Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yeah you got a point there beaujolais. But thinking about it... I'd say that Jim and Sofia became close after the circumstances of ABRTI and maybe he confided in her. There's so much about these characters that the writers don't show us. I know most people would rather just stick with the science of the show but I like when they get into the characters background and personal lives. I mean in season 7 we got to see Grissom and Sara at home, I'd say season 8 should give us a look into Brass' home. We've seen the outside, now I wanna see inside. You know, to see how he relaxes and takes his mind off work and maybe see who he spends his off hours with. With the little bits of info that have come out, it's looking like maybe he spends a lot of time with Sofia. Of course this is just speculation.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Do you suppose, beaujolais, that Sofia performed a background check when Ellie showed up at PD and began sniffing around for Jim's pension? That's just my theory. Though, I like to think that maybe, just maybe Jim confided in her about his past.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Well there was that scene where Brass had on Sofia's Aviators, so maybe a little pillow talk...

But I imagine it was more like what pillarofautumn said and the writers left us to assume that Sofia ran a background check on Ellie.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Aw, pillarofautumn and sfCSI, you guys are no fun! :p Pillow talk is a much better answer ;)

And Brassfan24 I agree with the idea that Jim confided in Sofia sometime after ABRTI and before I Like to Watch. It stands to reason that the two of them would talk and I could see him telling her about Ellie.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Actually, I think its both. Think about it, they may have engaged in pillow talk, but Brass doesn't tell Sofia everything. When he's shot and Ellie starts poking around, Sofia runs a background check. All bases are covered. Pillow talk and background check.

See another reason for Brass/Sofia shipping! YAY!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

*Walks in looks at door, slams eyes shut and opens them again* Dangit I thought I saw ship talk, my imagination my keyboard.. Alrighty don't make me do the rules thingy cause there are days when you just don't want to. :D *Walks out of the thread*
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Hi there, I'm a newbie to this thread, and can't believe I haven't posted here before! Hi, desertwind, I've chatted with you before, though. Can I ask one question? Is this really only the 2nd thread for discussing Brass/Paul in 7 years of CSI? That seems unbelievable! I love Brass, better than some of the CSI's. Oh, well, thanks to anyone who answers, and hi to you all!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Brass gets forgotten a lot. Half the time he doesn't even get included as a main cast member or part of the team. And I can't even count the number of times people seem to have forgotten that he got shot and nearly died at the end of S6.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Well, I'm embarassed that this is the first I've seen this thread was this week. I haven't forgotten that he got shot. I thought it was very coldhearted of Ellie to ask about his pension, and not even bother going in to actually see him. And, I admit, I cried when Brass realized he was the one who shot the officer, not to mention when he, to me, bravely went to the wake of the officer in ABRTI. Some of the best acting on this show, and it is often ignored. Not to mention some of his one-liners.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Hi Catey and welcome to this thread. Yeah, you're going to fit right in here. *waves*

Brass does get forgotten a lot, and that is interesting to me because I believe he's almost everyone's second favorite character.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Destiny, ship talk in here Never! ;)

Hi Catey - welcome to the thread!

Here's an interesting question - is it possible that Ellie knows that Jim isn't her biological father - and if she does, how did she find out? If she doesn't - how do you think she might somehow find out?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Here's an interesting question - is it possible that Ellie knows that Jim isn't her biological father - and if she does, how did she find out?

I'm thinking she still doesn't know because otherwise, she'd probably have said something when she was being a witch at the hospital.

If she doesn't - how do you think she might somehow find out?

I think she might somehow find out one of three ways because yes, I have thought about this before:

- Ellie has a medical problem and needs something from Jim but he's not a match

- Nancy gets ticked off at Jim and tells Ellie

- Mike O'Toole comes to town, there's a confrontation with Jim, Ellie is there, Ellie hears Mike O'Toole say he's her real father.