Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

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Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

Hypothetically speaking, of course, would anybody here know how to contact the producers of CSI?

I'd like to send a politely-worded letter or email highlighting the wonderful credentials my preferred candidate (Nicholas Campbell of DaVinci's Inquest fame.)

Then again, I'm sure producers hate it when fans start doing this kind of stuff, but I'd hate for the guy to not even be considered.
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I think William H. Macy (someone suggested him earlier) sounds good. I mean, why not? His wife is on a tv show weekly, isn't she? (Desperate Housewives). Why not him? :lol: He's a fairly well-known actor.
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Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

:wtf: When I posted this orginally, MaxPointy's post was above mine. Now it shows this as right under my post from yesterday.


So, technically, it was not a double post. Something just got very screwed up along the way. :lol: Anyhow, I will edit and put my comments in my post from yesterday.

And it says this post made today 2:44pm (my time), yet it says MaxPointy's post was made today at 3:25 pm (my time). Now how the heck is that possible when it's only 2:48pm my time?

This board is doing some future traveling or something. :lol: Too weird!
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

No offense to GE, ES, or PG fans, but I just don't see them as male leads.
I can see Eads, if it wasn't for how his character is portrayed
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

Just plug his name and "Davinci's Inquest" into google image search.

You'll find all kinds of good stuff.

I'm obviously biased, but I think he has the perfect look for the show.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Xfcanadian, I wouldn't said Gary Sinise is a better actor then Billy Petersen. They are both good actors, they are equal and good actor. I remember Gary Sinise play the bad guy in the movie it called Ransom, it starring Mel Gibson, Rene Russo and guess who was also in it, he is on CSI and he played the Detective, he is Paul Guilfoyle (I can't spell his last name.) He played the cop too and he is the good guy and he doesn't have much of a part.

Do you the movie called To Live and Die in LA? Gary didn't get the part and it wasn't for him to recommended the Producers to hired Billy Petersen to play the movie. You probably wouldn't have in Tv show later on.

i couldn't care less if WP got casted instead of GS...i am going by acting awards. GS has every major one (SAG, Golden Globe, Emmy..etc) , except an oscar, which he was nominated, and should have won. I have seen movies from both actors, and WP isn't that great, i would say he is average at best. He doesn't even have an emmy, and he is a major tv actor. And i have seen other movies from both actors, i wasn't that impressed from Billy's acting, he acts the same in every movie.

I am sure the ratings will drop cause he is leaving, but CSI still has top ratings after 8 seasons, which never happens, so even when the ratings drop, it will still be doing better than most shows.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I will miss him so much, and will look forward to his brief "guest" spots, he's an amazing actor, one of the best ever on this planet, so versatile, charismatic, magnetic, mesmorizing, and without a doubt the handsomest man ever. I've got most of his movies, and he's so different in each one, the range of his capabilities is extrodinary, from playing Joe Kennedy, unbeilveable performance he was him, down to the Boston accent, to a fearful dad in "Fear" and an angel in "The Staircase", to a rascal in "Hard Promises" and a washed up writer in 'Gunshy' to a cowboy in "Return To Lonesome Dove" and so it goes, on and on what always come through in his acting is his natural charm, that's inborn, I think him moving on in his career besides, is big screen portrayals, with the right role Oscar for sure. At least we've got him till the end of the 10th episode:p

Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

to a fearful dad in "Fear"

I loved him in "Fear". That character was very non-Grissom. :lol: I saw part of the Staircase, but only the tail end of it. The rest you listed I don't think I saw. I did see Manhunter though and the beast :lol:.
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

Okay, while I was looking at another website, I saw a flash of one of my fave places (a link to buy a movie from amazon) and I saw the name Tom Skerrit and I thought... "hmmm...". He's done tv before (Picket Fences).
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

Okay, while I was looking at another website, I saw a flash of one of my fave places (a link to buy a movie from amazon) and I saw the name Tom Skerrit and I thought... "hmmm...". He's done tv before (Picket Fences).

Oh, yeah he's a good pick. I forgot about him too:confused:
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

And Tom Skerritt has also done a movie with Marg before (bed scene, anyone?!), so he'd probably fit in quite easily with the gang.
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