Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Okay, so CSI isn't going to go on forever. By the end of its run, any normal show would resolve the whole Ellie thing after bringing it in during Season 2, and I always thought that CSI was on track to do that, but now I'm having some serious doubts.

I kinda assumed somewhere during the show's final seasons Ellie would a)End up losing her life and Brass dealing with it/her, or b)Ellie would sort herself out after some type of Hollywood Brass incident.

Now I don't.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I would love some resolution with Ellie and also continuity from his shooting. This is probably just me, but I'd love a Brass/Sofia resolution to before the series ends.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I wish they'd let Brass and Sofia have a few scenes together. I liked that they made her the other main detective but I didn't know it would mean they'd never get a scene together again--well, except for a couple in Fannysmackin'.

I'd also like to see some resolution with Ellie but I'd love to know what Annie decided to do with that evidence.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

It's a pity we haven't had too much Brass/Sofia interaction lately. They play so well off each other.

You know, if they put all the mini Brass and Sofia scenes together, imagine how much Brass and Sofia there'd be taking up an episode! Instead of 20 secs flash time, we might have 40!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yeah, I'd love to see more Jim/Catherine scenes this season too. Although, I do like when Jim works with Sofia. Also, I want to see Brass work with Grissom a lot more. They work great together.

Yeah, I agree with you Beaujolais, Brass and Grissom definitely should have had a goodbye scene in Leaving Las Vegas and instead Brass wasn't even in the episode. Not only that, they should have had a scene together in Law of Gravity too but that didn't happen either.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Ya since Brass was the focus point of a lot of events last season, it seems like he has gotten the short end of the stick this season. The only episode I really remember Brass making an impact on this season was Loco Motives, only because of the running bet he had with the suspect. They need MORE BRASS this season and more of his sarcasum, it is just another one of those little aspects that make this show great
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Not only that, they should have had a scene together in Law of Gravity too but that didn't happen either.

Yup, you're right about that. Just like Brass should have been on the scene when Catherine was rushing that hotel room.

It seems like the writers have been purposely writing Brass out of a lot of stuff that he used to be in. In the past he would have been right there with Grissom or Catherine. Heck, remember how much he used to hang around the crime lab in previous seasons? We never get to see scenes like that any more.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I was looking forward to a Brass/Grissom scene in LLV and that drink scene in Locomotives as well. I love the Brass/Grissom scenes, so I think it would have been nice if Brass would have at least had a scene welcoming Grissom back in LoG.

I miss Brass when he's not around. He's one of the best characters on the show.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I just realized that unless I've totally missed something, Grissom has never acknowledged that Jim was shot. You'd think the stupid writers would have given Grissom a little scene asking how Jim was doing.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

That would have been good, considering Grissom was the one who made the decision.

Have any of the other characters acknowledged it?