One thing that annoys me the most...

The things that annoy me the most: 'Horatio-isms'. Why does the guy always have to look and talk like he's gonna kill someone? :lol: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
what i cant stand is Horatio
i just can't, hes a terrible actor and he TRYS to do those things that Grissom does before a commercial :lol:
just bugs me. they should kill him off :)
& the way he always take his sun glasses off, like whats the point of putting them on if u are just gonna take em off two seconds later?

there. thats all that bugs me about that show. oh and the lack of ryan wolfe. i love him.

and CSI and CSI:NY are perfect.
Except that nick keeps shaving his head :mad:
Now now, let's not talk about killing characters off the show. Even in jest, that's not nice. This thread is for expressing annoyance, so let's make sure it stays at that. ;)
when sara doesnt have enough screen time, i get annoyed, i dont want her in every single scene, but i do want a lot of scenes per ep with her in cause shes my fav character.

also that they seem to know EVERYTHING. lol, anything and everything, and that they nearly always find what their looking for. always a fibre somewhere, always a hair, nearly always something to help them along. everything nearly always goes their way, and that they solve 99% of their cases.
When people don't like Sofia just because they think she is stealing Grissom from Sara. Hate to break it to you but she's not.

of course she's not, he's with Sara now.

sophia i find annoying-the character etc. i just never warmed to her.

and the lady on Miami-the one that does the autopsy, i forget her name, but her, because every single scene nearly, shes talking to the dead victim 'aw this shouldnt have happened to you' etc etc. i appreciate how she feels, id feel the same way, but i get sick and tired of hearing it nearly everytime shes on scene.

edit: apologies, i just realised i should have edited my post above and included this there, sorry!
I was going to point out the editing thing, Sara_Grissom_Fan, but you did it for me. ;)

I agree about Alexx (?) on Miami with the victims. I like that she sympathizes with them, and I usually don't get bothered by her talking to the corpses, but sometimes I roll my eyes at those parts.
How everybody seems to have Cell service everywhere and their cell phones never die. Just once can H's cell die or the can you hear me now.. good. :lol:
I really can't stand it when Horatio takes off his sunglasses/ stands with hands on hips. Does he think it looks cool? 'Cos it's totally irritating.
brainfood said:
I really can't stand it when Horatio takes off his sunglasses/ stands with hands on hips. Does he think it looks cool? 'Cos it's totally irritating.
David puts his hands on his hips in his movies too... :rolleyes:
Faylinn said:
I like that she sympathizes with them, and I usually don't get bothered by her talking to the corpses, but sometimes I roll my eyes at those parts.
That used to really bother me when Miami started, I've gotten used to now and it does really bother me much. What does irritate me a bit, is when H points things out on the body to Alexx, as if she never realised it was there. :lol:
:lol: That's very true--or if he basically stands there, arms akimbo, and tells the other CSIs what to do, as if he can't be bothered to get his hands dirty. :lol: I'm sorry, Horatio, but did your arms grow that way from standing with your hands on your hips too long? :lol:
I find it funny and kind of annoying when in either of the CSIs ones they complete a PCR reaction or anything else, actors have this cute "hmmm" prondering look on their faces. I think the only reason that I find it is because I work in a research lab and I do the same tests and stuff without the facial expressions. I know that it was more funny than annoying, but just wanted to give you my two cents.
GrissomFREAK said:
The things that annoy me the most: 'Horatio-isms'. Why does the guy always have to look and talk like he's gonna kill someone? :lol: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
Too true and instead of speaking he just stares at someone until they give in!!
What annoys me is when they explain something to another CSI that obviously another CSI would know. Now I know they're doing it for our benefit, but just once I'd love for someone to snap back, "Did you mistake me for a civilian?"