Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Mmmm. .Milk! I dont really like it plain unless its with chocolate! :D But I like everything it makes! like icecream, and cookies, and milkshakes, and with cereal...!
Nope, well occassionally, I am a little on the intolerent side, I can eat or drink some milk products, but not reg milk itself. The lactose stuff doesn't work on me and personally I have tried it before and no thanks I couldn't stand it.

Here is the wierd part, or wierd to me anyway, while I can eat or drink some stuff with milk product in it, IF I pour a half a glass of milk and then add water for the other half then I can drink it. But only once or twice a week.
Got Milk? :lol: Always wanted to say that.

I drink milk, yes. Mom dosen't encourage me to though because it seem to contribute to my height. Fresh milk is my favourite. Not whole, not skim. Fresh with a healthy dose of everything.

I don't really drink soda that much, but when I do it's Coke, more out of force of habit than anything.

I'm so disappointed they're getting rid of Vanilla Coke...
Yeah I drink milk but I like it cold. I generally love dairy products(cheese, yummmmmm). Unfortunately it didn't contribute at all to my height coz I'm still a hobbit. :( And I heard that milk's no good for adults.
Hell yeah, I love milk. :p

I drink it by the glass load, my sister thinks it's gross. :lol: I've always loved milk ever since I was young, when I have cereal for breakfast, I always have loads of milk left in the bowl. I do that on purpose. :lol:
Speaking of cereal :p, I actually like the taste of milk after the cereal have soften in it. The remaining milk will taste strangely delicious! I especially like it after I finished my Honeystar and there is still milk left. Delicious!
Tinkerbell said:
my sister thinks it's gross. :lol:

Me too :p :lol:

Speaking of milk, I was talking to a friend yesterday and she was telling me how she suddenly developed an allergy to dairy products. She was saying how she now has to drink soya milk instead of ordinary milk, and how disgusting it tastes. Poor her :lol:
every evening till i eat my sweet dessert i drink glass of milk...this is my old habit like to eat sunflower seed till i watch moves or football :)
Soya bean ain't half bad. I don't like the ones with Almond added to it though.

This milk got me thinking of 'Friends' again where Joey told Phoebe he could drink a gallon of milk in ten seconds! Hilarious!
zippy said:
Unfortunately it didn't contribute at all to my height coz I'm still a hobbit. :( And I heard that milk's no good for adults.

Why would milk be no good for adults? That's calfpoo.

And wibbsy... allergies like that. Often people who have allergies, such as your friend, they can still drink "unprocessed milk" which is straight from farm. The milk what I drink :D
DaWacko said:
Why would milk be no good for adults? That's calfpoo.

Well some people think that humans shouldn't drink cow milk. So what kind of milk SHOULD we drink? Please don't say human milk...
Not a big fan of milk, I rarely drink it. I'm more of a water and tea kind of person. Man, that sounds so boring :)
wibble said: Speaking of milk, I was talking to a friend yesterday and she was telling me how she suddenly developed an allergy to dairy products. She was saying how she now has to drink soya milk instead of ordinary milk, and how disgusting it tastes. Poor her :lol:
Ahh is her allergy and actual allergy in itself or is she lactose intolerent? Some differences are hives (Allergy) verses digestive problems (Intolerance). I have the slight lactose problem. As a child I lived on Milk but then one day it caused me problems that I had to resort to what I described above.

Though I didn't if she hasn't tried she might benefit from the Lactaid medication that is over the counter, but she should check with her doc to be sure. They didn't work on me, but it could be simply that mine isn't that bad enough.
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