Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Hehehe, nah I don't.

So I don't find out who the new mods are until I see their name on the forum or whatever. Oh well. :p
I do. But I found out Ducky became an Admin because her name had that 'A' by the side. Heh. But most of the time, I read the announcements. :)
Yes, I do, although I admit that sometimes I'm a little slow at noticing when there is a new announcement. But that's because they're not made often enough :p
nope, i dont have that much time when im on the computers anyways and that would take to long!
I always read them too. :D And I always read the annoucement threads in each individual forum as well, even if it's a forum I don't normally post in that much.
I actually went back to the Main Index to see what the Announcements Forum is. :lol: But yeah, I do read it. :)
Each and everytime I read them and then times I go back and re-read them just to make sure if I have to commit it to memory (ie a rule) or not.
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