"Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

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Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion

Ah, they all looked so good up there! I saw everyone but Jorja Fox, was she there and I just missed it? Gary Dourdan's daughter went up there with him and was standing next to George and Gary, that was sweet. I'm glad the fans recognize how great the show is, even if other awards shows don't. :D
Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Awards Discussion

Woot! Yeah! Go CSI!

Did you guys hear that girl yell at the last second before the winner was announced? It was all uptight and all you hear is "CSI!!" :lol: I was like yeah, rock on!
Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion

Where was Jorja??? I didn't see her!!! But Gary brought his little girl, what a cutie!!!
Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion

Yeahhhh I was soooooooo happy they won. And Eric looked so fine standing there behind Billy P!!

oh and Go Steelers!
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

Okay as promised the title of the thread has been changed. ;)
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

Ok, I know this isn't about CSI but who else here thought George Lopez was the most hilarious part of the whole show? He made me laugh out loud everytime he said something. That guy was hilarious.

And what was with that really long time for Ray Romano, and CSI had what, like two minutes to say their thankyou's? Ray did this whole, I don't even know what to call it, but I'm sure it took somewhere near 5 minutes, something like that. Oh well, Everybody Loves Raymond rocks.

People's Choice rocks, whoo!
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

Ray had to do probably what is called a time filler, at some points they get to where they are ahead of schedule so they get a star to stay on stage and fill in till they are back on schedule.
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

It was the end of the show, and face it, Ray probably won't win anything else for a long time. Whereas CSI is going strong.
Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion

OMG PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D IM SO HAPPY!!!!!! *squee*
WE WON!!! :D I was seriously crying tears of joy!!
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*


Nickslittlestfan..or should I call her Grissomslittlest fan came downstairs for a drink and saw William Petersen and sighed, "Oh..there's my favourite person in the world!!"

I'm thinking, "And I'm just chopped liver!!"
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

lol - Oh Thank god, I came on and all I saw on the title was "People's Choice: CSI L" I thought it was going to say "loses"

Who was there?
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

All I have to say is congratulations to the entire cast. They all looked superb and Gary looked SMOKING in his suit. Billy's speech was the most sincere and heartfelt thank you of the evening and it was so evident they truly love making this show for us!!!! All I can say is that it was well deserved and then some....
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

Nickslittlestfan..or should I call her Grissomslittlest fan came downstairs for a drink and saw William Petersen and sighed, "Oh..there's my favourite person in the world!!"

I'm thinking, "And I'm just chopped liver!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Aww, she seems cute!

Pretty much everyone from the show was there except Jorja and the people like set designers and graphic effects sort of thing.
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

OMG!! they won again!! yeah! i kept seeing all the cast members in the audience so i knew they would win, but i was still excited!! i thought throughout the whole show that billy wouldn't be there....i figured they would have him present, or at least show him, and because he wasn't there last year...

but he was there! grissom is definaltly my fave!! :D
Re: "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

WOOT for CSI!! I <3 them all! they all did SOOOO deserve it too.
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