Post something you can't say out loud.

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kazzy said:
Oh, you guys. :rolleyes:

Ahum. Sorry for that. Congratulations on cleaning your room Kazzy! :rolleyes: and to myself:

How come you're still here on the board? You shouldn't be here! But it's so tempting!
to myself:

can you get your butt out of that chair and go to get something to eat?
fjuu.. thank you! at last... sheeshh! :p
To my stomach: stop hurting so much... you're making me cry!

To my head: you're making me cry too... hum, what's that?!? Oh... you aren't hurting me, you're burning in fever... :rolleyes:
Lia said:
What the hell possessed me to eat TWO TWINKIES? 300 calories of NO nutrition whatsoever.

I feel disgusting.
Meh, no-nutrition food is often tasty, I can't blame ya. :D
What's a Twinkie?

OMG I still like you too much.
Someone else ( two people):
I thought you were my friends but OMFG NO you go and reject me so fuck you I'm cutting you out of my life ( Anna, don't worry, I'm talking about some people up here). From now on NOTHING, I mean NOTHING you say is gonna mean anything to me you don't deserve it. You are GONE :cool:
Two other girls: They put you down and I believed them but you are way better people than they ever were you don't go rejecting everyone, you listen unlike a certain SOMEONE who I am cutting out. You are kind and sweet and I am sorry.
To another girl : Thank you for standing up for me to the bitches I thought were friends. You are so :cool:.
To that boy again: You are so friggin gorgeous and you're always RIGHT THERE in front of me I need to talk to you, about something else though.
To the boy I sit next to in IT: thank God for you, you may be annoying but you make me smile
To roommate: I don't want to load the it yourself! Gawd...just cause you made dinner doesn't mean I should have to load the dishwasher. I cleaned the kitchen today...before you made a mess! So go ask Cassidy or something, I don't want to do it!

To my little sister: Awwe, you do not realize how much you cheer me up when I'm having a bad day!
To myself: stop forgetting everything, it is ANNOYING to have to go back home if you are already halfway to school and it´s even more ANNOYING when you forget the keys and have to ask the neighbours for them! Try to stay focused on the task on hand, not on something or someone else for God´s sake!
To a friend: Sorry I didn´t stay longer last night, I just really needed to go home coz I knew I would feel like I do now if I stayed any longer, and guess what I still feel like a truck ran over me, it´s not fair :p I didn´t even drink that much :p
To the Spanish mailman: hurry up will ya, I´m expecting important mail :p
To the cinema across the street: I hate you for closing!
To my brain: Stop thinking about him! He is sitting a stool away from me in English and you, my brain, my EVIL brain, won't leave me alone with your horrid imaginings of what he might say to me if he knew. I HATE YOU TODAY!!!! :eek:
to me: you better know your stuff for the math exam tommorrow!!! All this studying is making me even more nervous!!!

To my plateful of cheese: I love you.
To the ants in my walls: Please stop chewing on the wood. It's enough of a hassle to fall asleep at night without you all eating away at the wall.

To my mom: No, I did not steal your socks.
To my sister: No, I did not steal your underwear.
To my Dad: Thank God you didn't ask if I stole your underwear. But you should because mom accidentally put your underwear in my pile, so I have them.
To my soccer coach: ARE YOU BLIND!??!!?! Can you not see that it's 90 degrees outside? PLAYING TWO FORTY MINUTE SOCCER SCRIMAGES IN A FREAKING ROW IN NINETY DEGREE WEATHER IS TORTURE!!!!!!!!!! God I can't stand you......
To my friend: Get off your butt and take a bus here! Yeesh!

To my other friend: You walk REALLY slow, unless your on the phone with friend above, then it's all good.

To my roommates: For once, I'm enjoying to fact that your leaving me to go to LA! I get the whole house to myself! Yay, I can play my music loud without being yelled at!
To a friend: get your arse back to Holland so we can meet up! :p

To dad: Can we please, pretty please get my boxers on Thursday?? And do call when you say you'd call. Oh and don't ever say "promise me!" at the end of a sentence, you know that I won't anyway!

To mummy: Please come back home.. dad is very demanding, he thinks I don't do a fecking thing and he always expects me to have dinner ready whenever he wants it. I make him make his own lunch now, because he knows I won't do it for him like you do.. see he is able to do it, maybe you should try and not make his lunch for once.
to no one in particular: my secret crush isn´t so secret anymore :p

to the mailman: if you don´t bring my mail I´ll pull you over the counter!

to a friend: I´ll be there sooner than you think
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