Orgy in the break room! Bring all your characters!!

I promise I'll return Nick in a bit...we're havin' a Southern thang goin' on right now. ;) :p :devil: Just a hayride 'round the farm.
Hey folks this is an orgy, not a mixer, please return all naked CSI, detectives, lab tech, etc to the break room table for some group snogging. *says as she hides Sara under her shirt*
Hey Athena when Aggie gets done with Grissom I will joing you and Sara and bring along Cath. Aggie feel free to join us as well. Oh heck forgot about Lady Heather. She could liven things up. :devil:
Oops, forgot to meantion that Lady Heather is here with me and Grissom as well! :devil: But we'll gladly join you guys!
Okay, just one question.

How long is the line up for Nick? Is there a sign up sheet somewhere so at least I can go grab Brass for a bit and have some fun with him, then come back for Nick.

And I can see the line up for Grissom is pretty long, so I'll just tack up the sign up sheet.

I mean really folks, don't deny yourself fun while waiting.

Okay, where's Brass and Vartann.
Hey Athena when Aggie gets done with Grissom I will joing you and Sara and bring along Cath. Aggie feel free to join us as well. Oh heck forgot about Lady Heather. She could liven things up. :devil:
Sweet! I brought some chocolate and whip cream from the pent house. Hand me those cherries will you?
I will gladly hand you the cherries Athena and I brought along some strawberries as well. They are good for dipping. Now who gets control of what. Maybe grissom can top things with the cherries and Cath and use the whip cream and Sara can feed us the strawberries and Lady Heather can tell us all what to do. :devil: Oh and I am sure Greg might want to watch.
Greg's with me. We're having a horizontal wrestling match, we'll be back soon. ::takes off with Greg in tow.::
Oooo! Strawberries great! I love chocolate covered strawberries or chocolate covered Sara... mmmm...