Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Oh how I have many fond memorys of my SEGA Megadrive! Spending hours upon hours with my sonic games. :lol: I now have a sudden urge to play it. :eek:

I chose Tails, Sonic and Tails! I loved Tails. :D
allmaple said:
there was one of a man who gets attacked by the ghost in his house. they caught it on tape, scratches just appeared on his arms and face, and then got deeper and deeper until they bled. i had to turn it off because i was alone in the house and got scared :lol:
I think I watched that too! The ghost was a little girl who scratches the man, right???

As for the latest poll, I only know Sonic so I don't vote for the other 2 coz I dunno... :confused:
And to the next poll. Personally I can't help it, I'm obsessed even I see little piece of this stuff. I got new HD earlier in the week and couldn't start to work with it until I finished with this subject...
I have to destroy the bubbles. It's a calling, I mean...You can't just stare at them and let them go un-popped. *grabs bubble wrap*
I know :eek: It's like...evil calling and you have to make sure that there is no untouched bubble. I once went to sleep but knew that plastic was there and I turned lights on and continued :lol:

It's evil.
:lol: I think I've actually found bubble wrap that had been sitting there already popped for about year. I picked it up and went looking for more possibly un-popped bubbles. :devil:
Dear Lord...this is the worse thing someone could ever give me - I just *have* to pop all those bubbles :eek: Then when someone says 'why you do that? stop it, it's pointless and the noise is annoying', I get fidgety because I know more bubbles need popping before they're all gone. *sigh*

So yes, I destroy all bubbles - only then am I happy :lol:
I work in a warehouse and we have the large bubble wrap, OMG is so fun to run it over with the forklift, or a two wheel dolley!!!!. It's good for relieving stress also, take your anger out on bubbles!!!!. :lol:

I found a website called Virtual Bubblewrap, not a good as the real thing, but its addicting :lol:
I love popping bubble wrap! My first thought is to go ahead and pop them all. I love the noise they make!

I don't to see bubble wrap often so when I do it's a special bubble popping occasion. :D
Yay! 100% of votes are 'yes' so far :D See...it seems no one can resist the evil bubble wrap, muhahahahaha :devil:
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