One thing that annoys me the most...

CSI_Chic said:

When H refers the to Hummer as a CAR!!! or TRUCK.. Yo dude it's a SUV..Call it that or just the Vehicle

He he he, I do that all the time, we just bought a Tahoe and whenever I call it a car, my husband gets mad. "IT IS NOT A CAR!!!!!!"

The thing that really annoys me is when they end an episode, and it seems like they just tacked on the ending. Like they were going along and all of a sudden the director, or whoever, suddenly yells, "Damn, we only have 2 minutes left, you there, you did it, let them cuff you." No explanation or anything.
Can_I_be_U said:
CSI_Chic said:

When H refers the to Hummer as a CAR!!! or TRUCK.. Yo dude it's a SUV..Call it that or just the Vehicle

He he he, I do that all the time, we just bought a Tahoe and whenever I call it a car, my husband gets mad. "IT IS NOT A CAR!!!!!!"
You're forgiven but not the writters. They should know better :lol: I would think GM would aprecate, espcailly if they sponser them.

Yup another thing.... Long sleeves in Miami? Sweaters? Pants? Hello 90 degree weather.. does no one sweat? it's not like the Midwest.. were we freeze our butts most of the year:lol:
I was watching 'One Night Stand' (csi:Miami) and since when is Pennslyvanina consider the Midwest???
When the Lab tech guy said that he check the midwest states and metion PA but now like MN or WI I was like Huh...It was kinda anoying
The Fact that LV CSIs are robots. No emotions of feelings whatsoever. God forbid you get a tingling feeling while working on a case!!!!

Oh and how when they're with the audio guys they'll tell them, "Can you isolate that sound in the end for me?"

And the audio guy would be like, "Oh that'll take me a while...oh wait I got something!" Happens every single freaking time! on all three of the CSIs!
I am annoyed by the fact that we never get to see a CSI having fun and genuinely happy. It's really too bad. Their families are usually messed up and their love lives are a little... confusing! Is it too much to ask for a scene of a family running around a park and enjoying themselves? Guess not.
I know! I would love to see at least an image of them shopping, or getting out of the shower *cough* Grissom *cough* Or coming home after solving a case and throwing the keys on a table nearby and then sitting on a couch and turning on the TV (though, we got to see that with Nick Stokes!)...But yeah that would be great... :)
*perk* Shower? Yummm....A Gris or Warrick or Nick one...or Mac, Flack or Danny :) Or even Hawkes. Just not Sid. That's a creepy place lol.

it's true about the families...most of 'em are single (Nick,Danny,Flack) or fighting (Warrick)...Gris and Sara seem happy but we haven't seen much home life. The ones with kids, like Brass, Cath,Sid and Doc Robbins either have messed up kids or ones we don't see. And then there are Horatio and Mac who've lost women. Horatio's die or leave, and we just learned about idea how they are off the job after the case handling fight.
[rant]When Lindsay is either a suck up, a show off, or a whiner. "Why do I get all the bad jobs?". Oh, please. Why become a CSI if you aren't willing to do some gross stuff now and then? That's like becoming a doctor, but saying you don't like blood. [/rant] Just had to release all the pent up annoyance. This thread is very theraputic :lol:.
It also bugs me when we get lots of random and usually unbelievable info. Stella can dance, Danny knows about art, Mac has extensive knowledge in ancient Chinese weaponry... these are all really cool, but you can't know everything!
Why aren't Grissom and Sara allowed to work with anyone else but each other? It's getting REALLY annoying.

And apparently Grissom and Catherine aren't allowed to interact or look at each other anymore. *rolls eyes*
The lighting! Why does it have to be soooo dark inside the labs? You would think that as scientists they would figure out how to turn on the lights...
CSI_Chic said:
We've never seen Horatio's house... what does he live at the lab???
we've seen Grissom's and Macs..
When did we see Grissoms? The only ones i have seen are catherine and Sara's.

These things dont really annoy me there just general wonderings:
1)I was wondering why when they walk into a house and they start looking round with their torches why dont they just switch on a light??

2)And how come they never bump into things like ever me and my friends are always falling over/bashing into stuff but those guys seem to be acident free?? (Apart from once catherine who tripped over nicks air hole in grave danger but thats about it??)

3)Why does Nick wear a turtle neck jumper in the middle of the desert??

4)How come they know everything abut everything from taking apart cars, to when hodges lists off a bunch of chemicals and they go 'ahh that makes handwash right should of known!' (Nobody's memory is that good)
It annoy's me that I never saw a csi:m actor cry on screen. even though lot's of death within the cast have happened. and on the other hand why is there never one with a happy genuine face!
1. I hate it when the killers are children.

2. I hate that all the female victims are beautiful and always have their nails perfectly manicured, their legs shaved, gorgeous underwear, etc. Don't any regular women get killed?

3. Similar to 2, the crime scenes always seem so pristine. "Look, I found a hair!" Geez, if they came to my house, I hate to think what they might find. I'm not a slob — most of my friends think I'm a neat freak — but I don't vacuum and mop or even wash dishes every day.