Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Doesn't Paul try to keep them out of the limelight? I don't think I've seen an image of them.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I have been look for a Brass thread, he is my favourite character behind Sara and Gris.
I love Brass, the no nonsense, wry, wise plan clothes cop. I love it that seems amused by Gris and he has nothing but respect for the team.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Brass is my best friend because of the episode The Good, The Bad, and The Dominatrix. I like the way he treated Lady Heather mainly because I don't like her. Both Brass and Paul have a great sense of humor. He is a like a fatherly figure for Sara. He always thinks of others and he knows about Grissom and Sara.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I like the way in one episode Sofia was able to talk to Brass about youthful sexual encounter on a Harley Davidson and it was not awkward.
He does know about Grissom and Sara, he seems to have a soft spot for Sara, remember the cough sweet and the drinking.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

my all time favourite line of Brass was about the bleach and torturing the miniature killer with it until she talked....he is always funny...and very sarcastic in a good way...
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I loved that scene with Brass as well. I have been watching reruns on Spike and it seems like every episode with Brass there is always some sarcastic remark. I never really noticed it until now. I laugh at almost everything Brass says.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Beings Brass mostly always wears a suit, here's a pic. of him and his cast mates, and they've all got on dress attire, and they all look stunning :p look's like Warrick is the tallest, how tall is Paul?

Re: Paul/Brass #2

I really hope the writers bring back Ellie this season...I would like to see some progress/or not on their relationship...Paul deserves another great episode like
"Hollywood Brass... and it's an interesting, intriging storyline.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Whoa, it's been awhile since I've been here. I've missed this place.

Anyway, can I talk about the finale... first off I agree with everyone who loves Brass' line about the bleach... best line of the episode... I especially loved when he said: "That's not considered police brutality, right?"

But one gripe I do have about the finale and it stems from the previous episode TGTBATD... now we all know that Brass knows about Grissom and Sara and I knew he would be the first person to find out... especially since Paul told the writers he wanted Brass to be the first to know... anyway, how come there wasn't a scene between Brass and Grissom after Sara was abducted... unless we'll get that next season.

Anyway, I also agree that Ellie should definitely come back next season... Annie too. There's some past storylines about Brass that have to be dealt with... I mean we don't know what happened between Jim and Annie before he went back to Vegas, although I have a good idea. Also we need to get Ellie back because I'm not comfortable with the abrupt exit she made in "Way to Go".

So that's my thoughts for now... just thought I'd chime in... cuz I haven't been here in a long time... Long live the Brass love! :D
Re: Paul/Brass #2

brassfan24 said:
Anyway, I also agree that Ellie should definitely come back next season... Annie too. There's some past storylines about Brass that have to be dealt with... I mean we don't know what happened between Jim and Annie before he went back to Vegas, although I have a good idea. Also we need to get Ellie back because I'm not comfortable with the abrupt exit she made in "Way to Go".

I agree that if S8 is indeed the last season then Ellie has to come in again. That's one Brass storyline that absolutely has to be resolved for the good or worse before the show ends. And as much as I'd love to see an Annie/Brass hookup or explanation, I don't think we're going to get it. Heck, I'd take even a mention of her at this point.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I'd love to see Ellie again. And not only would I like to see Ellie again, I'd love to see an Ellie and Sofia encounter. Particularly if they're nice enough to give us a Sofia/Brass hookup. I don't think they're THAT nice, but I would like to see Ellie and Sofia encounter each other again.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Drumchik said:
I'd love to see Ellie again. And not only would I like to see Ellie again, I'd love to see an Ellie and Sofia encounter. Particularly if they're nice enough to give us a Sofia/Brass hookup. I don't think they're THAT nice, but I would like to see Ellie and Sofia encounter each other again.

Oh yeah that would be very interesting to see. Considering Sofia wanted to run Ellie out of town in "Way to Go". Let's just say I really hope the writers give us some Brass centric storylines in season 8... there's way too many loose ends in the storylines that surround Brass and we Brass fans need some answers.

I mean, and this is JMO, Annie should have shown up when Brass was shot. Or at least afterwards. I mean we didn't even see any recovery stories... season 6 ended with Brass awake at the end and boom season 7 comes along and he's back at work... I mean granted I was very glad to see him back... but I actually wanted to see an episode or two where he dealt with his recovery.

Now don't get me wrong season 7 had good cases, it's just none of them focused on Brass. So, I'm just hoping we get at least 1 Brass centric episode in season 8.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I mean, and this is JMO, Annie should have shown up when Brass was shot. Or at least afterwards.

Yup, I was really hoping this would be the opportunity to bring Annie back too but that was just a pipe dream. You know Brass had to have help with his recovery; it would have been nice to have gotten at least a mention as to how he managed.

I mean we didn't even see any recovery stories... season 6 ended with Brass awake at the end and boom season 7 comes along and he's back at work... I mean granted I was very glad to see him back... but I actually wanted to see an episode or two where he dealt with his recovery.

I completely agree with you. I know S7 had some decent Brass episodes but I was so ticked off that we weren't getting any continuity about him getting shot or how he was dealing with the recovery that it really killed the season for me. Add to that the fact that no one other than Warrick and Catherine even acknowledged that he was shot, and well, let's just say the writers really gave Brass the continuity shaft.