When I first saw 'Snakes' and heard this song, I was very interested to know what it was, when I tried to search for the song, like many of you, I came up with nothing. I then figured someone will surly find out what it is at some point, so I left it at that. The more I've watched 'Snakes', the more it's bothering me. Then when I watched CSI Miami's 'Forced Entry' and I heard the song again, I thought "right that's it, I need to know what the hell this song is". :lol:
Anyway, after reading all your post's, I did various searches on all know search engines and again came up blank. I then listened to various songs by Juanes and Ekhymosis, and got nothing. After that, yesterday I emailed CBS in the hope they could help. I received an email back from them within about 2 hours, basically telling me to contact CSI in directly and gave me a postal address. (I can't say I'm surprised CBS didn't know, but I thought I'd give them a go.) So now, I'm trying to find a way to contact CSI other than mailing them, but I can't find a email address, only other network stations that air CSI. So I really do not have much of a choice other than to send them a letter. I'll do this at the weekend. Once I know, I'll obviously let you guys know. Wish me luck.
Dutchie, that songtapper is a really go idea. I'm at work at the moment so I can't give it a go, but I'll try later on today, hopefully we may have some luck with it.