Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I agree... the chicken one was lmao hillarious!!! It's so out of character for Mac that if he were to do it, I would just die laughing so hard :lol: :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Heh, glad you liked it! Hmmm...

Mac "Okay, I admit it...I'm not really a chicken" (takes glove off his head) "I'm a penguin!!!"

(will make slightly more sense if you've ever seen Wallace & Grommit 'the wrong trousers')
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*gasp* So that's the episode with the penguins?? I LOVE penguins!! I'll have to keep that in mind. :D

So, do tell (since I haven't seen 'the wrong trousers')... is Mac gonna start waddling like one? :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

strange people

ok i gotta gudden

stella: mac what the hell are you doing?
mac: im waddling....
stella: why?
mac: i want to be in that new film 'walking with penguins'
stella: hmmmm.... i think i would be better as a penguin *begins to walk like a penguin*
*later that day they visit a crime scene waddling*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Here's another LV thread inspired one...two actually. Those guys know how to come up with funny ones lol.

Mac: Stella...I'm pregnant
Mac: I have my period
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

the chicken 1 is the best ive heard for a while!!

has anybody saw that vid for staceys mom??
well there is a bit where she is pole dancing on the table
i could just imagine mac seeing that and hell just say
mac: stella mind my rubber gloves
stella: mac im trying to impress you
*by this time mac is watching himself be a chicken in the mirror and she stopps pole dancing and puts her labcoat back on*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac (on phone to lab) "I'm won't be coming in to work. I'm having a bad hair day"

Don (on phone) "I'm going to be late in to work, I'm trying to find a matching shirt and tie"

Danny (on phone) "Yeah Mac, my manicure's taking longer than I thought, I'll be in later"
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Ceindreadh said:
Danny (on phone) "Yeah Mac, my manicure's taking longer than I thought, I'll be in later"
soo funny :lol:

mine is friends inspired
Danny:(to flack) Hey partner
Lindsey: when you say partner it doesn´t sound cop it sounds gay
Danny; damn she found out! what do we do
Flack;*tounge porn*
Danny: yeah later.

Mac: why´s lindsey in a box?
Danny: shes doing some thinking
Flack: danny had reasons they were threefold.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Hammerback: What is the anme of that detective you work with a lot?
Unknown voice (sounds like Gilbert Gottfried): Don Flack.
(Hammerback and Stella look around but see nothing but a duck off to the side.)
Stella: There are so many. Can you be more specific?
Voice: Don Flack.
(They look around again, confused, but don't see anybody but the duck.)
Hammerback: You know, the one hurt in the explosion.
Stella: Did you hear something? I think my brain is telling me it's time for lunch.
Hammerback: Instead of Greek, let's get Chinese. I'm in the mood for some Peking Duck.
Voice: Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh. (Duck starts charging towards them.)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

(We see a couple of NYPD Uniformed officers handcuffing some guy with a buzz cut and roughing him up a bit as Mac and Stella approach.)

Stella: We're with forensics (they show their badges) is this the suspect?

Officer #1: Yeah. This punk kept on chasing after Robin Wright-Penn calling out "Jenny? Is that you?"

(The officer turns him around--it's Tom Hanks in a buzz cut and an old suit, looking kind of slow.)

(Tom Hanks looks at Mac Taylor and gets a big rube-ish grin)


Mac: Oh Good Lord! What the HELL did I do to deserve this?!??!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Hankster, I love you!!! This one is amazing, I can't stop laughing!!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Hankster & Dynamo, you are making me laugh so hard right now! I definitely don't need to work out my abs today. :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

lol I love it :)

a redo of...gah, what was the ep? I saw it recently...

Stella: If you wanted fashion advice, all you had to do was ask...
Danny: It's not for me, something has to be done about Flack's ties.
Stella: You are so right...come on, let's go
*they find Flack and sneak up behind him*
Flack: Wha...hey, what's going on?
Stella: We're rebelling. Being forced to work with your ties is unfair labor practices.
Danny: We've decided you're getting some new ones even if we have to drag you along.
Lindsay: Oooh, count me in *shouts* Hey, Mac, we're revolting against Flack's ties and buying him new ones...you wanna come?
Mac: Sure...'bout time.
Flack: But...
Mac: Let's go, Don, that's an order
Flack: But my mom bought me these...she'll be so sad!
Mac: She'll get over it

(the idea is good but I hope the actual postage isn't too lame...)
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