Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Do they sell goat's milk in grocery stores? Or do you have to go to a specialty health food store to get it?
I drink milk all the time..I love it..I have it in the morning for breakfast and in the afternoon...but mostly with tea in the afternoon and at night.
Sirea said:
DaWacko said:
Why would milk be no good for adults? That's calfpoo.

Well some people think that humans shouldn't drink cow milk. So what kind of milk SHOULD we drink? Please don't say human milk...

Is it the talk about diabetes? I mean, milk causes diabetes. It's just simply when quality of life has improved after WW2, people have had money to buy more e.g. milk (among with many other things) and diseases like diabetes have increased. It's the only excuse that I've heard.

So if we shouldn't drink milk, why on earth they have milk campagnes?`Why doctor tells you to drink/eat milkproducts.
So those who don't use milkproduces, happy osteoporosis to you when you get old!
Sirea said:
Do they sell goat's milk in grocery stores? Or do you have to go to a specialty health food store to get it?
Well, I've never been able to find one in a grocery store. I can find ample of them when there's a flea markets. It's pretty tough on the stomach and it's very rich[according to friends who've drank it]. Probably why it's tasty. I've been searching for a bottle eversince I saw one but I didn't managed to buy it. Hmm, I wonder why though... :rolleyes:
What about goat's milk? I haven't tasted it before but I heard that it was delicious.
About 6 months ago, I went on a detox diet (which was awful by the way :rolleyes:), anyway I was only allowed to have goat’s milk and not the regular milk. To my surprise I found it to be quite tasty. The detox didn't last long. :lol: I went back to regular milk as Goats milk was quite expensive over here.
kazzy said:
Oh I don't know what milk with its 100% fat tastes like. :rolleyes: Must try it out one day... :p

Erm... Kazzy there is no such a thing.
Because cows have only a certain % of fat in milk. Normal fat% in cow's milk is around 4.30-4.50%
(uh, we had one with 6% :D )
..I mean WITH ITS COMPLETE FAT! Not 100% fat. Ew, that'd be gross. Ok, I meant Ive never had milk with its fat not taken out! :p Always have semi-skimmed...
kazzy said:
..I mean WITH ITS COMPLETE FAT! Not 100% fat. Ew, that'd be gross. Ok, I meant Ive never had milk with its fat not taken out! :p Always have semi-skimmed...

Whole milk?
Ah visit me :D ATM our milk's fat% is... I think 4.8% :D
I'm actually really organized. I'm a little OCD.. rofl.

I like coke [-a-cola, of course] best. <3

Andd I drink milk, every day. mm.
Hmm, I beginning to pity cows. So many mouths to feed! :lol: I'm sure they have enough milk for the world. I've seen those shows where they extract the milk from the cows. Whoa! Gallons of them! :p
I'm organized and I have my own way of folding my towels. I'm very silly :).
I like Coca-cola but I don't drink this much because I swim and it won't feel good.
Yeah, I drink milk. Cold milk in the morning and warm milk at night :).

Doing poll is much fun :).
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