Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

beaujolais said:
Gameface, it's always nice to meet another PG/Brass fan. He's the only reason I watch CSI.

One of the things that I love most about PG is the fact that he still plays hockey. And yes, he's a Bruins fan from way back but he's also mentioned that he has season tickets to the Kings.

Me, I'm a Caps fan so with you being a Rangers fan, well, you know how that goes...

:lol: oh yeah, I know how that goes! Anyway, your boys have got Michael Nylander back eh. I was sad to see him leave the Rangers. Enjoyed watching him play the last 2 seasons. He's a fantastic player.

I remember in the commentry on one of the CSI DVD's, (I think it was 'Committed' episode), they mentioned that Paul had gone to Boston to play in a charity hockey game. Thought that was cool. Good man he is!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I remember in the commentry on one of the CSI DVD's, (I think it was 'Committed' episode), they mentioned that Paul had gone to Boston to play in a charity hockey game.

He plays in the Denis Leery Firefighters Fund Charity game every year. He always plays in the Microsoft Challenge benefiting the Ronald McDonald House every year. Plus, he plays in a league in L.A. and yes, he's the oldest guy on the team.

Although NFL football is my first love, I can't wait for hockey to start. The Caps started off well last season and then tanked but with the players they've added, I expect them to be much improved this year.

I've seen very little of his early work( Where does Kate and Allie air?), but I seen a picture of him with a goatee once and found it very strange looking. I'm just used to him being Brass, not as anyone else.

Kate and Allie was on one of the cable channels. It was a rerun from 1988 so who knows when it will come around again. I have to say it's strange to see young PG because he looked so different from Brass. Although I do prefer older PG, I do have to say that I love seeing him in other things.

And that pic of him with the goatee was hawt! I have that as my LJ icon.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

The thing about Paul, is, in his movies, like say "STRIPTEASE" or "THE NEGOTIATOR" & others [he's not even mentioned on my DVD movie in the credits] he's always the 3rd or 4th or even lower in his status/character in the movies, not that it takes away from his superb acting, but never the star :( but on CSI, he's risen to the heights of his career, he is a star!

Re: Paul/Brass #2

desertwind said:
"THE NEGOTIATOR" & others [he's not even mentioned on my DVD movie in the credits]

There's a reason he wasn't in the credits for The Negotiator but I can't recall it, I'll have to see if I can find it.

But yeah, I love that he's last in the credits for CSI. I know some people consider last least important, but it's the opposite. Usually the two main actors are the first and last in the credits (James Spader and William Shatner, for example, in the BL credits)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

PG wrote an excellent piece for the NY Times after Air Force One came out. In the article he talks about the importance of the character actor and why he loves being in that role and not a leading role.

Yes, CSI has given him a lot of exposure but given that he prefers to keep a very low profile regarding it, I'm guessing he doesn't really like all that exposure.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

PG sounds like a man who enjoys his craft; not a man who is after the glory.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Hey, just wanted to bump this to the top and say that I am a huge fan of the Brassman. I know all of the current spoilers for the new season revolve around a certain other character, but I look forward to Jimmy in the new season.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Heads up folks, as the season starts lets keep spoiler info out of unmarked threads, this includes discussions about future episode and pictures. There are alot of people that are trying very hard to remain spoiler free. Threads like this allow that freedom to discuss the actor/character without the temptation.

This is also the time we remind you about when episodes air, there are alot of time zones, therefore we have the rule that when the new eps air any discussion regarding them can not be done in unmarked threads (such as this) until the fineal time zone, so to avoid confusion it was settled on 1:00 est (which would be 10pm west coast time).

For those saying I am in a different country and not able to see it when you do, I am sorry I understand but per the rules of the board, all episodes are no longer new when it airs in the last time zone in the USA. While I understand this might not seem fair, thats how it is and any complaints about that should be directed to the QSF forum.

I thank you all for your time, please carry on with the discussions of your fav.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I thought she looked at him funny because he had a lizard tongue. Anywho, that was a great episode for him. I loved it when he said "Well hello Xena," when Cath found the sword. Thanks for the pics...
Re: Paul/Brass #2

The Brass man with his co-horts in crime "CHANGES" ;)

Re: Paul/Brass #2

I love the Jim Brass character, he brings humor to the show, I just love his little quick jokes he does, they crack me up everytime. :)