Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

What are we all complaining about? We got a wince!!! :p And I bet that was all PG.

So what kind of legit storyline would you like the writers to bring in to bring Annie back? It'd be interesting to have the LVPD and LAPD working a case together.

I really can't wait for another Ellie episode. If they bring her back then they absolutely have to put in continuity for his shooting and major angst around Ellie bailing the way she did.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Absolutely. Both Ellie and Annie have to come back, especially if this is gonna end up being the last season. I mean I hope not.

Anyway, in regards to Ellie, you're right sfCSI. They have to mention the shooting and Ellie bailing if they bring her back, otherwise what's the point then. I'd also like to see Brass and Ellie make some headway in their relationship and not always end up worse off then they were before.

As for Annie, well considering how HB ended, I'd like some closure on what Annie's decision was and how it affected her life and career afterwards. I mean I know she did the right thing, she seems like a very honest cop and person in general. And even though we didn't get to see it on the show, Jim and Annie must have maintained contact after he returned to Vegas. I mean there's no way that Brass would leave Annie to deal with the repercussions of whatever it is she chose to do. That's why it's even more mind boggling that Annie didn't show up when Jim was shot. I guess the writers thought we would all forget about Annie once HB was over, but that episode made me really love her character and the connection she had with Jim. I'm still sticking to the fact that when CSI is over, Brass should get a spinoff and it should involve Annie. Yeah, Jim moves to L.A. and he and Annie open their own P.I. business or something like that.

So yeah, these are two characters I really hope to see again in season 8. Because both HB and WTG left some unanswered questions in regards to Brass' storylines and character.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yeah, bring Annie back, they just meshed and were so good together, like old friends that could become something more go Brass, and if Ellie does come back, hopefully, she's cleaned up her act, and treats him with some respect and dignity ;)and if there was a poll amonst all CSI fans, he'd get 100% hoopla and raves! everyone loves him! he's the best :cool:
Re: Paul/Brass #2

What are we all complaining about? We got a wince!!!

And the tattoo. Don't forget the tattoo. Hmm, maybe getting a tattoo is the way to resolve everything that ails you. Get shot in the heart and nearly die? Get a tattoo! Sever a couple of limbs in a nasty chain saw accident? Get a tattoo!

when CSI is over, Brass should get a spinoff and it should involve Annie. Yeah, Jim moves to L.A. and he and Annie open their own P.I. business or something like that.

I'm with you on this one brassfan24 but how about we make it NYC instead? Both Donna Murphy and PG live there and that way they could film the series and be close to their families. CSI will probably run for many more years but I fear PG will leave soon. It's got to be really hard doing the coast to coast commute and leaving his family behind.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yeah you got a point there beaujolais. It's hard being away from family. I mean I live in Nova Scotia and my mom and sister are in Ontario. I haven't seen them in 3 years. Anyway, back on topic, you're right it doesn't have to be L.A., I'm all for NYC... I mean Brass and Annie could yearn to get back to their East coast roots. I mean I'm an East coaster and I couldn't imagine being anything else. Granted my East coast home is in Canada but the east coast is the east coast. And I can understand why Paul loves the East coast so much.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

brassfan24 said:
I'm all for NYC... I mean Brass and Annie could yearn to get back to their East coast roots. I mean I'm an East coaster and I couldn't imagine being anything else. Granted my East coast home is in Canada but the east coast is the east coast. And I can understand why Paul loves the East coast so much.

I could see them doing an East Coast going back to their roots type of thing. There'd be tons of storyline fodder, too. Only problem would be CSI already has NY tied up.

I think that out of any CSI Vegas character, Brass is the most obvious choice for a spinoff. And off-topic, yeah, I totally hear you on the East Coast thing. It's such a different world from the West Coast and I love that East coast folks are a lot more like my native Brits.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I'm an East Coaster too, although I have to say, whenever I cross the Rockies and head West, all the stress goes away. It's definitely different on the East Coast but I love it here, stress and all.

And they wouldn't necessarily have to go to NYC. Brass and Annie could go back to their real roots in Newark. That way they wouldn't be crossing up with CSI: NY.

Speaking of what we'd like to see in S8 for Brass, I'd like to see one of Brass's East Coast enemies come to Vegas. Maybe one of Mike O'Toole's crew comes looking for a little payback. The case could involve Brass and it would give the CSI's something to investigate.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

That could be very interesting, beaujolais.

I've entered the Brassfic challenge - I'm taking Sofia and Brass to Hollywood where they may meet up with Ellie etc.

Since we have such great and talented Brass lovers here, how about a little backstory workup on our favorite cop. Is there someone with a great profile or do we need to create one?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

That could be very interesting, beaujolais.

I have a WIP that goes into that premise but all these other little obstacles (namely, ficathons) keep getting in the way.

Is there someone with a great profile or do we need to create one?

There's an extensive Brass biography over on the Jim Brass Fansite here. Check it out.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yeah, I'm taking Brass for a walk along the Appalachian Trail and a dip in Napa. And then there's the Summer Ficathon at GF I've signed up for...All due first week of August.