Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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:rolleyes: I don't go tanning, but I do sit in the sun quite a bit. I never get sunburn though, so I never have to put on sunscreen. Because I don't get sunburned easily its hard for me to tan.
I don't go into tanning salons, but I love to relax in the sun for an hour or so. I've got a pretty nice tan goin, too. No farmer's tan, either! :D

BTW, cute avatar there, 915!!
I went with Patricia Cornwell cause I haven't heard of Kathy Reichs :p I've been meaning to pick up a Patricia Cornwell book for some time now, I just never got around to it. I've been very lazy lately :lol:
Me either cofi_shot. I haven't really heard of her, so I haven't read her work and don't really know what she writes on.
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