Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Well, put me in with the angst-ranks because even though I've got that ball of twine, mine will probably be angsty too. Brass and angst just seem to go hand in hand, don't they?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

He does seem to be an angsty character, but I also equate him with the sarcastic comments that provide a lighter moment. Brass' personal life is angsty, while at work, he seems to be lighter person. I must admit, it's his sarcastic quips and way with a line that I find appealing.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I like the snark too but I've always seen the snark as a way of coping with all the other crap in his life.

And although, I do like the snarky humor, it's the angsty side of Brass that I find interesting. I don't want to see him all dark and depressed but I would like to have seen how he coped with Bell's death and getting shot. You know there had to have been some pretty bad consequences.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I think that's one thing that TPTB could have really capitalised on. They had a unique chance to use Paul's talents and to exploit that situation - the whole episode Jim had been supporting Sofia who he thought was the one that had shot Bell, and then he found out it was him. He goes to the funeral, all the cops look at him funny, Sofia's the only one who gives him support, and then the widow forgives him and hugs him.

The only other thing we saw from that episode was the bit in I Like To Watch when the cameraman asked him about it.

Considering some of the things that happened in Way To Go, I want to know this:

1. Did Ellie ever find out what happened? Or Nancy for that matter.

2. What did that psycho evil dude end up doing that was interviewing the cops?

3. What did Jim do after Officer Bell's funeral?

4. Somehow Sofia and Jim appeared to get closer from that episode, to Sofia knowing about Ellie in the finale - where was all that? How did that happen?

5. How did Jim cope and get over what happened to Bell?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Also, the answer to #7 is that bell died. Hmm, did you even watch the episode, TT? ;-) :p
Re: Paul/Brass #2

There is no question 7, TT. LOL.

And I know that Bell died. The last question I had, was how did Jim cope with getting over Bell's death and his part in it?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I think Sofia and Jim started hanging out, possibly more, but nothing has been shown. When he thought that she was the shooter, he tried being there for her. When it turned out to be him, I think she returned the favor. I don't know if they did get together romantically, but I do think they became better friends. Just my two cents, anyway.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

The last question I had, was how did Jim cope with getting over Bell's death and his part in it?

My guess? He drank. I expect he spent a day or two trying to drown the memory of it and then someone (Annie or Sofia maybe) showed up and helped him deal with it.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Ooh, yes. I think Beaujolais needs to write the story of how Brass dealt with Bell's death. I think you'd do an excellent job on it. You write Brass so well.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Well, I've got one started but it keeps getting hijacked by all these ficathons. I'd like to finish it before the end of the year though.