Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

heres a funny mental picture:

*danny is dressed up for halloween, with tiny cereal boxes attatched to himself, and little fake knifes through the boxes*
danny: *walks into the lab*
flack: what are you supposed to be?
danny: a cereal killer. *snort*
*police hear it and tackle him*
danny: oof
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LMAO! My cousin dressed up as a cereal killer one Halloween! Not exactly like that, but it was pretty funny.

By the way, did you comment on my ff fic? It was called "Beautiful Reminiscence."

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: That made me laugh outloud. Last year, I was a TA in a fifth grade class and they were taking their class picture and one of the boys was wearing a sweatshirt with a skull and spoons as the crossbones and it said Cereal Killer under it. His teacher was like 'Oh my god! I can't believe you wore that. You have to stand in the back!'

Oh my gosh. Angelica, you wrote that? I read it this morning and I thought it was fabulous! I especially liked the line, "Penny? Please. This is New York, thoughts are now a dollar." or however you worded it. I laughed and said "So true!" :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

yeah, i reviewed it! small world. :lol:

more costumes:

*danny's in a big orange garbage bag*
stella: what are you supposed to be?
danny: a pumpkin!

ok, that one wasn't for laughs, just for the visual image of danny in a giant orange bag, acting serious.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

heres a funny mental picture:

*danny is dressed up for halloween, with tiny cereal boxes attatched to himself, and little fake knifes through the boxes*
danny: *walks into the lab*
flack: what are you supposed to be?
danny: a cereal killer. *snort*
*police hear it and tackle him*
danny: oof

LOL that's cute!!! And the pumpkin one too!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Lol! No one in my class have ever dressed up as cereal killers before. How boring. Must tell them to do that on Children's Day next year.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: That made me laugh outloud. Last year, I was a TA in a fifth grade class and they were taking their class picture and one of the boys was wearing a sweatshirt with a skull and spoons as the crossbones and it said Cereal Killer under it. His teacher was like 'Oh my god! I can't believe you wore that. You have to stand in the back!'

Oh my gosh. Angelica, you wrote that? I read it this morning and I thought it was fabulous! I especially liked the line, "Penny? Please. This is New York, thoughts are now a dollar." or however you worded it. I laughed and said "So true!" :lol:

lol, I'm glad you and labguysrule liked it. It just came to me. :D And it is true. New York has just gotten too expensive. Even when it comes to thought.

Vendor: Sierra Mist Free?
Danny: Sure.
Vendor: That'll be a buck.
Danny: But... I thought you said it was free.
Vendor: Yeah, and it's a buck.
Danny: No, it's free.
Vendor: And it's a buck.
Danny: You said-
Vendor: I know what I said.
Danny: *Takes out gun* All right, I've had enough!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sierra Mist or Sierra Mist Free. lol. Come to think of it, I don't own Danny, either, though I wish I did.

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*tour guide voice* ok everyone, lets go back and see what danny was like, as a fifth grader. *lots of swirls and soft noises and pretty colors appear and disappear...appear and disappear...appear....and disappear*

danny: *pokes hand through bars* ooh! whatsat?
teacher: *soothing voice* danny, don't poke your hand through there dear. the tigers don't like that.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*tour guide voice* ok everyone, lets go back and see what danny was like, as a fifth grader. *lots of swirls and soft noises and pretty colors appear and disappear...appear and disappear...appear....and disappear*

danny: *pokes hand through bars* ooh! whatsat?
teacher: *soothing voice* danny, don't poke your hand through there dear. the tigers don't like that.

LOL awwww... that's so cute!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

you...have...no...idea how tired i am. :lol: my brain isn't working, and thats where that came from. i loved writing appearing and disappearing and appearing....and disappearing....because, hehehe........i'm really tired.

*danny 5 minutes after his teachers warning*
danny:*cries out* WAHHHH!
teacher: i TOLD you not to do it! *runs over* where'd the tiger get you?
danny: the tiger didn't get me! my hair got messed up because its so darn HUMID in new york! *cries*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LMAO! Danny, Danny, Danny. Only 10, and such a drama queen then too.

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