Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

this is what might happen if danny had a little bit too much to drink... :p

danny: *taps on wine glass with spoon* guys, i'd like to make a toast. *no one's quiet, so he bangs harder and breaks the glass* PEOPLE!
danny: ahem. i'd like to make a toast, to the dead guy over there, on that table. *nods approvingly to dead guy* its guys like you, who keep my paycheck comin' in steady. thanks man. *looks back to everyone else* oh yeah, and a toast to the lab tables, which are so strong, aiden and i can both be on top of one, and it won't even break! *aiden coughs awkwardly* and finally, i'd like to give a special shout out to flack. *points to flack* hey, buddy, nice haircut. *gives thumbs up sign*
mac: *soothing voice* ok, danny? i'm gonna need you to get off stella's shoulders, *stella gasps for air as danny wobbles around drunkenly on her shoulders* and we can get you a nice cold glass of water.
danny: *pouts* FINE. mean-o. ruined the toast. *smiles* toast!.....bread!....waffles!
*passes out and falls off stella*

hehe. that was fun. i'm really bored. :lol:

LMFAO! That was good stuff. Oh man...I can't compete with you guys!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Just to continue labguysrule's idea...

Mac: *whispers at Stella* Wonder which lab table they're using?
*Flack sits down on one of the lab tables* *lab table breaks*
Stella: Certainly not that one!
Flack: Are you implying that I am fat?
Danny: No
Flack: What is it then?
Aiden: That you need a partner in order to sit there.
*Flack silently weeps in his soul*

aww, Flack... *gives flack a hug*

(Don't hit me! Flack is mineeeee!!! *hugs her Flack plushie*)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac:(singing) row, row , row , your boat gently down the stream , throw Messer overboard and listen to him scream...
And cry and cry like a ten yr old girl!

Danny: Arrrgh!
Stella: (laughs)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LMFAO! That was good stuff. Oh man...I can't compete with you guys!

you totally could, just drink too much pepsi and stay up really late. or, just have an imagination that never shuts off/up.

hmm. ideas...ideas...ideas... *thinks* *lightbulb flickers on*

don't throw things at me because this is a dumb idea. :p

*danny's sleeping in the lab, and everyone's standing around him listening to his sleep-talking*
danny: no, not my crackers mr goose! don't take my crackers! *his head flops to the other side* no! put me down! i'm afraid of penguins! noo! not the penguins!
stella: *whispering* should we wake him up?
aiden: *gives an evil grin* i have an idea guys.
*she fills up a glass with warm water and dips his fingers in*
danny: *sighs contentedly* thatnks mr penguin, i never knew there were hot tubs in africa....
*after danny stops talking for a while*
mac: i think he's in between dreams. he sub-conciously knows we're here, and if we talk softly, i bet we could get him to answer questions. *evil grin*
flack: *softly* danny, do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
danny: only my cuddle-bonks. *smiles in his sleep*
aiden: *whispers* danny, what kind of tv shows do you really watch?
danny: *singing quietly* tinky-winky, dipsy, la-la, poe.... *leans over and hits his head on the chair and wakes up and looks around*
danny: what? *confused*
everyone: *singing as they walk away* tinky-winky, dipsy, la-la, poe...
danny: *giggles until he realizes what just happened* OH NO!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny: (farts)
Mac: Who Farted?
Danny: you must have , coz' whoever smelt it, dealt it.
Mac: I know that you did, coz' whoever denied it, supplied it.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Another good one labsguyrule! You should come to the "I am Candian" thread in the Misc. section and post if you have not. Anyway, back on topic. This one is for all you Mac/Stella shipper fans out there. Enjoy ;)

Stella: Mac, I have a confession to make.
Mac: What is it now Stella? I'm very busy with work.
Stella: I don't like Frankie. I was just using him.
Mac: Using him? Why would you use him.
Stella: *sigh* It's because I wanted to see how you feel.
Mac: How I feel? You know I like you Bonasera.
Stella: I like you too Mac. Just not in that way.
Mac: What are you getting at?
Stella: I have romantic feelings for you Mac. I always have.
Mac: Really? I, uh, didn't know?
Stella: How could you not know that? Don't you see it in the way I look at you or the way I always check up on to see you're feeling.
Mac: Gee, I always thought you were being friendly. You know, since we do work together.
Stella: That's all you have to say. I poured my heart out to you and all you say is that you thought I was being nice? Dammit Mac you have to tell me how you feel.
Mac: You wanna know how I feel?
Stella: Yes, I wanna know how you feel Mac.
Mac: I love you Stella! I always have. Rose was just Rose to me.
Stella: Oh Mac!
Mac: I felt like an ass when you walked out that door in that sexy dress. I should have been the guy with you. I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful you looked.
Stella: I wanted to beat up Rose. Well, not really. But you know what I'm getting at.
Mac: Enough talking Bonasera. Let's ditch the office and go out.
Stella: Good stuff. I'll drive.
Mac: Nice. The drinks will be on me.
Stella: But what about everyone else. They can't know.
Mac: Oh, as if they don't. I told everyone how I feel anyway.
Stella: Wow, I admire that Mac.
Mac: Really?
Stella: Yeah. Last one to the car buy's the shots.
Mac: It's on like donkey kong!

*Mac and Stella race out the door*

Danny: Aww, I'm so happy for them.
Flack: Did you just say that you're happy for them.
Danny: No...I didn't say anything.
Hawkes: Liar.
Flack: He's right though. It's about time.
Hawkes: What are we waiting for? They're gone so let's ditch this place.
Danny: Ok. Pillow fight at my house in a hour.
Flack: I'll bring the gossip magazines.
Hawkes: I'll bring my teddy bear.

:lol: The last part was pathetic.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

the last part was hysterical! i love the sleepy-time ones we're coming up with!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^ I know eh? Some of this stuff should be featured on the show.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

yeah. especially the bit where mac and stella tell each other how they feel.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Another good one labsguyrule! You should come to the "I am Candian" thread in the Misc. section and post if you have not. Anyway, back on topic. This one is for all you Mac/Stella shipper fans out there. Enjoy ;)

Stella: Mac, I have a confession to make.
Mac: What is it now Stella? I'm very busy with work.
Stella: I don't like Frankie. I was just using him.
Mac: Using him? Why would you use him.
Stella: *sigh* It's because I wanted to see how you feel.
Mac: How I feel? You know I like you Bonasera.
Stella: I like you too Mac. Just not in that way.
Mac: What are you getting at?
Stella: I have romantic feelings for you Mac. I always have.
Mac: Really? I, uh, didn't know?
Stella: How could you not know that? Don't you see it in the way I look at you or the way I always check up on to see you're feeling.
Mac: Gee, I always thought you were being friendly. You know, since we do work together.
Stella: That's all you have to say. I poured my heart out to you and all you say is that you thought I was being nice? Dammit Mac you have to tell me how you feel.
Mac: You wanna know how I feel?
Stella: Yes, I wanna know how you feel Mac.
Mac: I love you Stella! I always have. Rose was just Rose to me.
Stella: Oh Mac!
Mac: I felt like an ass when you walked out that door in that sexy dress. I should have been the guy with you. I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful you looked.
Stella: I wanted to beat up Rose. Well, not really. But you know what I'm getting at.
Mac: Enough talking Bonasera. Let's ditch the office and go out.
Stella: Good stuff. I'll drive.
Mac: Nice. The drinks will be on me.
Stella: But what about everyone else. They can't know.
Mac: Oh, as if they don't. I told everyone how I feel anyway.
Stella: Wow, I admire that Mac.
Mac: Really?
Stella: Yeah. Last one to the car buy's the shots.
Mac: It's on like donkey kong!

*Mac and Stella race out the door*

Danny: Aww, I'm so happy for them.
Flack: Did you just say that you're happy for them.
Danny: No...I didn't say anything.
Hawkes: Liar.
Flack: He's right though. It's about time.
Hawkes: What are we waiting for? They're gone so let's ditch this place.
Danny: Ok. Pillow fight at my house in a hour.
Flack: I'll bring the gossip magazines.
Hawkes: I'll bring my teddy bear.

:lol: The last part was pathetic.

This made me go Awww.... and then rofl on the end.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Thanks everyone for your compliments. Who knows, maybe I'll write a part two to the whole Stella and Mac convo. BTW wynter126 I just love your banner. I actually stared at at for a period of two minutes 'cause its so damn cute.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^thank you! SMACKed is teh cuteness.

Sleepover at Danny's place.

Hawkes: Thost two are late.
Aiden: *flipping through Cosmopolitan* Yeah... That's odd... They're usually the first one to arrive. Pass the chips Flack.
Flack: No! You get your own chips!
Aiden: Do I have to kill you for those chips?
Flack: I would love to see you try!
*Aiden whips out a photo album, which has a label "NEW YORK POLICE OFFICERS' MOST EMBARASSING PICTURES*
Aiden: Oh! Lookie here at page 8!
Flack: No! Not page 8! Fine! *passes bowl of chips to Aiden*
Danny: *snores loudly*
Hawkes: Sheesh, that guy can sleep.
Flack: And to demonstrate this ability... Observe!
*Flack tickles Danny's face with a feather. And he won't even budge*
Flack: Voila!

*Mac and Stella walks in*
Mac: Sorry we're late... We had to, uhm...
Stella: Finish paperwork.
Aiden: *whispers to Hawkes* Yeah right... Paper work...
Flack: Now that everyone is here, who's up for a game of Twister on top of Danny Messer?
*Hawkes gasps*
*Mac stares at Flack*
*Aiden smiles mischievously*
*Danny awakens*
Danny: Whaa? I heard my name.
Hawkes: You really should stop using the words "on", "top" and "Danny Messer" in one sentence.
*Flack insanely grins*
Stella: Yeah, it gives us all a heart attack.
Mac: and it's scientifically impossible.
Danny: Scientifically impossible my a$$.
*Aiden nudges Danny*
Danny: Ow!

(after a few minutes)

Hawkes: Ok... Stella. Left hand on blue.
Stella: You're kidding me right?
*Hawkes shows dreaded board of death*
Stella: *snarlling* Fine, fine...
Danny: Uh, hey guys??
Stella: Shut up if you want to live.
Mac: Or suffer having a few pounds of scientists on your back.
Danny: Guys... I can hear someting vibrating!

(Oh, and it's a cellphone in silent mode people. I gave Danny super hearing ability. Feel free to think the other way though :devil:)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I had this imaginary conversation with Danny with myself last night so I decided to post it here. Hehe...

Me: Hi. Who are you?

Danny: Who are you? Who who who who... ("Who Are You", The Who)

Me: I'm Doreen. What's your name, stranger?

Danny: Say my name say my name ("Say My Name", Destiny's Child)

Me: I'd love to but I dunno your name. Nevermind. Which street were you walking on?

Danny: I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams ("Boulevard of Broken Dreams", Green Day)

Me: Do you always speak in song lyrics?

Danny: Everyday ("Everyday", Bon Jovi)

Me: Can you please stop it? It's very annoying.

Danny: Yeah yeah yeah ("Yeah", Usher)

Me: You're doing it again!!

Danny: Oops I did it again ("Oops I Did It Again", Britney Spears)

Me: Arrrgh!!! I'm gonna go now. See you tomrrow. *stomps off*

Danny: Bye bye bye ("Bye Bye Bye", N'Sync)
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