Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LOL Doreen ! That was real good. Had me giggling for 5 minutes till my bro whacked me.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

lol I know...I'm actually at school and my old sister just was like "dude shut up" my other sisters are at work.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LOL really? Didn't know it was funny. I just randomly posted it.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

lol...had a great time reading this forum...you people are ingenious :)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

DoreenCSI, that was pure genius at work.

I'll find my muse later. Just a question: is it bad that when I saw Hawkes watching J.Lo's video, I imagined him coming out of nowhere into the video and dancing with her? And Mac joining them when he came in?

And has anyone else sympathized?

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Haha thanks. And you can call me Doreen. Leave the CSI part out. Saves time. Hehe. Won't it be really annoying if you knew someone who spoke in song lyrics?

LOL Hawkes was watching J.Lo??
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

it would be soooo annoying. heheh i do it sometimes just to piss off my sisters. Joce can deal with who, who, who are you...emma she'll deal with some country lyrics, and sky well she'll just go "uh right..dude shut up" she crazck me up sometimes....

Mac&Stella in a bar:

Stella:*drunk and singing* You know im here for the party
And i aint leaving till they throw me out gonna have a little fun gonna get me some You know im here, im here for the party

Mac:*eyes wide open* Stella?

Stella: I may not be a ten but the boys say i clean up good
And if i gave em half a chance For some rowdy romance you know they would I've been waiting all week just to have a good time So bring on them cowboys and their pick up lines

Mac: That’s it *mac picks her up and throws her over his shoulders. She is kicking and screaming and breaks someones beer bottle*

Stella: Yeah I break things Anything I touch I just get around and then I’m bound to tear ‘em up Yeah, I make things Snap and fall apart So if you wanna hold me boy, you’d better watch your heart Cause I break things
Mac&Stella leave

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Yep, it gave him the headway he needed to wrap the case, though.

Mac: Okay, everyone, this is our new CSI, Lindsay-
Danny: Wait a sec, whoa. New CSI?
Mac: Uh... yeah.
Danny: Well, what's wrong with Aiden?
Mac: I had to fire Aiden, so-
Danny: WHAT?! You had to fire... my love slave? *lip quivers*
Mac: Uh... whatever, yes, I had to fire your... er, love slave.
Danny: *breaks down crying*
Mac: You'll be okay. Now, this is our new CSI, Lindsey Monroe.
Danny: *steps up to Lindsey* Where are you from?
Lindsay: Montana.
Danny: You good with a gun?
Lindsay: I hope you think so.
Danny: Leaning into her face, arching an eyebrow* You know how to use the Robospanker?
Lindsay: The.... WHAT?
Danny: Like, OMG, the ROBOSPANKER! *huffs, walks off* Geez, why'd you have to get her? She doesn't even know how to use the Robospanker...

:lol: whee, that was too much fun. I'm going to miss Aiden...

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny: Like, OMG, the ROBOSPANKER! *huffs, walks off* Geez, why'd you have to get her? She doesn't even know how to use the Robospanker...

lmao! hehe. thats awesome.

i have another one....what exactly IS danny's plan? :devil:*muahahaha*

danny: *whispers to aiden and flack as mac and stella walk bye* ok, you guys bring the liquid soap.
aiden: are you sure? i mean, we could get in a lot of trouble!
flack: oh, quit being a baby, burn. danny's gonna try it first anyways.

((next day))

danny:*in bathing suit, and covered in water and bubbles* ok guys, it's good to go. i set up the slip'n slide right from mac's office. he'll trip over the wood i put in front of his office, and slide all the way down the hall!
flack and aiden: *giggle*
mac: *walking out of his office, trips over the chunk of wood and dives onto slip'n slide* DANNNNYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!
danny: *looking down the hall* wow, mac's really got some skills on that thing! look how far he's going! oops....down....the...stairs....well he went a little far.
aiden: *panicking* oh no! he's gonna kill us, he's gonna fire me...*paces* wait, i'm already gone!! shotty next! *dives onto slip'n slide*
flack: its times like these i'm glad i don't actually work here. *dives onto slip'n slide after aiden*
mac: *walking up stairs slowly, looking VERY angry* danny. what. is. that.
danny: *coughs* oh. uhm, its a slip'n slide. i believe thats the....spanish term for....big waterslide.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^LMFAO! Keep up the good work everyone. I'll be back soon with part two of Mac's and Stella's date and Danny's sleepover.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Me too. Like a big idiot, in fact. Thank god my school doesn't let us use their computers, or else I'd be a goner for sure.
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