Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

That's funny Faylinn---love to see the guys talking tampons...the ladies should have a conversation about "manly" subject to turn the tables now!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

er...what sort of "manly subject?" *thinks*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Stella and Lindsay could start talking about guys the way men talk about the 'babes'...I could see Lindsay and Stella talking about how hot one of the guys is...like maybe Adam, the lab guy or something. Power tools could be an interesting subject............Or maybe get drunk and sing karaoke right in the lab.

Forgive me, today, my mind is going stir crazy...I'm stuck at home today :eek:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: Have at it audacity. I'd love to see what you're thinking. ;)

Edit: What sort of karaoke songs? :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

SO many ideas...need to narrow it down, to create a dialouge...but I could see them busting out singing "Give me some hotstuff baby this evening," or "It's Raining Men." I'm trying to keep it clean...it's so hard, though.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Oh man, I just got the image in my head of the whole team sitting around a table, playing strip poker. :lol: (And Lindsay and Stella are much better at poker than the guys thought. ;))
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

That's outstanding...I thought about poker, but strip poker is much better. especially if Flack and Danny lose...

Stella and Lindsay shouting, "Yeah, baby, take it all off!" :devil:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*Mac is getting ready to leave the lab, when he hears a commotion and goes to investigate. He opens the Locker Room door and freezes*
Stella and Lindsay: Yeah, baby, take it all off!
*Everyone sees Mac at the door*
Danny: Er, hey Mac...I don't suppose you could give us a hand here?
*Mac realizes that Danny and Flack have lost and shakes his head*
Mac: I should've warned you guys about how good these two are at strip poker.
*Danny and Flack exchange glances*
Flack: How do you know, Mac?
*Mac raises an eyebrow and turns around, leaving the Locker Room*
Danny: Wait! Come back! I don't have anything but my boxers left now!
Flack: Yeah! Isn't there a rule against this?...
*Mac pretends not to hear them*
Lindsay and Stella: Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!
*Danny and Flack sigh and avoid each other's eyes*
*Mac pauses within earshot of the Locker Room*
Stella and Lindsay: Whooo! Yeah!
*camera is heard clicking*
Danny: Hey! We said no cameras!
Lindsay: You said no cameras, we never signed a contract.
Stella: This is going to make for a very interesting inter-office newsletter.
*Flack and Danny dive for the camera and miss, ending up in a pile on the floor*
*camera clicks*
Lindsay: And that one goes in my personal collection.
*Mac shakes his head and hurries away*

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Lindsay could suggest that Danny and Flack do a little strip dance for her and Stella, in exchange for the camera...hmmm

Awesome job, I could totally see all of them in a scene like this...that would spike the ratings a bit!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

"A la tuhuelpa legria macarena
Que tuhuelce paralla legria cosabuena
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena Eeeh, macarena

*Stella peeks around the corner and sees Flack, Danny, Mac and Hawkes dancing the Macarena in the a.v. lab*
*Hawkes sees her and pushes the stop button, cutting off the music*

Flack: *doesn't realize music has stopped* "When I dance they call me macarena
and the boys they say that I´m buena
they all want me, they can´t have me
So they all come and dance beside me
move with me jam with me
and if your good i take you home with me..."

*Flack looks up and realizes that everyone is staring at him*
Danny: You know the words to the verse?
Mac: Not cool, Flack, not cool.
*Everyone walks quickly away*
*Flack waits until they're all gone and turns the music back on*
Flack: *boogies* "A la tuhuelpa legria macarena
Que tuhuelce paralla legria cosabuena
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena Eeeh, macarena

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Hahahahahahhahahahaha... farnee!!!

I thought of this a long time ago... last year, to be exact...

Let's just say they come up with a Danny and Aiden kissing scene, maybe at the very early episodes of the show, so the actors don't really know each other all that well... Here's the reaction, off screen.

Carmine: What? I have to kiss her?!
Vanessa: The crazy things they dream up, I will never willingly lay a mouth on you, Gionivazzo...
Carmine: Hey! It's -Nazzo! Gionivazzo!
Vanessa: I thought you said 'Nazzo'?
Carmine: Huh? Oh great... now you've made me confuse!! It's... (thinks for a while...) Giovinazzo! Yes, Giovinazzo!
Eddie: Yo, how's it going, Gionivazzo?
Carmine: RHHHGGGGG......
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I'm new to the show but I have a few funny ones, although I can't vouch for their not being lame or that they fit the chars...except Mac maybe....But I'll take a whack at it. And you all have made me laugh hard reading these.

Mac(really loud voice)Stellaaaaaaaaa!

(It's a Streetcar Named Desire reference)

Mac: We've never left a case unsolved and we're sure as hell not going to do it on my watch! Failure is not an option!
(ok it wasn't Gary's char in the film but it's funny...)

(they watch 'Bones')Danny: Why don't we have a holodeck? We should get a holodeck. It'd be fun.
Mac: Because no one's invented them yet?
Stella: The science is bad but at least the FBI guy's hot
Mac: ahem...
Stella: OK, not as hot as you...
Mac: Thank you.

Mac:Who's that guy? And why's he dressed like a Mountie?
Stella: Got me...he thinks I'm someone named Victoria and he's following me relentessly.
Fraser(nearby) Come back, please, I'm sorry I didn't come with you!!!
(Due South reference)

I think this one would be funny:
Mac: I don't have the measles...and I'm not gonna get the measles...

(ok, you can see references to the actors other roles are figuring in heavily here...)or a Gump one...was it Lt.Dan who had the 'stupid' exchange with Forrest?

(Mac fell asleep in his office and the others found him)
Mac:(mumbling)Gotta move it along...Hemingford Home...or Boulder....He's coming....the dark man's coming!!...run forrest...run...get me in the sims, we have a ship to land...
Stella: I think he's been watching too many movies
Danny: Can't blame him, I mean the guy looks just like him...You think he's got a twin brother he never told us about?

Stella: Come on, please???
Mac: But I don't want to role play scenes from Imposter...I know I'm practically his double but that was a dark one...
Stella: Yeah but he had his shirt off most of the film. And he was tied up. It's sexy too. And those sweatpants....whoo...

OK, I gotta get to bed, but I'll certainly keep coming back to this thread.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Nice quotes Mel! I found them really funny.. Especially the last few.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Thanks :)

I was going to post more but I think I took too long to type. Most of them were crossovers anyhow...like vampire Mac and Highlander ImmortalMac....funny but if I do too many crossovers, y'all may not understand them.

I'll redo the shower one though

(They're all in the emergency shower)
Mac: quit shoving
Stella: I can't, someone's...something...is in my back
Mac: Hey, that was me someone just washed!
Danny: Sorry...
Mac: and I don't even wanna know what's against the back of me
Flack: Nice perfume, Stella
Stella: I'm not wearing any...
Danny: Um...I was...
Mac: Nevermind, I don't even wanna know...Just like I don't even wanna know who just farted.
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