"Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

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Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

woohoo for CSI! I onyl caught the very end of Billy's speech but yay!
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

*throws confetti* Kudos to CSI. They definitely deserved the honor.
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

Got to throw in my Congrats to CSI. The cast all looked amazing. Especially Paul (couldn't resist, I love that man). :D And I thought Billy's speech was awesome. I have to say: The best show definately won!!! :)
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

i don't think they thought they would win.

....in some award shows like i said before they tend to notify them in advance and they tend to put the winners closer to the stage, BUT i noticed that DH and L&O SVU was near there to.

So that makes me wonder if they didn't alert them to who won but told them just incase have some kind of speech ready, and in someways, it sounded created and in others it sounded winged.
Yeah, at the end of the show they had that blurb that included "award recipients are notified in advance of win" or something to that regard.
Maybe they only notify the winners in the individual categories... or maybe it was a tight race... or maybe they told the show's producers who kept it from the cast so as to be a surprise. Who knows. Or maybe the casts of DH, SVU, and CSI just wanted to get all gussied up, so they all showed up!! :lol:
I dunno, just thinkin' up reasons :D ;)
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

Yeah, at the end of the show they had that blurb that included "award recipients are notified in advance of win" or something to that regard.
Maybe they only notify the winners in the individual categories... or maybe it was a tight race... or maybe they told the show's producers who kept it from the cast so as to be a surprise. Who knows. Or maybe the casts of DH, SVU, and CSI just wanted to get all gussied up, so they all showed up!! :lol:
I dunno, just thinkin' up reasons :D ;)
I thought it was the favorite... not the winners.
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

I thought it was the favorite... not the winners.
What do you mean?

If you mean the award reciepients, yes, they are voted the people's favorite, so they are the winners.....

If that's not what you mean, sorry. Not sure.
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

I am so glad they won. I'm very happy for them.
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

Congrats to CSI! :) The best show ever!! :) Loved Billy's speech...so sincere and heartfelt...and I loved it that the cast are there....I just wished they were complete...but anyway, Billy and Marg were sooo adorable...and Gary dourdan with his little girl...sweet! :)
Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion

Yes. it was George :phe;s so cute sitting next to Paul- both laughing- I was brought to tears- when I saw Gary & Marg together- :eek:Gary- look so "HOTT' in his long black coat and the way he looked at Marg and her at him-- :pthey sure do have a strong camraderie- no doubt-I'm so prejudiced--can't help it- I LOVE THESE PEOPLE- :Dthjeir all gorgeous-- :p
Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion

YIPEE-WOO-HOO-HOO-HIP-HIP HOORAY-and everthing else you can imagine- they WON-Billy looked too gorgeous for words- and as was said his speech was great- he thanked all of us basically- wow so many of the cast & crew and writers went on stage- the only one I didn't see was Jorja--a stunning night for all of us that watch this fantastic show-- so well deserved- a stellar wonderful event- their all the best on TV- well we already knew that- good job-- happy night for us and them-
Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion

yay! im excited that they won! Marg looked wonderful- as usuall...but i didnt see Jorja, was she there?
Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion

but i didnt see Jorja, was she there?
There was a woman with brown wavy hair that I saw scoot behind Eric and Gary while Billy was giving the speech. Not sure if it was her though. Could have just been one of the producers.

ETA- just saw the cast photo with their award on Getty- Jorja wasn't there.
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