Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Ah, I survive with Duact, Flixonase and eyedrops :lol:

I once bought (since Duact is prescription medicine) some other allergic medicine and it gave me so horrible headache that I couldn't take it :(
Oh yeah...I have to have my allergy eye drops too, Ducky. :lol:

cofi_shot said:
Nope. I'm not allergic to anything that I know of.

You are so lucky! :lol: I'm allergic to so many things. Shellfish is something else I'm allergic to.
Actually I'm really weird. :lol: I'm prone to colds and have allergic reactions to dust and other stuff around my house. I've only started reacting to stuff like that in the last 4 years. But I have never ever been allergic to pollen or ever had hayfever. :eek:
im not allergic to pollen but am allergic to ladybirds.
it scares me when thay come close to me and i have to get the kids to scare them away.
i must sound like a right baby lol
Nope, I'm not allergic to anything. :) But I sneeze when I'm under the hot sun, but I can't be allergic to the sun can I? I don't think it's the pollen...
nope, i'm not allergic to pollen, but i recently discovered that Im allergic to mozzie bites, which sucks because i live in the land of mozzies :lol:
if i get bitten, even if i don't scratch, it still swells up into a welt almost immediately, and if i try not to scratch, i scratch in my sleep anyway, so its a lose - lose
I don't think I have allergies, but this summer I've noticed myself sneezing more. I haven't had allergies in the past so, I'm saying no.
I'm allergic to pollen... every spring, I start sneezing and sniffling and itching my eyes, although my symptoms have been lessening in the past few years (Thank GOD!). I still take Claritin, though, just in case. I'm also allergic to penicillin and sulpha drugs.
Lucky kids without allergies. *grumbles*

I'm allergic to friggin EVERYTHING.

Dust, dust mites, pollen, mold, ragweed, grass, some short-haired cats, and cedar wood.

Cedar's the worst, at least lately, because I take wood shop at school, and of course, half the guys in my class choose to use cedar. When I'm exposed to it my eyes get itchy and red, my throat closes enough that I lose my voice, and I get a red bumpy rash.

Of course, my teacher happened to forget when he was telling the guys what kinds of wood they could buy, so I'm stuck getting sick every day or failing the course.
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