Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Helping Grissom through the crisis will be his true love, Sara, played by Fox, who is returning for multiple episodes, starting with the season premiere.

I think it's funny how Sara comes back to help Grissom through his crisis when she can't even handle her own or even let Grissom help her through hers? I mean she just ran away and now she's ok enough to handle someone else's crisis? That's a bit of a stretch. Yes, I know she was leaving the show and yes, I'll agree that Sara should be involved someway, but still.

And yes, I know they have to wrap up Grissom's story somehow, but I don't think rehashing the same reason Sara left as the way to go. Yes, Grissom is burnt out, but have it that another job offer (like to teach) comes up and he thinks it's time to move on.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Sara didn't run away, she left [she's only been gone for 6 months] to take care of her "ghosts" and if you saw her letter to him she made it clear that she didn't want to drag him down, which in my book makes her a very strong woman, taking care of her own problems not dumping them on him or others, and her mom lives in San Francisco, and they've always been in touch, so not to get off on a big SHIP talk issue, she's had time to clear her head, and if her buddy Warrick is in dire straits [regardless of that outcome] she will return to be with Grissom, and her other CSI buddies to comfort them, Grissom has been a lonely morose dude since she left, and my take is when he leaves she'll leave with him. If one reads between the lines of Billy Petersen comments on this news just announced, he makes this very clear!, and BTW it was the lead/top story tonight on ET on his departure, with some cool shots of him from the past ET shows:( at least we've still got him for 10 episodes:bolian:
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Sorry, Destiny; I didn't know speculation on his replacement was wrong. Is there an appropriate thread for "Who would you like to see replace WP?" I looked around and couldn't find anything where it seemed okay to do that.
You're not being asked Not to speculate about it, but rather not to let it dominate the topic is all. ;)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I'm telling ya, for once, it would be nice if Grissom told Nick and Greg how he feels about them, like he has with Sara, Catherine and Warrick. Geez, they deserve it.

Maybe they should bring back Paul Millander, someone way in his past and not so recent.

However, I will miss Grissom, I always liked the character. He was a strange, quirky man. I hope in his last 10 episodes, that we get to see a little more of the old Grissom, but I know it's hopeless.

Now who are they going to go to when the capture a bug? I always thought it was funny when they would find a bug and it would be like: Grissom's gonna love you. :lol: I still remember him having breakfast with that cockroach (Oh, I think it was a cockroach). See that's what made him so quirky. There's no other character like him.
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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Maybe they should bring back Paul Millander

I'm pretty sure that Paul Millander died. But they could have brought back that magician guy. They showed him in the cop car with the handcuff key in his mouth. How come we've never seen him again? And it would be kind of pointless now without Grissom. I just don't get how Grissom is going to cross paths with the minature killer when she is and should be in jail/psycho ward. That's just stupid to me.

As for Sara's leaving, I think the reason she didn't go to Grissom personally is that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to leave if she did... and she knew she needed to go somewhere alone to clear her head or whatever. but still, I didn't like the sendoff they gave her. I thought she deserved better. Maybe they should have had her find out her mom was sick and then she left to go help her. But, I wasn't crazy about the way they had her leave. And I hope they Grissom's departure isn't cheesy or too out of character.

And you're right that the guys deserve to know what they mean to Grissom. I think with them, its been more of an actions speak louder than words thing. He gave Greg a second chance after he failed his proficiency and tried to make him feel better regarding the whole Demetrius James thing. He was very there for Nick when they found him in that coffin thingy. He was calling him "pancho" like Nick's dad did to get him to focus and not freak out. I think all of that said a lot more than Grissom coming right out and saying "you guys are like family to me" or whatever. But still, it'd be nice to hear.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

So if Grissom and the team get the rat McKeen for his horrific crime, and Grissom gets to pick his replacement on the shift he's leaving, [unless it's up to Icky Ecklie], then it's either Cath or Nick to be lead surpervisor, over who? Greg and the new girl?, there's still 3 that will be gone, this just stinks:scream:
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I don't like it at all, either. I understand he wants to do other things, and is tired of the grind of doing a one hour procedural, but I thought that's why he had some hiatuses written into his contract. :confused:

Then bringing back Natalie, the Miniature Killer? :rolleyes::confused::wtf:

That makes no sense, unless it's for her trial. I mean, come on, I don't think she'll escape. Note that when she was taken in she'd had a psychotic break. I know that she could theoretically come back, but come on, by that time she'd be on enough Thorazine, Clozaril, Zyprexa, Depakote, and Haldol to render her catatonic.

I also hope that it isn't the way he indicated in the interview, that it's something to do with GSR. If they ride off into the sunset together to celebrate their "True Love" then I think I'll actually be sick.....That's not true to either of their characters, IMO.

I can even see it if Grissom gets into some hot water over the McKeen thing. That would work for me; just please don't do a big wedding with silver bells and angels and whatnot.

Basically, bottom line is, CSI is Grissom. They've built the show around his character. He can be absent short term, for hiatuses and sabbaticals like in Season 7, which worked for four episodes, but I don't think it will work long term. Then factor in the losses of Sara and Warrick, and it really leaves a void.

Not to knock any of the ensemble cast, because George Eads, Eric Szmanda, Paul Guilfoyle, and Marg Helgenberger are great at what they do, but I don't think they can carry the show long term. There's something about Billy Petersen and Grissom that is a unifiying force for the show. TPTB will need to bring in an actor with similar presence and flair that they can rebuild the show around.

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's been done before, on ER, and to a lesser degree on Criminal Minds (although the jury is still out on that one), but it's hard. They've either brought in someone with enough flair to pull it off, or relied on the strengths of the ensemble casts; and minus Gary Dourdan and Jorja Fox, I don't see it. I certainly hope I'm wrong.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I don't like it at all, either. I understand he wants to do other things, and is tired of the grind of doing a one hour procedural, but I thought that's why he had some hiatuses written into his contract. :confused:

It must have been a tough decision for him. He's said in the past that he wants to go back to his first acting love - stage work. And now he's at an age where he is probably thinking that he's gotta make that break now. And taking the odd month out to do a short running production doesn't do it - plus he probably dosen't want to be working a crazy amount (ie doing CSI AND doing a couple stage productions during the season). He's looking after his health!

But he is obviously and understandibly very attached to the people of CSI (co-stars and production staff / writers etc), and feels a responsibility, hence he doesn't want to step away totally. I gotta say - I think the LAST thing Billy Petersen wants if for CSI to stop. And from following his career for years, and reading pretty much every interview he's done - you know he's a pretty humble guy, and won't think that once he goes, CSI stops! He'll be confident that the show is in a very good place.

A show can re-invent itself. And now is the time for CSI. Losing Billy and Jorja Fox, deciding to bring and end to Dourdan's character - it's a really big change right there, for all that to happen within a year. But they have great writers, and a great fan base. And like ALL TV shows - the fan base fluctuate. CSI may well lose fans now, as i'm sure it did when Jorja Fox left, and as I'm sure it would if Marg or George Eads left. But it will also gather a new fan base. And whoever they bring in - may bring a following with them.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

You're all ignoring the most important aftereffect -- who will Hodges stalk NOW? :)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I agree with Gameface. I am a big Billy&Jorja fan, but I am anxious to see who they bring in and what happens to the other characters. They also have hired the new writers from BSG. And both JF and WP have expressed their loyalty to CSI, so I hope they will both come back on occasion to guest star. Even without WP, the writers and unique format of the show make it better than the other CSI's, so I think it will survive. I still enjoy the L&O shows, and I thought I wouldn't after Jerry Orbach passed.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

^ lol, it's a good point. maybe if there's less Grissom, there'll be less Hodges (and hopefully more Archie)

Still, I don't want Grissom to leave *pouts*
It's not like I'll stop watching if he's gone, but I'll still miss him.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I haven't watched the Vegas CSI for several seasons now, and Grissom was by far not my fave character, but I wanted to add my "Goodbye and Good Luck" to Petersen and his future endeavors above and beyond CSI-World.

I agree with whomever suggested Richard Dean Anderson as a top-notch replacement. :bolian: Too bad he's probably no longer open to steady television, because bringing him on might possibly lure me back as a steady Vegas viewer, again! :) At any rate, it'll be interesting to discover what they do next season. I'm confident the Vegas CSI surely has more than enough talent to fill any potential void from Grissom's departure. :)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

It will be so sad to see Grissom go, even though he'll be back. My mom called me this morning to tell me, but she didn't know that I already knew! She said and I quote, "Damn! I thought I knew something before you did!" Peterson said in one of the interviews that Grissom leaving will have something to do with Sara. I wonder how that situation will work out!
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I'm still recovering from Warrick's murder, but then again, we saw this coming for a bit, eh? If Liev Schreiber's character Michael Keppler hadn't had that father-in-law issue and an untimely demise, he could have stepped into a role as a senior CSI with Catherine as the head of the Night Shift.

Although we are used to the shows that have turnover succeeding (think E.R. and Law & Order)and we have had a few turnovers on Miami and NY, the turnovers we've had on Vegas have been harder on long time fans this past season because there's been so much in such a short time. I know it's just a TV show, but like many of you out there, I've had a lot of time, energy and emotion invested in it and these departures, though necessary as part of the actor's lives and so forth, are still hard on many of us.

I actually had to take a break from all things CSI including these boards this summer partly because Warrick's murder really wounded me inside in a way and that's been rough. I've also had a busier schedule teaching in the Summer Sessions and doing things with my kids, so putting some distance between CSI and myself was a much needed mental health break, kind of like Mr. Petersen has needed at times.

I still love the show, and I am going to not miss any episodes this season. Billy Petersen and Grissom will be missed A LOT by me and by my family. I have a picture of my daughter in a ballet costume and my son playing and you can clearly see Grissom on the TV in the background, an ever-present source of wisdom and information. And one of the most unforgettable TV characters on a Dramatic series, IMHO.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I feel the opposite, I thought the reveal of his personal life did bring spark and new life into this geeky scientist and showed his romantic loving side, and the last two season were incredible and riveting, and he was at his best the pinnacle of this character, making him a more well rounded character, and my thinking is on the show, that he and his lady love will go back to San Francisco, where they met so long ago, and that's how they'll write it off, with maybe ocassional visits to see their CSI buddies:thumbsup:

always agree with you buddy:thumbsup:
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