Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: :lol: :D That had my in stitches Fay. I dunno know, but my mind can twist characters. I actually had the images of the song and dance through my head, it was hillarious.

Nice quotes Jorja_fan86, and Dynamo1 ^_^
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

My mom looked at me funny.

That's not so unusual for me, jorja. :lol:

Okay Fay, the depths of your mind...if only I could be as clever and as bold as you...lol...especially when you finally figure out how to remove that blue ummm...well,you know what I'm talkin' about ...I'll save it for another thread!...

The depths of my mind are a trippy place, audacity. ;) "Clever and bold?"--how about "Crazy and bizarre?" :lol: If I was better with computers, maybe I'd be closer to removing the dot, but I think Carmine's pride will stay (relatively) intact since I'm a total spaz with my computer software. :p On the bright side, we still have the ass shot. ;) :lol:

I could totally see the team getting into that routine, especially Flack...he'd make a good Baby Spice. JK
However, the image that conjured up, especially of Mac was just disturbing.

Yikes! The idea of the team dressed up as the Spice Girls is really disturbing--how could you girls come up with something so strange?! :p Really, though, since there are five characters and five original Spice Girls, I think it's fate that we identify each one. :devil: So here goes: Flack=Baby Spice; Stella=Posh Spice; Hawkes=Scary Spice (because I want to see him with a fro :lol:); Mac=Sporty Spice; Danny=Sexy/Ginger Spice (of course). Hmm...*debates whether or not she should get a picture of the Spice Girls and paste the actors' faces over theirs...:devil:

Edited to add:
That had my in stitches Fay. I dunno know, but my mind can twist characters. I actually had the images of the song and dance through my head, it was hillarious.

I'm glad that I could put such horrid images in your mind. ;) (*rubs hands together wickedly :devil:* My evil plan is working)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: Fay! I could actually picture the entire sequence! Friggin hilarious!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny and Flack:*singing*
Shut your f-----g face,
uncle f----r!*mac interrupts*
Mac:Don't call me that , you evil little children!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

diamondgirl said:
Danny and Flack:*singing*
Shut your f-----g face,
uncle f----r!*mac interrupts*
Mac:Don't call me that , you evil little children!!

ok , herr's another one.
( if anyone has seen little britain,then you'd know who this character is... )

(Anne , a patient from the Stephen Spielburg Psychiatric hospital, enters the interrogation room)

Anne: EH,EH,EH!
Stella: :confused:
Anne: EH,EH,EH!
Stella: Mac! why is she talking like this?
Mac: *shrugs his shoulders*
Anne: EH,EH,EH!
Stella: :mad:
Anne: EH,EH,EH!
Anne: Eh?
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I just reread Faylinn's about Flack asking Stella for a tampon. OMG I spit my drink out. Too bad I'm at work. Now everyone wants to know what's so funny.

Mine isn't so much a quote as scene you'll never see, and it's in poor taste. Sorry.

Stella enters her apartment...

The whole CSI:NY gang jumps out and yells "SURPRISE!"
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Heh. I'm glad you liked the tampon thing, Outsider. ;) Too bad everyone thinks you're crazy now. :p :lol:

Stella enters her apartment...

The whole CSI:NY gang jumps out and yells "SURPRISE!"
Heh. And she's so shocked that she beans Danny over the head with her purse. :p :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac: For the LAST time my first name is MAC, dammit, not DAN!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

lol Luvey, good one

*sound of cell phone ringing behind the group*

*Flack grabs it*

Flack: DEATH TO CELL PHONES!!! *crunch crunch stomp* Sorry...I've had severe cell phone trauma.

*Flack pulls up his shirt and we hear something from his belly*

"Can you hear me now? Good"

(inspired by someone's joke in the ep thread)

Flack: Mac, can I have a minute?
Mac: Sure
Flack: My belly keeps ringing. *Ring* See, there it goes again. They left something in there, I tell you!
Mac: Answer it.

I'd do a version of the airport metal detector one but it'd probably be too much what the other person had.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

god thats hyseterical. i've been reading this thread all day. n i must have metaphorically wet myself laughing about a hundred times!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mel23 said:

Flack: My belly keeps ringing. *Ring* See, there it goes again. They left something in there, I tell you!
Mac: Answer it.

Toooo funny! We were talking about that at work. How the cellphone was in Flack. I can just imagine someone sayign to Flack, "Way to recover evidence. Good job."
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Here are some quotes from a CSI NY story I wrote,

Danny: (To Lindsay) "I'm not just leering at scantly clad women, I'm working."

Danny: (Pick your chick) "Hey baby, I'd like to investigate your crime scene."

Stella: (To Mac) "See, collecting DNA can be rewarding and fun...

Danny: "Next time I'll wear a clown suit and do balloon tricks."

Danny: (Mocking Lindsay) "I've been watching Mac, this is what Mac would do..."

Lindsay: (To Danny) "Don't you ever get tired of listening to yourself?"
Danny: "Not when I'm talking about you Montana."

Lindsay: "I'm a CSI just like you are Danny, and just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle."
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac(to Stella): Hey Gorgeous!
Stella(to Mac): Hey Honey!
Mac: *hugs Stella,romantically*
Stella: *pecks Mac on the lips*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac, "Okay, I've had some complaints from people that we're not doing enough to avoid cross contamination of samples. So from here on in, everybody wears hairnets at crime scenes and when examining evidence"

Mac (continuing) "That means you too Flack"

(It just really really bugs me when I see Stella/Aiden examining stuff and their hair is flapping all over the place, grrr)
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