Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Kaia: Danny I'm home.
Danny: Good, good cause I got something to tell you, sis come out here.
Kaia: OK *what is he doing?*
Danny: I'd like you to meet Lyndsey my fiance.
Lyndsey: Hi
Kaia: Fiance??? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! (runs out of the room)
Danny: One minute...Kaia (runs after his sister)
Kaia: (stops in the hallway and turns around.)You no likey Lyndesy, you like (opens door) Aiden!
Danny: Kaia what are you twevle?
Kaia: nope good guess though I'm 16 and Aiden here is beautiful and likes you too.
Danny: *smiles* good cause i can't stand Lyndsey.
Aiden:*laughs* What took you so long to realize that? Where do you keep the robospanker?
Kaia:*rolls eyes* I'm out be back later going to straighten out Mac and Stella.

LMAO continue?
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

anyone seen napolean dynamite? when napolean's pulling kip behind his bike, and kip is on rollerblades? picture that.

danny: *yells up to flack* hurry up flack! pedal faster! *higher voice* we're gonna be LATE! macs gonna get all mad at me...*continues complaining as flack pedals faster*
flack: danny, shut up! i didn't have to do this for you y'know. next time your car breaks, you're walkin'.
danny: *sounding very girly and immature* you SUCK! you're so MEAN! i don't even know why i'm FRIENDS with you. give me back my friendship necklace. you don't deserve it.
*flack pedals really fast and swings around a corner so danny goes flying out in the opposite direction*
flack: *giggles then pedals to work*
--at work--
mac: wheres danny?

edit: new page. i guess i should...make up another quote to celebrate... *thinks*

danny: i've decided to give up my american citzenship, and move to canada. i'm going to move to BC, because only super cool people live THERE. i'll play hockey all day, drink beer all night...*sighs* yeah, canada is the place for me.
*in the far-off distance, you can hear fan-girls from BC screaming in delight* :lol:

*cough* me? what? NOOOO....i don't live in BC. ;) :p

:lol: ROTFLMAO. I'll add to it....

Flack: He's a little, um, behind.
Mac: Flipping idiot. I knew this would happen.
Stella: Hey, does Danny's mom go to college?
Flack: I have to bring him some lipbalm. His lips hurt real bad.
Mac: *takes a swipe at Stella's pockets*
Stella: Gosh, you can't have any of my tots.
*Mac tries again. This time the tots in Melina's pockets get all squishy.
Stella: Groo-ss.
Mac: Sorry Stella. Maybe I can like, bake you a cake or something.
Stella: Whatever. Just make sure to vote Flack for president. I'm gonna go work on my dance for Flack's campaign dance. Bye.

:lol: It's sad but I'm sure you would laugh if you watched Napolean Dynamite.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Flack: He's a little, um, behind.
Mac: Flipping idiot. I knew this would happen.
Stella: Hey, does Danny's mom go to college?
Flack: I have to bring him some lipbalm. His lips hurt real bad.
Mac: *takes a swipe at Stella's pockets*
Stella: Gosh, you can't have any of my tots.
*Mac tries again. This time the tots in Melina's pockets get all squishy.
Stella: Groo-ss.
Mac: Sorry Stella. Maybe I can like, bake you a cake or something.
Stella: Whatever. Just make sure to vote Flack for president. I'm gonna go work on my dance for Flack's campaign dance. Bye.

LMAO! I love it! hehe.... no, you can't have any of my tots! Thats the best line in the whole movie.
I'll add on a short one.

Aiden: *hair tied in a ponytail on the side of her head, points at Flacks drawing* whats that?
Flack: a liger. It's pretty much my favorite animal. it's like a lion and a tiger mixed...bred for its skills in magic.
Danny: *runs in* Aiden, you'd better come get your kit. Its filling up my locker, and I can't fit my numchucks in there anymore.

mac: stella, i see you're drinking 1%....
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Stella: So, Mac.
Mac: Yeah?
Stella: When does a killer get to walk free?
Mac: once every blue moon.
(Danny enters and butts in)
Danny:(pulls his pants down a bit and looks at his butt) But my moon isn't blue.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

lol, you guys... I leave for three days and come back, and you're over here creating havoc? You're just as bad as Danny LMAO.

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Flack: He's a little, um, behind.
Mac: Flipping idiot. I knew this would happen.
Stella: Hey, does Danny's mom go to college?
Flack: I have to bring him some lipbalm. His lips hurt real bad.
Mac: *takes a swipe at Stella's pockets*
Stella: Gosh, you can't have any of my tots.
*Mac tries again. This time the tots in Melina's pockets get all squishy.
Stella: Groo-ss.
Mac: Sorry Stella. Maybe I can like, bake you a cake or something.
Stella: Whatever. Just make sure to vote Flack for president. I'm gonna go work on my dance for Flack's campaign dance. Bye.
*SNORFLE* OMG LMFAO!!! ahhhhahaha i LOVE that movie... and stella doing the napoleon dance... BRILLIANT.

Danny: [offers Flack a chocolate bar from the vending machine] Flack! Come get your food you fat lard!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^ LMAO that was a good one too. I'll continue from where I left off...

*Danny arrives in the office*

Mac: Danny, you're late.
Danny: You're just jealous because I've been chatting on-line all day with hot babes.
Flack: Right. So are things going with uh, Lafawnduh?
Danny: Things are getting pretty serious y'know.
Mac: So have you seen what she looks like?
Danny: Well, she's pretty good looking. I'm getting frustrated because she has not sent any full body shots yet.
Flack: Ah, don't worry. Your time will come.

*Stella and Hawkes walk by*

Mac: Hey, what are you guys doing?
Stella: Whatever we feel like doing. Gosh!
Hawkes: We're planning to run a milk test. Wanna come?
Flack: Sure.
Mac: Yeah, I'll be there.
Danny: Oh gosh, this is pretty flipping sweet.

*All are lined up in the lab*

Hawkes: Ok, I'm gonna need a volunteer(sp) for this project.
Danny: Oh, pick me!
Hawkes: Fine, Danny. Step right up.
Danny: Sweet.
Hawkes: Ok, I'm gonna need you to drink these glasses of milk. Afer you finish each one I want you to tell me what's wrong.
Mac: Do these chickens have large talons?

*Everyone looks at Mac*

Hawkes: No they don't. Now wait your turn please.
Mac: Freaking idiot.
*Hawkes hands Danny the first glass*
*Danny drinks it*

Danny: The defect in that one is bleach.
Hawkes: Correct.
Danny: Yesssssss.

*Danny drinks the second glass*

Danny: This tastes like the cow got into an onion patch.
Hawkes: Correct.
Danny: Yesssss!

*Hawkes hands Danny the final glass*

Hawkes: Oh, here's the last one.

*Danny drinks it*

Danny: This isn't cows milk.
Hawkes: Correct.
Danny: Yessssss!
Stella: Gross!

*Mac looks over at Melina*

Mac: What are you drawing?
Stella: It's a liger.
Flack: Oh, I like ligers.
Mac: What's a liger?
Stella: It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.
Mac: Don't you mean a leon?
Stella: No! It's an ugly animal and it smells like pooh.
Mac: Oh, oh. Sorry.
Stella: Gosh. Freakin' idiot.
Flack: Get with the times man.

Danny: Hawkes, do these chickens have large talons?

*Everyone says in union*:DANNY!!

Danny: What? Anyway, I have to go put on my lipbalm. My lips hurt real bad.

Flack: Wait! Don't forget the get your bow and arrow out of my locker. I need some room for my numchucks.

Danny: K.

Stella: You can use my lipbalm Danny.

Danny: I'm gonna use mine, you sicko.

*Danny storms out*

Mac: Hey Stella, why are you all sweaty?
Stella: I've been practicing.
Mac: Practing what?
*Stella takes a swig of powerade*
Stella: Some dance moves.
Mac: You dance?
Stella: Yeah, but hold on...
*Stella cusps her hands around her mouth*
Stella: Everyone, vote Flack for president. He will bake you a cake or something if you do.
Mac: Yeah, and you get to watch Stella dance too.
Stella: Shut-up! It was supposed to be a surprise!

*To be continued* :D

:lol: I am thanful for Napolean Dynamite :lol:!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Stella: What's wrong, Danny?
Danny: Why the f- is every computer in this place posted with a picture of Mac naked with bunny ears on, handcuffed to the bed?
Stella: Uh, umm-
Danny: And why does it look like YOU standing over him?
Stella: That can't be me-
Danny: Yes it is, I noticed the hair first. What's all over him, olive oil? *looks over at Stella in shock* You're kinky.
Stella: Oh, yeah? You act as though you and Aiden haven't done that before, or worse.
Danny: I never said it was a bad thing. So... *leans over* What do you say, you and me tonight, my place? I'll supply the handcuffs if you bring the ears and olive oil.
Stella: Oh, please.
Danny: Hey, just because I'm not finely groomed like Mac doesn't suggest I'm not as flexible!

That was a little too much fun for me...

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Lol. That was good, Angelica .
And about the Napoleon Dynamite ones... I have gotta watch that movie some day. Sounds hilarious.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Stella: What's wrong, Danny?
Danny: Why the f- is every computer in this place posted with a picture of Mac naked with bunny ears on, handcuffed to the bed?
Stella: Uh, umm-
Danny: And why does it look like YOU standing over him?
Stella: That can't be me-
Danny: Yes it is, I noticed the hair first. What's all over him, olive oil? *looks over at Stella in shock* You're kinky.
Stella: Oh, yeah? You act as though you and Aiden haven't done that before, or worse.
Danny: I never said it was a bad thing. So... *leans over* What do you say, you and me tonight, my place? I'll supply the handcuffs if you bring the ears and olive oil.
Stella: Oh, please.
Danny: Hey, just because I'm not finely groomed like Mac doesn't suggest I'm not as flexible!

That was a little too much fun for me...


*snort* *snigger* *lol*

Yess!!! We need some bondaged!Mac! and dominatrix!Stella! *huggles you* I liked Stella's "Oh please" line. Mac simply does it better.

(Mac called Danny to his office)
Danny: *thinks* Oh boy, what trouble did I get into now? *enters Mac'soffice*
Mac: I think you know why you are here.
Danny: I do?
Mac: Stella told me you harassed her.
Danny: *in total shock* HARRASED HER??
Mac: Yeah.
Danny: Hey! All I did was to invite her!
Mac: That's harrasment Danny.
Danny: What?
Mac: And you're off the promotion grid again.
Danny: WHAT????
Mac: And you're already hands off the Robospanker.
Danny: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anything but that! Don't get me promoted! BUT NOT THE ACCESS TO THE ROBOSPANKER!!!
Mac: I've made up my mind.
Danny: *sob*sniff*
Mac: Leave Danny, or I may have to confiscate the Robospanker completely.
Danny: *leaves office weeping*

And by hands off, Mac meant, "You and Aiden have too much time enjoying. It's our turn now".
And by confiscated, he meant, "Do that again and we SHALL have the Robospanker for ourselves".
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny:Aiden! i havent seen you in forever...i miss you
Aiden:b I saw you with that lindsay girl or whatever
Danny: ok, one word. Yucky.
Aiden: you are such a girl
Danny: everytime i look at her i remember how much better you are and how much prettier
Aiden: shucks.
*danny and aiden start making out*
haha i'm such a dork
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*Lindsay stumbles across Danny and Aiden in some closet*
Lindsay: (to Aiden) Who the hell are you?
Aiden: *growls*
Danny: *runs off yelling 'CATFIGHT!!'*
Aiden: *jumps on Lindsay*
Every male in the lab: *cheering*
Every female in the lab: *gossips*

Don't worry, TheBuckley , you're not the only dork. I know for a fact, cause I'm one too. :D
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