To my Grandpa: Hi. I know you're watching over me, so I just want to tell you that I miss you so much. If you saw me at your funeral, I was devastated. Losing someone that I was so close with hurt so much. Just to let you know, even though I changed, I still love you so much. Seeing that elderly man on transit tonight, I realized how much my love for you extended, and I realized how much Im lost without you. Keep watching over Grandma. She loves you, and needs you to guide her, because of so much that she's been through. Breast cancer, and cornea surgery. I know that Suzie loved you too. She's getting old, and whenever she can, she watches over grandma, just like you do. She put her paw on the bed when Grandma when she came back from her surgery.
Kay, I will never forget you, grandad. Love you lots, and I'll see you in the next life.
Your granddaughter,
P.S. TICKLEBUGS!!!! Good times.