Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Yeh, I think that because we've had hints for so long, it's not as 'OMG' as it could have been. I think it'll be interesting to see what role Nick takes now, I agree he's matured and learnt Grissom's way. I guess Catherine will take Supervisor and Nick her role. I think it makes for very interesting viewing, and as much as Grissom will be missed, I can't wait to see how it works out.

I can't really comment on what actors to bring in, I don't know many american actors! I'm bad, I know...
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I hadn't thought about Amanda Tapping; she would be good. Besides, if Mary McDonnell gets an emmy nom this week, CSI might look at her as too expensive to hire :(. On the other hand, given CSI's ratings, I'm sure they've got the bucks to hire just about whomever they want.
Re earlier comments about Mandy Patinkin and Criminal Minds, you all do realize, don't you, that CM is a total ripoff of NBC's "Profiler," with Ally Walker as Samantha Waters, in the late 90's? Hey, how about Jack of All Trades for the next CSI mega villain? Oh yeah, Sam killed him. Darn!:lol:
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I didn't watch Profiler. Well, I saw parts of eps mostly the ones with Jamie Luner on there, but I didn't care for the show at all. Criminal Minds is much better IMO. But, now that you mentioned Profiler, it made me think of Pretender. And that made me think of Michael T. Weiss. What about him stepping into the CSI world? More eye candy. :drool: :) :D
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Can't say I've watched CSI for the past coupla seasons but it's still a little sad to see Grissom go. I think the minuature killer thing is a bit silly though, can you say far fetched? I wouldn't want Gris and Sara to ride off into the sunset but that's probs what's gonna happen. Deep joy. Anyways, I was just stopping by to wish Billy the best of luck for future projects.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Alright guys before we start recasting can we please remember the season hasn't started, and this thread isn't about who will come in, in his place, to mention it in passing is one thing, but lets just try to keep on topic. Thanks you. ;)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

QUESTION? why is this even here?, the whole thing is posted on our "news files", isn't this a bit reduntant? to have it in two separate places? and of course I'm sick at heart, they just gave him a new sweet deal and he got everything he wanted, so can't he wait till this season is over? It'll be a sad day, with 3 main cast member gone:( but he's to me, and many millions of others he's the main reason I watch CSI?:(
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

QUESTION? why is this even here?, the whole thing is posted on our "news files", isn't this a bit reduntant? to have it in two separate places? and of course I'm sick at heart, they just gave him a new sweet deal and he got everything he wanted, so can't he wait till this season is over? It'll be a sad day, with 3 main cast member gone:( but he's to me, and many millions of others he's the main reason I watch CSI?:(

When I posted it desertwind it wasn't posted anywhere else on the forum including the news files. Don't shoot the messenger! :lol:
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Of course not, thank's for the explanation, no problem I'm just upset.. and not in a very sunny mood right now:(
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

they just gave him a new sweet deal and he got everything he wanted, so can't he wait till this season is over?

This was probably what his sweet deal was, $600,000 per episode, stays on as Executive Producer (so he still earns a steady paycheck), and gets to leave and come back whenever he wants.

I'm sure a lot of actors would like that deal. Frankly, I would do it to, so I don't blame him (I'm tired of being at my job too). Who knows maybe after he's left for awhile, he'll miss it or miss everyone and come back.

I do wish him all the best and I just might go see him in "A Dublin's Carol" this November since I live in the Chicago area.

Like I said before, I feel bad for all those Grissom/Petersen fans, it totally sucks when you're favorite character/actor leaves a show, but remember this shouldn't be totally shocking, he's been saything this for years now. So hang in there.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Yeah, I'm sad, but I kind of saw it coming, you know? But, I thought for sure he'd wait till next season to leave rather than halfway into this coming season. Oh well, it's his life and his decision and he has to do what he feels is best for him. I wish him luck in whatever he decides to do in the future. :)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Sorry, Destiny; I didn't know speculation on his replacement was wrong. Is there an appropriate thread for "Who would you like to see replace WP?" I looked around and couldn't find anything where it seemed okay to do that.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I don't know how much of the show I will continue to watch without WP. Mainly because he was, and still is the main reason I started watching the show. Secondly, the show would definitely be different with him adding to the other two that left. Honestly though, I think his returning as a guest star from time to time is just a ploy to get people to continue watching the show, as well as him being an "Executive Producer." For the people who watch the show spoilerless, they'd have to watch, or pay some attention to the show to see when he returns for guest appearances. As for his finale episode, I'm not a GSR shipper, although he's trying to be a little elusive to his departure in his interview, he did say Sara has something to do with. I really wouldn't want it to come to some sappy soap opera ending with them riding off in the wind, but it would be kind of interesting to see how she plays a role in his leaving.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good


As long as they don't kill him - which they're clearly not going to do, and as long as it's not some shippy send off (so that even when the show dies, other ships can be happy too :D) I can handle it.

Besides, it'll be a lot easier for Catherine and him to be together now.

To be honest, while the show may have started out as revolving around Grissom, it's so much more now. He doesn't interest me as he used to. I'm more interested in Catherine, Greg, Brass - and I'll be interested to see the directions they take Nick this season.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I can't say I'm sorry to see WP leave, considering the hollow shell that Grissom has become compared to the fun-loving, geeky scientist we saw in the first four seasons. I think it's great to see new life brought to the show.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I feel the opposite, I thought the reveal of his personal life did bring spark and new life into this geeky scientist and showed his romantic loving side, and the last two season were incredible and riveting, and he was at his best the pinnacle of this character, making him a more well rounded character, and my thinking is on the show, that he and his lady love will go back to San Francisco, where they met so long ago, and that's how they'll write it off, with maybe ocassional visits to see their CSI buddies:thumbsup:
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