Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I'm gonna continue on from my Mac and Stella scene where they tell each other that they love one another...

*Mac and Stella are eating dinner in a fancy resturant*

Stella: I'm so glad we finally expressed our feelings to one another.

Mac: I know. Now I can start living my life right.

Stella: Definitely. I don't mean to put you on the spot but what qualities of me has drawn me to you?

Mac: Well, to be quite honest....there's a few actually.

Stella: I'm listening.

Mac: I love the way the light makes your eyes a shade of beautiful emerald green. I love the way the corners of your lips turn up when you smile that sweet smile. I love the way you style your hair. I love the way you dress yourself everyday.

Stella: That's it? All you care about is my physical beauty?

Mac: Hold on. Let me finish please.

Stella: Sorry Mac.

Mac: It's ok. I love the way you speak Greek to me. I don't understand a single word but it still turns me on. However, there's two things that I love the most about you. I love the way you look at me. You may think I'm not watching but from the corner of my eye I notice it.

Stella: Awww you're so sweet!

Mac: Ok. Finally, I love the way you care for me. Nobody has ever checked up on me the way you do after most of the cases. Nobody askes about how I'm feeling about the loss of my wife. Nobody else cares about how I'm feeling or if I need any help. Nobody is like you.

Stella: I feel the same for you!

Mac: Really?

Stella: Yes. And you know what...

Mac: What?

Stella: Nobody gets me like you do. Everybody thinks I'm a b*tch but you know the real me. And that's what I love most about you.

Mac: Wow. I just wish I shared how I feel about you much, much earlier.

Stella: I know. Who knows how things could be if I did the same.

Mac: Well, we should not worry about that. We should be grateful for this moment and the many more to come.

Stella: You are the most romantic person that I know. I too look forward to what the future brings us.

Mac: Me too.

Stella: I know my future will have you in it.

Mac: I know I won't have a future without you.

Stella: I love you Mac.

Mac: I love you too Stella.

*Both clink their wine glasses*

Mac: To us.

Stella: To us.

Awww a girl can dream can't she :D.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny: Hey, Montana, you're cute. Let's have dinner.
Lindsey: Um... okay.

*Aiden pops out of a morgue drawer*

Aiden: Hey, nobody takes MY bitch. Just because I got fired does NOT mean you set your eyes on him.
Danny: Aw, Aiden, you know it's not like that-
Lindsey: Oh, it's not? Well, you're going to have to go throiugh me to get him.
Aiden: *takes out Taser* Bring it on, bitch! (MAO,I know I've used this before, but it cracks me up.,)

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny: [offers Flack a chocolate bar from the vending machine] Flack! Come get your food you fat lard!

*snort* OMG! LMAO! I was laughing soooo hard.... i'm having fun picturing that :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LOL, awww... that's so mean though. But I can picture it. *snork*

*Flack comes into the room dressed like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz*
Flack: *to Stella* Don't ask, I lost a bet.
Danny: HAHAHA, I bet him the Yankees would lose to the Red Sox in the championship! Shouldn't have taken it, you big fat dummy.
Flack: Danny...
Danny: Wait, don't forget your ruby slippers. *sticks them on his feet*
Flack: OWWWW! Jesus, are these Aiden's? They're like, three sizes too small.
Aiden: Hey, don't look at me, I don't have bad taste like that, all right?
Flack: Whatever. *tries to stand* All right, now what do I do?
Danny: Sing "Over the Rainbow."
Flack: WHAT?! C'mon.
Danny: Do it!
Flack: C'mon...
Danny: DO IT!
Flack: Urgh... *starts singing* The sun will come out tomorrow...
Aiden: Wrong song, stupid.
Flack: Oh, yeah. Umm... Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high... there's a land that I heard of...uh...
Danny: Once in a lullaby.
Flack: Yeah, that.
Danny: Okay, stop singing.
Stella: Yeah, I think I'm going to go deaf.
Flack: Can I go change now?
Danny: Aw, man, I'd love to see him tackle a perp in that.

Flack: NYPD! Stop, NYPD!
Perp: *stopping in tracks* What the hell? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *falls down laughing, Danny tackles him and handcuffs him*
Danny: Well, what do you know, it worked!

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LOL, awww... that's so mean though. But I can picture it. *snork*

*Flack comes into the room dressed like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz*
Flack: *to Stella* Don't ask, I lost a bet.
Danny: HAHAHA, I bet him the Yankees would lose to the Red Sox in the championship! Shouldn't have taken it, you big fat dummy.
Flack: Danny...
Danny: Wait, don't forget your ruby slippers. *sticks them on his feet*
Flack: OWWWW! Jesus, are these Aiden's? They're like, three sizes too small.
Aiden: Hey, don't look at me, I don't have bad taste like that, all right?
Flack: Whatever. *tries to stand* All right, now what do I do?
Danny: Sing "Over the Rainbow."
Flack: WHAT?! C'mon.
Danny: Do it!
Flack: C'mon...
Danny: DO IT!
Flack: Urgh... *starts singing* The sun will come out tomorrow...
Aiden: Wrong song, stupid.
Flack: Oh, yeah. Umm... Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high... there's a land that I heard of...uh...
Danny: Once in a lullaby.
Flack: Yeah, that.
Danny: Okay, stop singing.
Stella: Yeah, I think I'm going to go deaf.
Flack: Can I go change now?
Danny: Aw, man, I'd love to see him tackle a perp in that.

Flack: NYPD! Stop, NYPD!
Perp: *stopping in tracks* What the hell? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *falls down laughing, Danny tackles him and handcuffs him*
Danny: Well, what do you know, it worked!


:lol: That's gold! Keep it up.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LOL. If I was the perp, I would just stop and stare, then I'll probrably fall to the ground laughing. :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Here I go again hahaha

*Stella and Flack enter the lab where Danny's working*

Stella: Oh, my, god!
Flack: What is it Stella?
Stella: *points to her right* Look at Danny!
Flack: What is he doing?

*Danny is dancing around the room to Madonna's "Like A Virgin*

Danny: *singing* Like a VIRGIN! Touched for the very first time. Owww!
Stella: *whispers* Oh no, now I'm gonna be scarred for life.
Flack: How do you think I feel?
Stella: Hey, do you think Danny's actually a virgin?
Flack: Oh god, like I know.
Danny: *singing* You're so fine and you're mine!
Stella: I can't take it anymore Flack. I'm gonna start pissing my pants laughing soon.
Flack: Please, that's the last thing I'm worried about.

*Flack walks over and turns off the radio*

Danny: *singing* When you hold me, and your heart beats, and you love me!
Flack: *begins clapping slowly*
Stella: Bravo. Encore, encore!
Danny: *turns to face Stella and Mac* Hello....how hard is it to knock?
Stella: I think it's uh, nice.
Flack: Yeah, don't be ashamed. I dance to Madonna too.
Danny: Really?
Flack: NOOO!
Danny: Awww...
Stella: It's ok. The owww part was an added touch.
Danny: Thank you Stella. I really appreciate that.

*Mac suddenly walks in*

Mac: Hi every....what the hell is going on!
Flack: Uh, you definitely don't wanna know.
Mac: I'm just walk by and pretend I never saw anything.
Danny: Why does this always happen to me?!?
Mac: *singing quietly to himself* Like a virgin...

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LOL, awww... that's so mean though. But I can picture it. *snork*

*Flack comes into the room dressed like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz*
Flack: *to Stella* Don't ask, I lost a bet.
Danny: HAHAHA, I bet him the Yankees would lose to the Red Sox in the championship! Shouldn't have taken it, you big fat dummy.
Flack: Danny...
Danny: Wait, don't forget your ruby slippers. *sticks them on his feet*
Flack: OWWWW! Jesus, are these Aiden's? They're like, three sizes too small.
Aiden: Hey, don't look at me, I don't have bad taste like that, all right?
Flack: Whatever. *tries to stand* All right, now what do I do?
Danny: Sing "Over the Rainbow."
Flack: WHAT?! C'mon.
Danny: Do it!
Flack: C'mon...
Danny: DO IT!
Flack: Urgh... *starts singing* The sun will come out tomorrow...
Aiden: Wrong song, stupid.
Flack: Oh, yeah. Umm... Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high... there's a land that I heard of...uh...
Danny: Once in a lullaby.
Flack: Yeah, that.
Danny: Okay, stop singing.
Stella: Yeah, I think I'm going to go deaf.
Flack: Can I go change now?
Danny: Aw, man, I'd love to see him tackle a perp in that.

Flack: NYPD! Stop, NYPD!
Perp: *stopping in tracks* What the hell? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *falls down laughing, Danny tackles him and handcuffs him*
Danny: Well, what do you know, it worked!



Encore! Encore!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Here I go again hahaha

*Stella and Flack enter the lab where Danny's working*

Stella: Oh, my, god!
Flack: What is it Stella?
Stella: *points to her right* Look at Danny!
Flack: What is he doing?

*Danny is dancing around the room to Madonna's "Like A Virgin*

Danny: *singing* Like a VIRGIN! Touched for the very first time. Owww!
Stella: *whispers* Oh no, now I'm gonna be scarred for life.
Flack: How do you think I feel?
Stella: Hey, do you think Danny's actually a virgin?
Flack: Oh god, like I know.
Danny: *singing* You're so fine and you're mine!
Stella: I can't take it anymore Flack. I'm gonna start pissing my pants laughing soon.
Flack: Please, that's the last thing I'm worried about.

*Flack walks over and turns off the radio*

Danny: *singing* When you hold me, and your heart beats, and you love me!
Flack: *begins clapping slowly*
Stella: Bravo. Encore, encore!
Danny: *turns to face Stella and Mac* Hello....how hard is it to knock?
Stella: I think it's uh, nice.
Flack: Yeah, don't be ashamed. I dance to Madonna too.
Danny: Really?
Flack: NOOO!
Danny: Awww...
Stella: It's ok. The owww part was an added touch.
Danny: Thank you Stella. I really appreciate that.

*Mac suddenly walks in*

Mac: Hi every....what the hell is going on!
Flack: Uh, you definitely don't wanna know.
Mac: I'm just walk by and pretend I never saw anything.
Danny: Why does this always happen to me?!?
Mac: *singing quietly to himself* Like a virgin...


LMAO brilliant!! Love it! :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Thanks. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I'll be back soon with another long set of quotes ;).
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

What can I say ... just hilarious :lol:
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