Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: 1CSIMfan, I was being morbid but your version works for me too :D Gotta love how you manage to insert tongue!porn into the conversation. That's just sooo foreplay :devil:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^^I know you were ;) but I had to lighten it up because I am still so shocked. Oh yeah, I can manage to work tongue!porn into anything. :devil:

Danny: Hey Don, (insert tongue!porn) wanna go shoot hoops after work? (smirk)
Flack: (big smirk) I thought we could go to my place and [[censored]] and [[censored]]. (insert tongue!porn)
Danny: Oh yeah, I'm game.
Stella: (walking by) Hey guys, don't think that I don't get (insert tongue!porn). I know what you're thinking. (wink)
Danny & Flack: (both gasp in horror)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: * holding side *

Stella doing the tongue!porn is just so wrong. So, so very wrong..
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Unless maybe she's doing it somewhere with Mac and he's doing it back, then.....<g>

Here's one

Lindsey: Hey Mac, i need to talk to you
Mac: Yes?
Lindsey: I did a DNA test and....and...it looks like you're my father
Mac: Darnit, i knew I shouldn't have gotten drunk that night off base.

(it was inspired by a quote in the LV thread, really.)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Aiden examining evidence "Hey, I found a hair...oh wait, it's one of mine."
Danny "I told you should have worn a hairnet"

(because it just totally bugs me to see long haired CSI's working crime scenes and examining evidence with their hair all over the place. and don't get me started on Doctors and nurses on medical dramas, grrrr)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*wants to see Danny in a hairnet* :devil: Yeah, I know he doesn't have long hair, but when you said that, it's the first thing that came to mind. :lol:

Have you ever noticed that you can find just about any ship out there if you look hard enough? :lol: And there's lots of nekkid-ness in them, aren't there? :p

*Flack and Danny are discussing a perp that Flack chased and tackled, but who subsequently got away*
Danny: Well, Flack, I have good news and bad news.
Flack: Good news first.
Danny: Well, it looks like we can get some good evidence from your clothes that will help us find the guy you were chasing.
Flack: And the bad news?
Danny: *tongue!porn* I accidentally forgot to bring you a change of clothes. You don't mind being naked for a while do you? Here, let's collect the evidence in Mac's office.
Flack: But the walls are glass!
Mac/Hawkes/Stella/Danny/Lindsay/Adam/Sid/Random-Person-In-The-Lab: We know. :devil:
*Stella pulls out a bag of popcorn*
Danny: And I think I'd better remove the clothes myself, just to make sure we preserve the evidence. *tongue!porn*

:lol: And no, I haven't found any Flack/Sid or Flack/Adam fics...yet. ;)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^^Yeah, in reality they would have gloves, masks, hairnets. They wouldn't be allowed to collect evidence with hair flying around because it would contaminate the crime scene. But who would wanna watch if everybody was totally covered up except for their eyes??

Mac: Have you seen Lindsay today?
Danny: Can't say that I have boss. (looks at Flack who's smirking)
Flack: Well, I heard her saying something about being on a ship headed out of NY.
Mac: (puzzled look then walks away) Maybe I can get a straight answer from Stella
Danny: Did you ship her out of NY? (tongue!porn :p)
Flack: You said make her go away. (smirk again)
Danny: I said make her get away NOT go away. (laughs) Your place tonight?
Flack: You know it. (big evil smirk)

Sorry, I just can't stop with these two. :p
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^i like it!!!It's so funny.I like Danny/Flack fic!!!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

(Mac pulls a rubber glove on to the top of his head)
"Look at me, I'm a chicken!"
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Oh, gosh. You guys are killing me. So he's a quote from yours truly:

Flack: Danny, how does a Power Outage work?
Danny: What do you mean 'how does it work'?
Flack: Like, what makes the power go out?
Danny: Oh. Well, there's electricity in the air, and it's all 'kracklekracklesnapbang', and then there's electricity running through the cords, you know, and it's all 'snapsnapkrackleboom' and then the two meet, and the power goes out.
Flack: That still doesn't answer my question.
Danny and Flack, in unison: MAAAAAAAAAAAC!

Okay, so it wasn't that funny. But it was to me, 'cause that actually kinda happened. =O
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Er...Let me try this one...I wrote it by myself(It's my first time...forgive me if something wrong... - -")
Imagine that Danny is singing Backstreet boys's song,"I want it that way" in the lab.
(Danny is singing the hook,"Tell me whyyyyy....")
(Lindsey comes in)
Lindsey:Danny,Do you want to have lunch with me?
Danny:I never want to hear you say....
(Flack comes in)
Flacks:Hey,Danny..Wanna come to my home tonight?
Danny:I....want it that way......

[It's bad..I know... :(]
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny and Flack: Burn baby burn...
Aiden: Oh knock it off, I'm way outta BOTH your leagues! Besides, I know you're secretly in love with each other. How else can I explain you making out in the broom closet? That's Mac and Stella's hideout anyway...when they're not on the hardwood or the car hood.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Ceindreadh said:
(Mac pulls a rubber glove on to the top of his head)
"Look at me, I'm a chicken!"

omg now my mother thinks im a loon she just called me a freak for laughing soooo much at that quote lmao!!!!!

im a chicken......its brill cuz you could just imagine him doing that!!
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