Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

There was a spoiler back in S6 (Room Service, I believe) in which Brass mentions having a brother and that they didn't get along. Unfortunately, it was just in the spoilers and got cut from the actual episode.

And it could be that his mother is alive but is still back East and not well enough to travel. Considering we only saw maybe a few days of him in the hospital, who knows, maybe his family came later. Plus, I'd really like to think Annie came to visit him--after Warrick called to give her the news, of course.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

She was in Hollywood Brass, right? That other cop?

I think Sofia came and sat with Brass when no one else was there - so he wouldn't be all alone :D
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Annie is Captain Annie Kramer, from L.A. (Hollywood Brass) who Brass had an affair with when they were both back in New Jersey.
Re: Paul/Brass #2


I've got to remember when I'm stuck on a Brass fanfic to get to you or Brassfan. You two know all that is Brass.

And I still love that avatar!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

And I still love that avatar!

Thanks but I can't take credit for Snarky Paul (I think this came from the 100th episode party, btw). A good friend, who also loves Brass, made it along with a plethora of others.

And yes, in the few years I've been a Brass fan, I've accumulated all sorts of Brass facts for fics. If you need help, let me know. I've actually been contacted by quite a few writers on another board for Brass info. :cool:
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Okay, I have to say that season 7 so far has had major Brass. Although the storylines haven't centered around him, we've still seen lots of him. I think season 7 is really great so far. Hope we get see a lot more Brass this season.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Okay, I have to say that season 7 so far has had major Brass. Although the storylines haven't centered around him, we've still seen lots of him. I think season 7 is really great so far.

Wow, I've been totally disappointed with this season. Brass has been missing or has done nothing more than a fly-by in a lot of the episodes so far. Yeah, he was around last night but what did he do? Where was he when Catherine was rushing to the hotel room? Heck, Hodges has had more screen time and in a couple of episodes, they've used one particular uniformed officer more than Brass.

And don't even get me started on how TPTB have dropped the ball with regards to him getting shot. He gets a tattoo and a commendation in one episode, a slight twinge in another episode and then what? Nothing. Not even a passing reference to the fact that he nearly died. TPTB had a perfect opportunity to have him deal with the aftermath and instead, nothing. Unless they can redeem themselves with a "very special Brass" episode before the end of the season, I'm not bothering with the DVD's--and that would be a first.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yeah, he hasn't been around as much, I was thrilled to see him last night, I go, (talks to self ) thank gawd at least Brass is here, he's alway a strong force, but his sarcastic comments are becoming more scarce, and I miss them, guess they figure after "TOYD" that's enough for him, but now that this Keppler character is gone, maybe he'll get more screen time, he's good with all the cast members ;)

Re: Paul/Brass #2

I have to say a big, fat ditto to what Beaujolais said. Even though some of the eps have been decent this season, the overall quality has been really schizo and Brass's screen time ratcheted down to almost a flyby in at least four eps.
Seriously disappointed.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Okay, I can tell when I'm wrong here. But I thought there was plenty of Brass in Toe Tags, Fannysmackin', Double-Cross, Burn Out, Living Legends, Loco Motives & Redrum.. Unless I'm not fully watching these episodes. So, yeah I agree that his shooting hasn't been dealt with quite like it could be but there's been a sufficient amount of Brass to satisfy me this season. Although Thursday's eppy didn't have enough of him and there's only been one episode this season where he didn't appear at all and I think that's pretty good. But hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. ;)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Yes, he was missing completely in Leaving Las Vegas, which ticked me off to no end. Give a guy the POA to your life and they don't even write you in to the script to say good-bye. He got maybe 30 seconds in Built to Kill Pt 2 and he did a fly-by in Sweet Jane. Those come quickly to mind without having to go back and look. In some of the other episodes, like the one last night, he's just...there. And to me that's such a waste of his talent, not to mention his complete hotness this season.

In Loco Motives--he was supposed to be with the SWAT team that went to Ernie Dell's and then afterward, he and Gil went out for drinks but those were cut from the script.

I think my biggest disappointment with this season has been the lack of continuity for him. TPTB had the perfect opportunity to carry the effects of the shooting over (I'm talking subtle effects, like in Toe Tags), and they've done nothing. Then there are scenes like last night, where Brass should have been there and he wasn't. I get the impression that the cast is so big, the writers don't know how to work everyone in. Yes, everyone gets their time in the spotlight but sheesh, just give us some freakin' continuity when our favorites are there and maybe we'd all be happy.

There are still several episodes to go so maybe the season will redeem itself and we'll get an appearance by Annie or Ellie or both and we'll learn that Brass has been having a hard time with getting shot after all--sort of like the way they dealt with him shooting Bell.

And FWIW, Brass was missing from a couple of episodes and did several flybys last season but we got quality Brass over quantity Brass. This year hasn't been quality so to me, the quantity is much more noticeable. But as is true for everything PG does, he always makes the most of what he has to work with.