Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Interesting. You know I've often wondered that if Nancy is as big a b!#$% as Jim has mentioned... why she never said anything to Ellie before about Jim not being her real father.

Also, I'd love to see Mike O'Toole come to town. That would be interesting to see. Because I think it's time we see someone from Jim's past come to Vegas. Be it, Mike O'Toole or Nancy (*clears throat* played by Lorraine Bracco...JMO, I think she'd be great - it could also be a reunion for Paul and Lorraine... since he took her hostage 20 years ago in Crime Story... :lol:). Or maybe the brother that was mentioned in a dropped scene from season 6's Room Service. Either way, something's gotta happen.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I think a Mike O'Toole/Brass confrontation would be very dramatic. I bet Paul would do an excellent job with that scene.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Talking of Brass's past coming back - I know TPTB were a bit shoddy with the Brass story, but am I the only one wondering why none of his family were mentioned or turned up when he was shot? No supposed brother, no parents, no anyone. The only one to turn up was Ellie - and she was there for the pension check.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I wondered, but I think they were concentrating on the "CSI's" are his true family, and that Ellie, although his daughter, was more like a stranger to him than the group. But it would have been nice to know that Brass actually has family that do care for him.

Speaking of that episode, it blew away some of my notions, though. I always thought that Gil and Jim were friends, Jim gave Gil Power of Attorney for a situation like this, but when Greg talks about Gil and Jim hanging out, Gil says they don't. Talk about disappointing. For being his "family", they don't do much together, I guess. That just saddened me. Sorry I'm rambling, it was just a thought that occured to me, and was a disappointment.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

But it would have been nice to know that Brass actually has family that do care for him.

Agreed. It would have been a great opportunity to just give a mention to family. And it would have been an even better opportunity to mention Brass' phantom brother--even if it was just in passing.

As for Gil's comment about not hanging out with Jim, I have to say I was a little taken aback by the comment but I guess it comes down to how Grissom interprets "hanging out". We've seen that they do get together socially outside of the office but I can't see Jim going over to Grissom's house to just sit around and chat, which is what I think of when I hear "hanging out". I kind of get the impression that Jim's life mirrors Grissom's (pre-Sara) in a lot of ways: he works a lot, he goes home to sleep and escape people. I do think Jim and Grissom are friends; they just aren't friends in a go-to-movies-hang-around-the-house-and-play-Wii kind of way.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

On a totally superficial note, do you all make your Brass icons, or do you get them off the icon thread? How far back am I going to have to search to get one? Or do you know of someplace where you can get them? I appreciate any info, and thanks for the welcome to this thread.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I stalk beaujolais when I'm looking for icons. LOL, actually, I just check out Brass communities on LJ - you can usually find good ones there.

So, we know Brass has parents, and a phantom brother - is that it?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Inamberclad makes and rocks most of my Brass LJ icons

That's who I pinch my icons from as well. She does excellent work!

So, we know Brass has parents, and a phantom brother - is that it?

Seems to be. I don't think he's ever even mentioned an uncle or anything.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Well, thanks for the point towards LJ. She does have some excellent ones there, doesn't she? I joined the Jim Brass Fansite also, so have to spend some time there, exploring it. God, it's taken me too long to start doing this. I wish I'd checked this stuff out awhile ago. I go looking for fanfics, and some of the links are already dead. Are there any Brass fanfics on LJ too? I sometimes find it difficult to find what I'm looking for on LJ. Sorry I'm asking so many questions!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Try Geekfiction (you'll have to search under the tags) and Brasslove on LJ. Or you can standby until August 10th, when all the fics for the Brass vacation ficathon will post on Brasslove. It got a great response so there should be plenty to read.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yeah, me too. I'm trying to decide whether to link my two fics. I've been thinking about having him take Cath (or Sofia, but I've never written her) on the Appalachian Trail and then she paying him back with Napa.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I hate to say it, but mine's going to end up angsty. Crud, I didn't want that, but that's the way my muse is leading me. Oh well, we'll get some Brass history.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Mine is angsty and good and then angsty and good. How it's gonna end is anyone's guess!

But naturally, Sofia is in it :D