Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

That was the special prompt number, just for his age

And me, being the dork that I am, would of course pick his age. That is, the age he is after getting shot. Because apparently getting shot aged him by a couple of years.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

beaujolais said:
Speaking of what we'd like to see in S8 for Brass, I'd like to see one of Brass's East Coast enemies come to Vegas. Maybe one of Mike O'Toole's crew comes looking for a little payback. The case could involve Brass and it would give the CSI's something to investigate.

Now that would be intriguing.

Following this line of discussion... I'd love to see some major Brass continuity with the possible return of Ellie and Annie as well. So many loose threads involving Ellie, I want to see them get resolved ... somehow. Can I also add that I'd love to see the sans tie look return too? I mean, that was hawt. :D
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I'm doing the challenge too. I'm taking Brass to Atlantic City.

I hear you on the East Coast/West Coast thing. The attitudes are totally different on the opposite sides of the country. Weird, eh?

Back On topic, Someone mentioned an Ellie/Annie storyline. I have an idea for one, but I'm afraid I'm going to get boo'd. What about having Ellie be the victim of a crime and Annie having to notify Brass? It could be very dramatic.

*prepares to duck the flying tomatos*
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Can I also add that I'd love to see the sans tie look return too? I mean, that was hawt.

Oooh, I want to second this one! He was doing so well with the polo type shirts and then all of a sudden, the stupid tie is back. I'd also like to see him lose the jacket. The guy has a nice build. He needs to show it off more.

What about having Ellie be the victim of a crime and Annie having to notify Brass? It could be very dramatic.

I could go for that. I could go either way on Ellie. On one hand I'd like to see her patch things up with Jim but on the other, I'd like to see her get whacked and Annie has to go to Vegas to tell Jim. The drama of it would definitely be worth it.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I'm with beaujolais. I'd go with Ellie either patch things up or get knocked off...

Or, on another completely turn of phrase - what if Ellie got knocked up?

I'm writing something similar in a different Brass/Sofia fic...
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Bev said:
Back On topic, Someone mentioned an Ellie/Annie storyline. I have an idea for one, but I'm afraid I'm going to get boo'd. What about having Ellie be the victim of a crime and Annie having to notify Brass? It could be very dramatic.

That would actually make a totally credible storyline. And omg, the angst.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Drumchik said:
I'm with beaujolais. I'd go with Ellie either patch things up or get knocked off...

Or, on another completely turn of phrase - what if Ellie got knocked up?

Ellie getting PG could be interesting. My only question with this is would Ellie take the time to tell Brass? I mean the way they left things the last time they were together Ellie could have cared less about him. When you don't care about someone you don't tell them your PG
Re: Paul/Brass #2

You know there's quite a few ways the writers could deal with the whole Ellie storyline. The knocked up one would be interesting. I'm not sure about one where she's killed off. But I have a few ideas in mind... although they're rather harsh and I don't think it's appropriate to mention them on here... they don't end in death... just a lot of pain and angst. But then anything involving Ellie has pain and angst. And usually most of it's Brass'. I mean Ellie's lucky he loves her as much as he does, he could've written her off years ago and said the hell with it but that's not the kind of man he is and he keeps wanting to make his relationship with her work but she won't let it happen. Hopefully their relationship will gain some ground in the new season.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yes but IF Ellie got pregnant, that doesn't necessarily mean she'd be able to deal with it herself. For all Jim knows, Ellie could leave the kid with him and disappear...

It would be cool to see Ellie back in the new season. I'm still waiting for a meeting between Sofia and Ellie. I bet THAT would be interesting...
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Drumchik said:
It would be cool to see Ellie back in the new season. I'm still waiting for a meeting between Sofia and Ellie. I bet THAT would be interesting...

I would love to see Ellie and Sofia meet. Especially if it's in Brass's presence. Imagine the spin PG could put on that? OMG, it would rock the whole season.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I got the impression in the episode where Brass was shot, Sofia didn't care much for Ellie.

Remember how she talked to Grissom about her? It was interesting.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Bev said:
I got the impression in the episode where Brass was shot, Sofia didn't care much for Ellie.

So did I. And that's why I would love to see Ellie and Sofia meet. Get that angst bubbling. :)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I'd still like to know how Sofia knew about Ellie. It's not like Jim blabs to everyone about all the trouble Ellie's been in and yet, in WtG, Sofia knew Ellie'd been in trouble with the law.