sand box. The boys in one corner the girls on the other.>>
STELLA: think Danny likes you...
AIDEN: yuk... that's gross...
STELLA: why?
AIDEN: eww... (makes glasses with her hands) he's such a nerd with those stupid glasses and he never combs his hair
STELLA: i think he's kinda cute... and he pulls on your pigtails.
AIDEN: so?
STELLA: my mom says if a boy likes you he acts like he doesn't
AIDEN: so why is Mac nice to you... doesn't he like you?
STELLA: (throws sand at Aiden) he doesn't...
AIDEN: why'd he give you his cookie at snack time?
STELLA: i don't know... (she blushes)
AIDEN: Stella's got a boyfriend! Stella's got a boyfriend
Stella sticks he tongue out :p.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

This is my first ever attempt kind of stupid but here it goes.

Danny is chasing a perp down a street.
DANNY: NYPD! Stop running! NYPD!

Perp actually stops running and comes to Danny holding out hands to be handcuffed. Hangs head in shame.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

My first time, too!
Here goes nothing:
More 5 year old stuff:

It's Mac's birthday and he's throwing a party at his house. He's got a lot of presents. He opens the first present:
MAC:Thanks, Danny! By the way how didi you know I wanted a teddy bear?
Danny:I saw you when you took Sid's one!
HAWKES,AIDEN & FLACk:Ew, Mac, you took SID'S ONE! It's infested with Sid's germs!!!
MAC:Well... Let's see the other ones.
Mac opens the second package. It's from Stella.
MAC:Damn it, Stell! That's why I love you so much!*starts kissingher till he gets tired*
DANNY(WHISPERING TO HAWKES, FLACK AND AIDEN): I thought he wasn't in love with her.
STELLA:Let's try it!
MAC:Good thing my mom isn't home!
Inside the secong package was a Robospanker.

Well, that was dumb.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Stella "Why so glum Lindsey?"
Lindsey "I wanted to spice up my relationship with Danny, so I suggested a threesome."
Stella "Did it work?"
Lindsey "I don't know, he dissappeared with Mac and Flack and I haven't seen him since"
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*snort* Hahahaha, that's awesome! :lol: *gives you cookies*
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