Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

It's about time someone did something about those friggin' awful ties.

Evertime Flack comes on it's like "AAGGG avert your eyes" But oddly enough you can't 'cause he's hot...
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

(We see the Crime Lab HQ and two uniforms are bringing in a suspect in a leather jacket and jeans, handcuffed behind his back. The suspect has really great hair, but we don't see him from the front. Danny and Sheldon walk into the holding area and see the suspect, who's screaming all sorts of nonsense.)

Danny: What's this guy in for?

Uniformed Officer: He was screaming and blathering all kinds of stuff about somebody kidnapping his kid.

Cuffed Man: They've got my son! Someone took my son!

Sheldon Hawkes: Whoa! Take it easy! Calm down! We'll help you, but you can't be acting all hysterical.

Danny: Hey... isn't this guy the CEO of some airline?

(Mac Taylor walks in and the cuffed man freezes, then thrashes about more violently and charges at Mac. The camera angle changes and we see: It's MEL GIBSON as Tom Mullen!)


Mac: For the love'a Pete! I am NOT Detective Jimmy Shaker! My name is Mac Taylor for God's sake! What did I do to deserve THIS?!?!?
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

A redo of a part of COTP
*Stella looks at Mac's chest*
Mac: Old injury...*cries* I should have died out there! It was my destiny! I told him to leave me but he wouldn't listen!

*Stella's walking with Mac*
Mountie: Victoria....wait, Victoria!!!
Stella: huh? You must have me confused with someone else
Fraser: I know it's you, Victoria, I knew we'd meet again. I should have gone with you.
Mac: She told you she's not Victoria. She's Stella
Fraser: No you're not, you don't look like Stella.
Stella: What's this Victoria person's last name?
Fraser: Metcalfe...come on, stop doing this to me
Mac: Oh, yeah, I remember that APB...She did look a lot like you, Stella. Maybe you're long lost sisters
Fraser: Her sister's dead...
*Ray runs up* Fraser...Whoa...Victoria?
Stella: Oh, lord, not again!

(I love my crossover quotes hehe. I really need to do a whole fic on that one)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Hankster, you're great, all Gary's movies!!!

Mel23, I LOVE YOU!!! dueSouth was my favorite show years ago!!! Hahahahahaha!!! I hate Melina for a looooong time because of Victoria, :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*the team is in the breakroom*

Danny: Come on, Flack, you mind? We're trying to eat
Mac: Yeah...I'm losing my appetite too
Flack: What, what'd I do?
Stella: I am so taking you shopping later, you need tie advice, stat.
Lindsay: Isn't bothering me...
Danny: Yeah but you eat bugs
Hawkes: At least if he drips, it'll blend right in...
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*Mac comes in bruised and battered with torn clothes*

Stella: Mac! What happened?!
Mac: Fangirls....ambush...*collapses*
Stella: Mac?? What the heck happened to you?
Mac: It's Lynn and Mel...all day long it's 'mine...mine...mine...' and they keep on grabbing me from each other. Let's go hide from them so we can play with the olive oil together.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*Danny is having a shower*
Danny> I bring my sexy back...yeah!

*hears a noise*
Danny> Hey, what...?! :eek:

*narrows his eyes, looks through the vapor*
Danny> I thought the potted plant was in the kitchen :confused:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Sid: I'm giving up my swinging lifestyle in order to live a life of Celibacy!


Danny: That'll be the day!

Flack: BRRRR! It's getting cold in here! Did HELL JUST FREEZE OVER!?!?!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Hawkes: What ya gonna say, what ya gonna do?

Sid,Danny and Flack: STOOKIE!

for those who don't know what "stookie" is,it is a new dance that just came out. You can go to YouTube and type in "stookie" to see videos of people doing this dance. :cool:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac "Okay, the deceased was tied to a chair and clearly shot from at least six feet away" (looks at watch) "On the other hand, it's only five minutes to quitting time. Hands up who wants to call it a suicide and go to the pub?"
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^^ :lol: Oh my God, I totally cracked up especially after reading "Mac"!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

(We see the beginning sequence video of CSI:NY with the intro music to Baba O'Reilley by The Who. A Voice comes on, but it's that of Bill Fagerbakke, voice of Patrick Star from Spongebob Squarepants. The normal video shots and credits roll as he sings))


CSI: Rock Bottom!!!

(The scene cuts to the control room of CBS. Gary Sinise is shown running up into there, looking REALLY PISSED. Anthony Zuiker starts running out of the room via the back door.)

Gary Sinise: I WARNED YOU ZUIKER! You (BLEEP)ed with my theme music and now I'm gonna go Jimmy Shaker all over your @$$!!!!

Anthony Zuiker (as he runs out the door) You'll have to catch me first, Lt. Dan! HEE HEE HEE!!!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^ :lol: I love it! Here's mine...

(Everyone is hanging out in the break room except Danny & Stella. All of a sudden Danny runs in)

Danny: Mac, come quick. There's loud music coming from the lab & I dunno what the hell is going on.
Mac: Wait, where's Stella?
Danny: How am I supposed to know?
Mac: C'mon guys, break is over. Let's go!

(All enter the lab to get a big surprise. Stella is dancing in the corner of the lab to Zorba the Greek while drinking out of the ouzo bottle)

Mac: Um, Stella. What's going on here?
Stella: Merry Christmas Mac. I'm just trying to get into the holiday spirit.
Mac: And you're doing that by getting drunk and dancing in a circle.
Stella: Y'know, I was gonna give you some of this ouzo but I guess I won't.
Lindsay: Well, would you mind turning it down just a bit?
Stella: Pfft, good one. Hey, why don't you guys come over & have some shots with me?
Danny: I dunno if it's a good idea to be drinking on the job Stel.
Stella: *walks over & says in thick Greek accent* Don't worry, you're Greek now. *pinches Danny's cheeks*
Danny: Sure. Um, would it be ok if I drank from a shot glass.
Stella: Fine, ya sissy. Hold the glass still while I pour it in. *pours in ouzo*
Danny: *examines the shot glass* Now what?
Stella: After I say "Stin iya sas!" you do the shot & then exclaim "Opa!"
Danny: That sounds easy.
Stella: It should be Messer. Stin iya sas! *raises the bottle*
Danny: *takes the shot* Ooh, it burns my throat.
Stella: Hey, you never said opa!
Danny: What does that mean?
Stella: It means you're gonna have to do another shot. Now stay still!
Danny: Are you ready now?
Stella: Only if you are. Stin iya sas!
Danny: *takes the shot* O, o, opa!
Stella: OPA! Bravo vlaka. Now who's next. *smacks Danny on the shoulder*
Flack: Um, could I dance instead?
Stella: How about you give me a word, any word, & I show you how that word is Greek.
Flack: Why not. How about, morphology?
Stella: Morphology, morphology. Ah yes. Morph in Greek means objects that change their shape & size or whatever & morphology is the study of word structure so there you go.
Hawkes: How about me?
Stella: You get to dance with me. Hold me a little tighter because I might fall you know? *takes a sip from the ouzo bottle*
Hawkes: So, like this?
Stella: What are you doing? You come to Greece & do that they think you're crazy. If I fall you can pick me up ok. *begans to dance*
Lindsay: *whispers* That looks fun.
Stella: Hey, who took my bouzouki?
Mac: You never had a bouzouki Stella.
Stella: In that case go buy me one cheap skate.
Flack: Guys, on the count of five lets go.
Hawkes: Ok...
Flack: One, two, three, four, five!

(Everyones runs out of the lab, leaving Stella alone)

Stella: Hey, where did everyone go. Ah well? There's more ouzo for me. OPA! *continues dancing & drinking*
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