Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Brass is 100% my favourite character, haha. He's hilarious, and often says exactly what I'm thinking when I'm ready to roll my eyes at an episode, and brings it all back down to earth so it's believable again, haha! hello everyone :)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

We just had Living Legend here in Australia, and I LOVED the scene with BRass at the beginning where he's talking about the statement of the high school kids in the truck: It went Bam and we went Ahh!

Paul is so great at delivering lines deadpan.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I like him in that suit. It highlights the fact that he was so sunburned in that episode. And when he sunburns, his freckles come out.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I caught some CSI's yesterday on SPIKE, and the one where the kid was found dead in a trash can.. [don't remember the name] anyway Brass is interviewing the soldier , and he tells him he's going out to active duty, and Brass goes in his always slick/smooth comebacks "You're an American Hero, and I mean that, I do" :lol: I cracked up, so right on his quick fast delivery! and later while interogating that scum-bag chick, she goes' I've been in here for a hell of a long time" and he goes "what can I say, I like your company" of course, in complete sarcasm.. again he's so hilarious :D
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I love his sense of humour...if you call call it that
seems like he's seen a lot and the wise cracks just keep coming...and we like him that way
Re: Paul/Brass #2

The episode was "No Humans Involved" and it's one of my S5 favorites because of Brass. Besides having some great lines, I liked that he was working with Sara.

Brass goes in his always slick/smooth comebacks "You're an American Hero, and I mean that, I do"

I thought what he said was interesting, especially since it was before we found out that Brass was a Marine.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Brass is great, 2nd only to Griss in CSI greatness!

I just love how sarcastic he is. He's so droll.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

"No Humans Involved" thank's of course, I think I remember all the titles and then go blank. so why did they switch Ellie's? he was so caught up in her dilemma in "HB" I cried at the end when he layed the flowers and the note at her doorstep :( I also noticed that he wasn't in attendance in Chicago at the Museum event, does anybody know why?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Brass has always been a favorite of mine. His sarcasm and humour are always great.

Desertwind, thanks for the pic. It's great.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

My guess for switching Ellie's is because the first one was too old to be believable as early 20's (she's 32 now). But even if she could pass, maybe she wasn't available.

From what I've read PG and family usually head to Italy around this time of the year. Given that he's probably away from his family for a good chunk of the year, I can see where family time might win over the museum thing.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

That's a good point. I bet he misses his family a lot while he's away.

Has there ever been any mutterings of them moving to LA so he can be closer to them? He must miss them so much and they him.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Has there ever been any mutterings of them moving to LA so he can be closer to them?

I doubt it. PG is definitely an East Coast guy. He's mentioned in a couple of interviews that both he and his wife have family in the NYC/Boston area and that she has her own work that keeps her in NYC. He also said that he has a place in LA where he stays while filming. I'm sure his wife and daughter come out to visit as much as possible.