Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Yeah I mean, come on... how long has ER made it without George Clooney (though I find ER boring now... been that way for a while... I think I watched steady up till Noah Wyle left).
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I think CSI will survive without Grissom, he's been seen less and less for quite a while now and I've gotten used to watching the show without him, so I think it will be fine, but it better be a happy ending for once *sara and grissom together :))* and to see him once a while will be awesome, it is time for some changes and new faces and characters on the show, more hodges will be good, hopefully more science like in the first few seasons of CSI. CSI will always be the #1 show of all time :))))
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

and I forget to mention about the return of the miniature killer could only be during her trial, another reason for Sara to return, can't wait to see her again, she was amazing as Sara.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I read sometime ago that William owns the rights of James Ellroy's crime novel Clandestine. maybe he will do something with that when he's not on CSI .
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

Oh, I guess I didn't watch that one. :lol: I thought maybe it was a movie that was in theaters.
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

[/quote]I can see Eads, if it wasn't for how his character is portrayed[/quote]

Totally agree, George is a great actor who has lobbied hard for his character to be represented in a more positive light given how the writers had Nick has an impulsive, jock in the first two seasons and treated like a complete moron by Sara and Grissom. woman I work with who was so adamant about not watching the show after BP leaves said she'd stay on as long as George Eads is in the show because she 'loves Nick'!!!
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I can see Eads, if it wasn't for how his character is portrayed

Totally agree, George is a great actor who has lobbied hard for his character to be represented in a more positive light given how the writers had Nick has an impulsive, jock in the first two seasons and treated like a complete moron by Sara and Grissom. woman I work with who was so adamant about not watching the show after BP leaves said she'd stay on as long as George Eads is in the show because she 'loves Nick'!!!

Don't get me wrong, I like George. If I were a producer, I'd have him on any show I made.

It's just that Nick seems to be too emotional for the role of leader. A leader needs to have a balance of "heart" and "brain."
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

and I forget to mention about the return of the miniature killer could only be during her trial, another reason for Sara to return, can't wait to see her again, she was amazing as Sara.

I don't think that she can. They had a psychologist or psychiatrist come in and examine her, and he determined that she'd has a psychotic break. That, coupled with her troubles as a child, she's unfit to stand trial. If they do bring her in for a trial, I'll be mad, because there's just no way they could do that realistically. Yeah, I grant that so many of the things they do, like instant toxicology reports and DNA require suspension of dispelief, but that's just too much, IMO.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

i couldn't care less if WP got casted instead of GS...i am going by acting awards. GS has every major one (SAG, Golden Globe, Emmy..etc) , except an oscar, which he was nominated, and should have won. I have seen movies from both actors, and WP isn't that great, i would say he is average at best. He doesn't even have an emmy, and he is a major tv actor. And i have seen other movies from both actors, i wasn't that impressed from Billy's acting, he acts the same in every movie.
We'll agree to disagree on that. You're also overlooking a huge part of Petersen's career, which is stage. I'd say that's the reason why he doesn't have a higher profile in film and TV (hence, fewer awards) because his focus has been on stage work. Not to take away from Sinise, because I think he also is a very good actor, but I believe that each in his own way is equally superb. All one has to do is compare Petersen's "Manhunter" turn with the one-note performance by Ed Norton of the same character in "Red Dragon" to see the difference Petersen brought to that role.
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

Hypothetically speaking, of course, would anybody here know how to contact the producers of CSI?

I'd like to send a politely-worded letter or email highlighting the wonderful credentials my preferred candidate (Nicholas Campbell of DaVinci's Inquest fame.)

Then again, I'm sure producers hate it when fans start doing this kind of stuff, but I'd hate for the guy to not even be considered.
I sent an e-mail to CBS, but so far that's the farthest I've been able to get.
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

Hypothetically speaking, of course, would anybody here know how to contact the producers of CSI?

I'd like to send a politely-worded letter or email highlighting the wonderful credentials my preferred candidate (Nicholas Campbell of DaVinci's Inquest fame.)

Then again, I'm sure producers hate it when fans start doing this kind of stuff, but I'd hate for the guy to not even be considered.
I sent an e-mail to CBS, but so far that's the farthest I've been able to get.

2 Questions:

a) Who did you address your email to?
b) Do you have that email address so I can lobby for my guy?
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