Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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zippy said:
DaWacko said:
^Oh zipperston :lol:

In plural btw it's "kuplamuovit" ;)
Oh yeah, I ate the 't'...I thought it was a cookie. :lol:

Finnish grammar is a bitch ;) Believe me, I am a native Finn and my Finnish grammar is worse than English grammar :lol:
DaWacko said:
Finnish grammar is a bitch ;) Believe me, I am a native Finn and my Finnish grammar is worse than English grammar :lol:
You haven't discover Tibetan grammar yet...they make grammar into poems...I believe Yoda's using Tibetan grammar.

I twist the bubblewrap, then I squeeze the life out of the survivors... one by one.
If you twist it, how can you pop it one by one? I thought many of them would pop at the same time. Don't tell me you trained... :eek: :eek:
zippy said:
DaWacko said:
Finnish grammar is a bitch ;) Believe me, I am a native Finn and my Finnish grammar is worse than English grammar :lol:
You haven't discover Tibetan grammar yet...they make grammar into poems...I believe Yoda's using Tibetan grammar.


Heehehe! :lol: zippy, you crack me up :lol: I'm gonna be giggling at that for the rest of the day now :lol:
Actually... I've used the same technique than CSIannalysse because it saves time...

...I start to feel we all are maniacs here :lol:
I agree...

I pop the bubbles too, but it tends to drive my mom or dad and/or cat and dog absolutely insane. Then I hide it in my room and pop the bubbles there.
I usually pop them individually, and then I'll twist it just to make sure I didn't miss any before I throw it out. :lol:

And don't you just hate it when one doesn't 'pop'? It just sort of 'wooshes' and doesn't make that lovely popping noise?

Or does that just happen to me? :confused:

No Thumps, not just you :lol: that happens to me sometimes - it's so disappointing when it doesn't make the right noise, isn't it? :)

Heh, then I go looking for the next one to pop even more quickly and desperately :lol:
I'm sorry but this topic really amuses me. Just proves of seriously people take popping bubble wrap and that we all still have our inner-kid :lol:

But to the next poll... this came up when I was brushing teeth last nigth..and again this morning.
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