Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

LOL...I'd like to see him cross with NY just to meet Mac and Flack. Mac's a fellow Marine, and he could snark with Flack.

Brassfan you should check out NY, it's a good show :)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Just caught the movie Celtic Pride. Dumb movie but Paul in uniform as a Boston cop? Freakin' hawt!

And Bev, I forgot to mention that my avie is courtesy of my buddy, inamberclad, on LJ. She does great artwork and is responsible for most of my Brass/Paul icons.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

There are two more interviews that Paul did for Spanish papers. You can find translated versions HERE Scroll down. They are towards the bottom.

Also, I wonder if PG would ever consider doing Law and Order after his CSI stint ends? I understand that's filmed in NYC.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I can so see Paul in L&O. He'd be great; he's perfect for it.

Whether he played a cop or a bad guy, he'd be awesome. I'd love to see him replace Jerry Orbach. Now, that would be cool.

Oooh, Here's an idea... Jim Brass transfers to NYC and joins L&O.

I love it. Paul and Sam Waterston on the same show.

Okay, I'll quit rambling now.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Paul appeared in L&O as Anthony Scalisi (1990) "Everybody's Favorite Bagman" where he played a mob solider of sorts, then L&O Movie "Exiled" that aired (1998) as Det. Sammy Kurtz
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Destiny said:
Paul appeared in L&O as Anthony Scalisi (1990) "Everybody's Favorite Bagman" where he played a mob solider of sorts, then L&O Movie "Exiled" that aired (1998) as Det. Sammy Kurtz

You're right. I'd forgotten about that.

You gotta admit, it'd be cool to have him there as Brass.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I'd love to see Paul on SVU. For the reason that my two favorite guys in this world are Paul and Ice-T. And believe it or not... Jim and Fin are kinda alike. I've noticed certain similarities between the two characters. Or maybe that's because I love both guys so much. But I'd love to see a CSI/SVU crossover. It would kick ass to see Jim and Fin working together. But then again that's a dream of mine.

Also, about a month ago I finally saw Exiled: The Law & Order Movie... I was so excited because both Paul and Ice-T were in this movie... but then I was disappointed because they didn't have a scene together. And Paul had a bigger role than Ice. But it was still really awesome to see them both.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I caught the Exiled Law and Order ep over the summer, but I haven't seen the other episode he appeared in. He's a very versatile actor. It's nice seeing him in all his different roles.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Okay so in this last episode we find out Brass is officially from Newark. Did we know that already? I always thought he was from Newark so I'm guessing it's been mentioned before?
Re: Paul/Brass #2

So he was born there, or he just lived there before coming to Vegas?

And I wonder if his ex-wife is still in Newark. Or any of Brass's family.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I got the feeling that Brass was born there (or in that general area) and that his ex wife, at least, was still there.

I think Ellie maybe in the LA area, but who knows.