Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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wibble said:
One voted 'No'? :eek:

I know! :eek: Maybe we should find out which sinner voted no and wrap them in bubble wrap as punishment... j/k :p :lol:
then make them po their way our :p . actually that would be really fun to be wrapped in bubble wrap, assuming you don't suffocate of course.
Tinkerbell said:
Destroy the bubbles! It can't be helped, it's like when you eat a doughnut and lick your lips after. :lol:

When I was in driving school, we once went to grab some donuts and coffee and me, one other person and inspector... we had contest who can eat a donut without licking your lips. :lol:

Oh, about Bubble wrap... I just watched "Dude, where is my car" Oh if I only found suit like those alien-fans had :lol:
I'm such an idiot, I voted (no) before I saw the posts after, so I had no idea what you were talking about. It's been forever since I've seen bubble wrap (also, where is it called bubbleplastic? that really threw me off). So if I could I would retract my no vote, because I too am addicted to popping the evil bubble wrap (did I mention I've never in my life heard it called bubbleplastic??) I beg your forgiveness for being such a complete moron :eek: :confused: :eek:
Have I ever mentioned that I'm a foreigner?
English not my lingo. :lol: :lol:

The reason why I put bubbleplastic was...

In Finnish: kuplamuovi

kupla = a bubble
muovi = plastic

I checked two my dicionaries, those didn't include this word, I did searching if I could find the right word, I did actually find a few places where they used "bubbleplastic"
Hey, those peanuts can be fun, especially if they're not styrofoam, but cornstarch. You can lick them, which makes them sticky and then stick them to anything you want. Our community service coordinator on campus said she did this one year to office of the res life coordinator on April Fool's Day one year.
wibble said:
It's okay Luveykat - we forgive you ;) (and won't wrap in bubblewrap as punishment :p ).

But what if I WANTED to be wrapped in bubble wrap?? That way I could pop it just by rolling around on the floor, who needs breathing anyway?
OK, I'll order some special bubblewrap suits so we can all have a bubblewrap party, and roll around on the floor to see who can pop all their bubbles the fastest :lol:
Wouldn't your weight be distributed over all the bubbles causing them to stay in one piece? Great idea though, bubble plastic suits!
:lol: I have this weird fastination with popping bubblewrap. It started when I was like five and I have continued to do it. My mom says I'm too old to be popping it, but I don't care.
Tinkerbell said:
In fact I thought it was impossible not to, until Casper voted no. :eek: You must have some serious will power. :lol:
Casper voted no? :eek:

For me, these kuplamuovi(teehee) draw out the compulsive side of me. I like to pop 'em one by one. And now my fingers are itching for them...*looks around*
:lol: Naw, it was Luveykat but it turns out that she is one of us too so yeah! Hehe, me? Power? Oh I don't know what gave you THAT idea Tink! *hides magic wand* :rolleyes:
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