"Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

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Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

aw, im sorry i missed it! why did i have to turn off the tv to go read for class?!?! oh yeah....maybe cuz i dont want to fail!
anyhoos, im sure there will be stuff online by tomorrow so i can catch up!
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

Yeah, CSI won. I was honestly telling my brother that if Desperate Housewives beat either CSI or Law and Order I was going to have to stop watching TV cause as good as everyone says DH is i can't stand it. I'm so happy CSI won plus I got to see George Eads for no real reason. I wonder where Jorja Fox was?

Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

Congratulations cast, crew, writers, and everyone involved with CSI!!! Yay!!!! :D
Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion

All the CSI guys looked FIIIIINE! :)
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

I am going to put this in twice once here and once in the first post, here is the speech that William gave:

Thank you so much, I think this is why we won all these people voted, (gestering to the people coming on stage and the audiance).

Everybody at CBS, Alliance Atlantis, Jerry Bruckheimer, Jonathan Littman, our great show runner Carol Mendelsohn, Our shows Creater Anthony Zuiker, all of the Producers, Directors, Writers, Actors that are up here, our spectacularly talented production crew, who is still working at this very moment. We all send a collective thank you to all of you people who voted for this.

You know we travel around a little bit and in shopping malls, supermarkets, airports, and people want an autographs, or photograph but mostly they wanna tell us how much they love the show, and they say they carve out their Thursday nights to watch CSI, and their sons and daughters are interested in science again and stuff like that, and i have to tell you what a very special gift that is for us, to hear that all over the country.

So were gonna go back to work and try and make some more shows, so we can return the favor, Thank you, God Bless.
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

aww that was such a great speech!!!
they all looked so freakin good! i was so excited for them
congrats to the cast and crew!! :D

i was totally jumping up and down ;)
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

You're welcome boy i think that is the fastest i typed something up in along time, just glad i taped that part of the show, cause my memory isn't that good, and neither my trying to keep up with them without it. :D
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

*Throws confetti* yay CSI WON. Everyone looked good Especially Billy & George.*Opens Ginger Ale and pours it in champane bottle. Drinks it.* CONGRADS to the CSI cast. May more Awards come in the Future.
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

I am really glad that CSI won. I was a little disappointed that their speech got cut off by the music. Other winners got to talk longer then them. I would have like to have heard more from the cast of CSI.
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

They had to cut them off that award was the last one, and i think in some respects that william was done, i don't think they thought they would win.

I noticed that they were kind of shocked to be called, and i am sorry there is faking it and then there is :eek: in some award shows like i said before they tend to notify them in advance and they tend to put the winners closer to the stage, BUT i noticed that DH and L&O SVU was near there to.

So that makes me wonder if they didn't alert them to who won but told them just incase have some kind of speech ready, and in someways, it sounded created and in others it sounded winged.
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