Post something you can't say out loud.

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:lol: Oh glee, a new adjective to describe me :lol:

What the jello is a Marina, and why does she keep mentioning it like I have the slightest clue what it is? And how the heck do you make veggie burgers????
im just f*** nerveus for my birhtday and on this moment i dont know if im going to hate or love my cat ... I hate it when i cant get my mind straight and make a choose... i hate myself for being ugly and i hate myself for having problems with eating.. Dawm you bitch..
To my friend: You're funny, but sometimes I so can beat the sh*t out of you. Sometimes you're so naive.

To my latin teacher: You suck! Why are you giving us so much things to learn? The test is tuesday, but I started learning yesterday. Normally I learn for a test the day before...
To my co-worker: God i think that you are soo beautiful! When you were training me at first i thought that you were cute and thats it and i wasnt nervous being around you. Now i get soo nervous and i cant talk to you like i did when you were first training me cause im developing a little crush on you. I dont know how you feel about me or even if you are like that, but i see you staring at me in a sense that you kind of feel the same way. Cant stop thinking about you.
to my mom:
Why do you always have to say bad things of me if you see me and never tells me that you love me.. Why fight with me on my birthday party and telling me wath of kind a bitch i am and always was.. Why cant i do any thing wright in your eyes and do i always have to hear wath am doing wrong and why cant you just love like how i am even if im stubbernd or not always listen to you why do you make me cry and let me hate myself for who i am.. im doing my best and wanna do is well and good and so like this i cant and now im crying on my one birthday feeling myself sad and lonely because of the hatefull things you said... I dont hate i love you so much maybe to much but thats make its even more worse and dont say that im just like dad blaming others for my problems and pain.. stop doing that and start giving me good things and just see that your proud and love me.. Please mom.. I will always love you no matter what and you know that so please say it back to me... :(
Happy Birthday Nathalie_emily, and you are not the only one whose birthdays are ruined by family members, I doubt any drama in the world could compare to what happened on my 16th birthday - so pull yourself through. You'll make it, no one needs to tell you they love you for you to feel special. You deserve to have more than what you're given. And only YOU can give yourself that worth and value.

The one person you cannot avoid is the one person you need to please. YOU.

What I can't say out loud:
M - I really think you're going to fail yourself if you keep doing what you do right now. Quite frankly, I'm damn sick of you being so pathetic and weak - and I refuse to spoil you the way you want it.
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