Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yeah, Jim and Sofia definitely need more scenes together. But I did like Thursday's eppy.

First, Jim with the pop machine. That was priceless. I wish he had of been with me at Wal-Mart when I lost my money in the pop machine there.:lol:. But then I just wish he was with me. :D

Second, it was strange to see Jim in autopsy but a nice change. I guess he went there because Sheila died in his office. Although it was cool to see him in a scene with Doc Robbins. They don't get to work together that often. Only twice before have they had scenes together. In season two's Cross Jurisdictions and season three's Last Laugh. And they did talk on the phone in Hollywood Brass. So, I liked seeing them work together.

And Jim did look good in the blue autopsy coat. Oh and if I didn't say it before... hey writers... how about some more Jim/Sofia scenes. They really need to work more together.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

/\/\/\/\ Ya I was just trying to figure out how many scenes they've had together, because I know it hasn't been many.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

They don't get to work together that often.
Have you ever noticed though that Doc don't seem to be all that friendly towards Jim? In Last Laugh, Doc snarked all over Brass but Brass won out (yay) and then in the last episode, Doc didn't seem all that sympathetic to Jim's concern about possibly being responsible for Sheila's death.

I don't know if it's an age thing or what but in a lot of fan fic it's assumed that these guys are close buddies but I'm not getting that vibe.

I do have to agree about liking Thursday's episode. Not only was the vending machine funny but I loved Brass flirting with Sheila's mom. That's twice this season he's been flirty. Go Brass!

And his "Now I know why I don't like modern art" line was the best.

My only disappointment with this episode was that the writers gave what was supposed to be his line to Megan about selective amnesia to Nick. That ticked me off. They also shortened the scene in his office when Sheila died. In the original script, he gave her CPR.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I agree. I don't see feel the vibe between Doc Robbins and Brass either. I don't believe they're friends. Doc is a bit "snarky" towards Brass. I think if Doc has any friends its Gil and Cath. Mostly Gil.

Like you, I would have loved to see some of the Brass scenes expanded in the last episode. In some scenes, he was left hanging. I would have loved to have seen a CPR scene on Sheila.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Had to comment on Brass from last week's ep. his 'snarkiness' in all it's glory.. some great lines in "TGTBATD' "bad penny keeps turning up' and "get some help' to LH, amonst so many others, must start writing them down, his delivery perfect ;)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yes, Brass had some great lines in TGTBATD but my favorite was this exchange with Catherine:

Brass (referring to the security guard wearing cowboy attire) - "That's the job that cops get after they retire"
Catherine - "You have something to look forward to, Jim"
Brass - "Yes, ma'am"

Somehow I just don't see Brass dresssed up as a Cowboy rent-a-cop. Ever.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

thats an awesome pic! i love brass, i cant wait to see him in the finale.
bat!shit grissom? what about bat!shit brass?!? thats going to be great :)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I loved Brass's comment about the Bleach at the end of the show....he's so awesome when he is mad
Re: Paul/Brass #2

it seems that he provides funny lines more and more...he can be so sarcastic at times ...he reminds me of at times...(scary thought)