Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

If a show like ER can go on for so many years after losing many of its main cast members (George Clooney, Noah Wyle, Julianna, etc), I'm sure CSI can. I find ER boring... to me it got boring many seasons ago. CSI on the other hand, I don't think can be boring.

As for Gary, it wasn't his decision to leave. The producers decided that based upon his personal and legal issues. As for Billy and Jorja, the way I understand it, it was their decision to leave.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Why couldn't they just finish the show all together? Why does the show have to end (and it will end, probably after this season or the next unless a miracle occurs) with half a cast.

It just floors me.

I agree with you, it would have been nice for it to end on a high, at its best, but now I'm not so sure it will.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I know a lot of Billy fans will be mad at me for saying this, but I'm still quite angry at him for leaving the show. I'm also angry at Gary and Jorja.

Why couldn't they just finish the show all together? Why does the show have to end (and it will end, probably after this season or the next unless a miracle occurs) with half a cast.

It just floors me.

Although it bothers me as well, some actors can't stay for the entire show from beginning to end. Some look into other projects. That's why some sign contracts at two sometimes three years at a time. That way, they can get out of it if the show begins to be too much. In Petersen's defense, his health was at risk. If you have to choose between your health and the longevity of a show, I think your fans, not to mention your family, would rather you choose your health.

In Jorja and Gary's case, sometimes things come up. Sometimes you just have to break off from a show and pursue different things. More power to them. But as a huge CSI fan, it does suck to see them leave. we'll just have to support them through different outlets such as theatre, directing, and guest starring.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I agree with GNRFan's post (#160), that it would have been classier, given JF and GD's departures, if WP had put his plans on hold for another six months. One, or maybe even two, supporting characters (I know, I know, it's an ensemble but, in reality, TPTB have made Grissom the key to the show) leaving in time proximity and a show can survive, but the main actor departing, too, may guarantee the show's downfall (we need a shark smilie!). WP has been around the business long enough to know that, and, much as I like WP, I can't help but wonder if this is some sort of ego thing on his part. Does he want the show to end if he's not in it? I'm sorry, but these evil thoughts go through my cynical mind every once in a while.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Actually it was CBS that allowed him to do his theatre project in 2006 and stay in for a short season in S9. If they hadn't agreed, he probably would have left earlier. He does have a sense of loyalty to the show, cast & crew who have made CSI run since it's begining, but as someone mentioned, he has a life and a career in Chicago that he interrupted to do CSI (never thinking it would last 3 years, let alone 9) and he wants to get back to it.

Jorja had an opportunity to do something she had always wanted to do (produce a play) and she left the show to do it. She took the chance and I doubt she's regretted it.

Instead of doing the same character for 9 years, these actors have decided to pursue new projects. While I would have loved to see the whole cast stay together till the end, I can understand why some actors stop feeling challenged after so many years of doing the same thing.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

They all have to do what they feel is best for them. While I was suprised at the timing of this, I wasn't surprised that he was leaving. And if his health was at stake, then obviously it was something he had to do. He has to take care of himself first. His health is most important. As much as I like him on CSI, I'd much rather he leave and remain healthy than stay and jeopardize his health.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

ebuzz55, what you and GNRFan say has merit. I guess I've been listening to WP talk about leaving the role completely for several years now, and was disappointed that he decided to act upon it at a time when so many others decided to go. I should at least give him credit for being willing to stay on behind the camera. That many departures will hurt the show, at least at first. I am hoping most fans stick around long enough to give whatever replacements are cast a chance to show their stuff.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Actually it was CBS that allowed him to do his theatre project in 2006 and stay in for a short season in S9. If they hadn't agreed, he probably would have left earlier. He does have a sense of loyalty to the show, cast & crew who have made CSI run since it's begining, but as someone mentioned, he has a life and a career in Chicago that he interrupted to do CSI (never thinking it would last 3 years, let alone 9) and he wants to get back to it.

Jorja had an opportunity to do something she had always wanted to do (produce a play) and she left the show to do it. She took the chance and I doubt she's regretted it.

Instead of doing the same character for 9 years, these actors have decided to pursue new projects. While I would have loved to see the whole cast stay together till the end, I can understand why some actors stop feeling challenged after so many years of doing the same thing.

This makes so much sense, and I totally agree. and your so lucky to have seen him on stage, I imagaine he's magnetic, I just watched some Kevin Spacey movies this past weekend, [his b-day] and he's also a big play stage actor, and is doing a new play in London at the Old Vic, the comparsion, both outstanding actors, one a big screen and on a big TV star, but both love doing the stage plays. and Jorja as well, taking her hiatus, but coming back because she missed her co-stars... and he's trying to please everyone, which is so admirable, I just will miss him so much but my daughter said "you can follow him in the next phase of his career" so there ya' go Billy fans!
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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I agree with GNRFan's post (#160), that it would have been classier, given JF and GD's departures, if WP had put his plans on hold for another six months. One, or maybe even two, supporting characters (I know, I know, it's an ensemble but, in reality, TPTB have made Grissom the key to the show) leaving in time proximity and a show can survive, but the main actor departing, too, may guarantee the show's downfall (we need a shark smilie!). WP has been around the business long enough to know that, and, much as I like WP, I can't help but wonder if this is some sort of ego thing on his part. Does he want the show to end if he's not in it? I'm sorry, but these evil thoughts go through my cynical mind every once in a while.

Cynical? Yes, very. :rolleyes:

SERIOUSLY! You guys are acting as if WP leaving was a personal offense. Are you kidding me? I'm not even a fan of him, but the fact that you guys are freaking out is ridiculous.

Yes. We've known for quite sometime now that WP would be leaving. I think we've known for about, two maybe three years now? His health is at risk. (I don't know exactly what it is, I believe it was a heart issue. I don't know:confused:) So, as fans, I figured (and catch me if you think my imagination has gone wild again:rolleyes:) that you would support the healthy choice of him leaving. The timing as I previously mentioned, sucks. I'm pretty sure we all can agree on that. But, suggesting he push a potential "life threatening" issue back for fans sake, or even for the sake of the show, is not just selfish but stupid. :wtf:

Who knows, this could possibly be an ego trip on WP end. But the fact that this is a prolonged issue and the fact that he's been bringing it up for so long, suggests that it is much more. If he was going for an ego trip, he would have quit a year ago before JF did and before the issues with GD happened.

Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

GNRFan, honest question: I must have missed the article about his health. Where is that from? If I'd known there was a health issue that would have changed my attitude toward his leaving. Was this from an interview with WP or from an article somewhere? I'd like to read more about it.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

His health is perfect, the "health scare" was way back before S/5:rolleyes: and he has a personal trainer and is slim and fit, I suppose it's posted here from 2005, but that's such old news! Billy fans rule, and the ones who love him are faithful and will be forever:thumbsup:
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I haven't seen an article myself about that, I just saw a comment someone made somewhere on here about his leaving having partly to do with health issues... and I just went with it.

I think the first place I remember ever seeing him was the movie "Fear". Loved him ever sense. My fave part is probably toward the end when he's fighting his daughter's psycho boyfriend. :lol:
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I'm still going with Michael Keaton, he's got all the right moves and is a seasoned actor, and would be fantastic, in this new role. No one can ever be or replace WP/Grissom no one, but this guy would be my pick.

From what I've read about the writers' plans for this new character, Keaton sounds like a great choice. He has the ability to play dark characters very well. It's going to be interesting to see how this "CSI with the DNA of a serial killer" evolves as the actor develops him. I'm glad TPTB had the sense to go with a completely different type of character, because Grissom is too closely associated with WP.

If they get it right and keep the writing fresh, CSI:LV could be around for a long time to come.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

With the departure of William Peterson and Gary Dourdan I don't know how much the show will survive. There will be nobody able to replace Grissom. He is an irreplaceable character.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Thanks DesertWind; I was getting worried and feeling guilty about complaining. Now I can go back to being a pain!!:lol:
Off topic: Did you know your screen name is the same as what Amtrak called one of its most scenic train lines (Chicago-Los Angeles, via Las Vegas), unfortunately now defunct. In case you didn't know, I thought I'd just supply you with a little trivia.
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