Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

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Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

Hypothetically speaking, of course, would anybody here know how to contact the producers of CSI?

I'd like to send a politely-worded letter or email highlighting the wonderful credentials my preferred candidate (Nicholas Campbell of DaVinci's Inquest fame.)

Then again, I'm sure producers hate it when fans start doing this kind of stuff, but I'd hate for the guy to not even be considered.
I sent an e-mail to CBS, but so far that's the farthest I've been able to get.

2 Questions:

a) Who did you address your email to?
b) Do you have that email address so I can lobby for my guy?
No direct e-mail address. I just went to the "User Feedback" form on the CBS site, selected "CSI" and filled it in:
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I sent an e-mail to CBS, but so far that's the farthest I've been able to get.

2 Questions:

a) Who did you address your email to?
b) Do you have that email address so I can lobby for my guy?
No direct e-mail address. I just went to the "User Feedback" form on the CBS site, selected "CSI" and filled it in:

Thanks. I've done exactly that. Not really expecting a response, but still hoping it gets read!
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I personally am somewhat happy he's leaving. It's bittersweet. It gives the other actors an oppoutunity to shine, yet the show will lose its lead actor. He had a good run. I just hope they don't make the season Grissom Centered simply cause he's leaving.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

If anyone ever does a remake of the Hitchcock thriller "Rope", BP would be perfect for the Jimmy Stewart character.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Without Mr. Peterson, CSI-LV will never be the same again.
Well, that just me. Thanks for the wonderful years/seasons of CSI.
I just hope that they (whoever they are) would give credit to his character when he finally closes his door at csi.
You'll be missed, terribly.
Good luck to your future endeavor, sir.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I read sometime ago that William owns the rights of James Ellroy's crime novel Clandestine. maybe he will do something with that when he's not on CSI .

I'm still hoping he'll do it, especially since I love Ellroy and I would really like to see him do something current. It's hard to judge his acting ability by the 10-year old films he's done. He showed more skill in the first 2 seasons of CSI than in his previous 10 years of film work. His real talent is in live performance. Once you see him on stage, you understand why he wants to get back to theatre... it's truly where he belongs. After several seasons (with the exception of S7) of not much for Grissom to do, I've come to terms with his departure. And S10 is opening with a good chance for some parting drama.

At least if he's back in Chicago doing theatre I can see him occasionally. IMO two hours of him on stage is equal to 200 hours of CSI. :)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

as i said in another thread. i am still very pissed at william leaving.
i don't watch as many repeats as I used to. this used to be my favorite show.
with sara, william and warrick gone. this ain't my favorite show anymore. and that is sad to me. i have loved this show for so long. and its like losing a friend.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

as i said in another thread. i am still very pissed at william leaving.
i don't watch as many repeats as I used to. this used to be my favorite show.
with sara, william and warrick gone. this ain't my favorite show anymore. and that is sad to me. i have loved this show for so long. and its like losing a friend.


The way I feel about it is, every show goes through some kind if change. Sometimes it's writers, producers, etc. But sometimes, it's the people we are used to seeing every episode. Change happens. Now whether it's good change or bad change can be argued about all day, but it was bound to happen. I say good bye and good luck. Even though he's leaving the show, he will still be known as the lead actor in one of the most captivating and underrated TV shows that pop culture has seen in a while. If he has the will-power to leave a show that he has put blood, sweat and tears into, then more power to him. William Petersen isn't one of those actors that just disappears off the radar. He'll be back. Whether it's in front of the lens or behind it, or even on stage for that matter, we'll be seeing WP again.:)

Only time will tell how the show will respond without him.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I agree, kimbo. I get why people are upset. I love the guy too. However, this news doesn't surprise me in the least because he's been saying that for years. The only thing that really surprises me is the timing of it all. I would have thought that he would have stayed on for at least a whole season longer after the show had already lost Jorja and Gary. But, that's just me. He's got to do what he feels is best for him. Follow his heart, so to speak... which in this case seems to be theater. So, I wish him the best of luck. :)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

The only thing that really surprises me is the timing of it all. I would have thought that he would have stayed on for at least a whole season longer after the show had already lost Jorja and Gary.

I didn't even think about that!:eek: The timing is kind of lousy! But, only great shows survive despite all the changes going on. That's my excuse. It makes me feel better! haha:lol:
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

jetlink hi, I would just like to remind you or inform you if you didn't know that double posting (ie back to back posting) is frowned upon here, if no one has posted after you and you would like to correct or add something to your post you can do so by clicking the "Edit" button, you have upto 24 hrs to edit your posts. For further information please see the "Help Guide" we have posted here in the LV forum. Thanks. ;)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I know a lot of Billy fans will be mad at me for saying this, but I'm still quite angry at him for leaving the show. I'm also angry at Gary and Jorja.

Why couldn't they just finish the show all together? Why does the show have to end (and it will end, probably after this season or the next unless a miracle occurs) with half a cast.

It just floors me.
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